How do you prevent your daughter from becoming a whore?
How do you prevent your daughter from becoming a whore?
the only pole she rides is daddy's till you find a suitable replacement
or don't be a degenerate and teach her the redpilled truth.
After deep investigation of the problem I have decided that, due to outside influences I cant totally remove her from in any legal way, she will become a whore anyway in this civilization.
So I simply make certain she never gets born.
>So I simply make certain she never gets born.
Dont worry. You never had the chance for her to be born anyways.
You can't. Think about it logically.
Have 8 kids and bank on 2 of them being decent. Just let the 6 do their own thing if you can't stop it with reasonable effort. Same logic for when infant mortality was high. Quantity, not quality.
Your kids are their own people. You can't control them and don't own them shouldn't want to. People like you should just not have kids but considering the fact you're posting this you're luckily probably a genetic dead end.
you don't and you shouldn't
i'm gonna fuck your daughter, OP
Homeschool her.
You can't, parents can't raise thier kids anymore.
It used to be that a takes a village to raise a kid, but when that village is being influenced by social media that is turning girls into whores. You might as well accept that fact or live in the woods with your family
>he thinks he will stop her from being a whore
Unless she specifically doesn't want to be a whore in these times, she will be one anyway.
these girls are throwing their back so hard but nothing happening t. girl with tiny ass
You've already lost. Sorry.
sexual impulsivity is directly related to personality traits, theyre not choices, you would know this if you actually got laid
By not having one. Having a daughter is cuckolded.
Freedom with guidance is the most likely scenario where she will turn out traditional.Forcing anything will cause a teenager to do the opposite.
unironically the best way is to just not shelter them or be over protective of them. They'll grow to hate you hide things from you and sneak around. The minute they go off to college or whatever they'll be fucking guys 24/7 to make up all the missed experiences she had of teen love. Literally the best way is to don't be controlling or give her daddy issues. Give her a strong man she can rely on and confide in and don't make her scared of you coming to you with her problems.
Give me the blessings to marry your daughter user, I'm very responsible.
Lol xd pwnd
The set of women, W, and the set of women who are whores,W_h, are are not mutually exclusive.
In fact, women are a proper subset of whores.
Therefore all women are whores
Raise her to take too much pride in herself to do any of that.
Except this is a huge factor too. So, return quality to the general public first, or grow up in a small flyover town.
thats not true at all, theres girls not allowed to date who just turn into femcels
relocate to abu dhabi. salafi academic learning only...cyber sharia. digital isolation. do not learn english, not even a single letter of that degenerate script. Islamic calligraphy and sew rugs only. marriage at 14. inshallah
Arab girls are just as slutty
Why would you expect anything different?
Female sexuality disgusts me
Never had a daughter but have a little sister
And I can confirm that you don't ;_;
This. If you have a daughter in the first place you have already lost.
Have a son instead
Don't have a daughter. Simple.
She's just dancing user
I suggest you do it too, alone in your room where nobody can judge you. It's cathartic af, a lot better than screaming or punching things like a caveman
there's a difference between dancing and coordinated negroid mating ritual gestures user
Shield her from the Electric Jew and Nigger culture.
You are going to have to homeschool her. No way you can prevent her from turning into a slut if you send her to public school, those are basically babysitting centers for nogs and brainwashing centers for everyone else.
You will also have to build her confidence and self-worth into the stratosphere. If she isn't a Stacy by the time she matures, you're gonna have to hope there is a God and he listens to your prayers because there is a good chance that she gets bamboozled into the cock carousel by roasties or players looking to drag her into the degeneracy.
Finally: Religion.
Real shit, religion is the easiest way to help prevent your daughter from turning into a whore, BUT ONLY IF THE CHURCH YOU ARE GOING TO IS NOT KEKED.
If it is one of those churches filled with (((born-again virgins))), (((turn the other cheek))), (((don't judge, gawd luvs everyone))) it aint gonna work.
If you've successfully built her self-confidence and she believes to her core that she deserves to have a guy set up their lives together before she gifts him her pussy, you'll have a very high chance of not having a slut for a daughter.
It is going to be hard as fuck and you are going to be fighting tooth and nail to keep (((modern))) society from warping your daughter, but it can be done.
Post cute butt unless you are a mentally ill tranny. You obviously are
In the woods, barefoot and away from all society. Sell her to a suitable husband for as big a dowry as you can get. Women should be property again, like they always have been outside the last 150 years.
Return to tradition.
Be a good role model and be active in her life, she'll base her standards for men on you. Help her cultivate productive and deep hobbies and interests, and she'll be much less attracted to surface level pleasures. Demonstrate and reward responsibility, and she'll learn the importance of delayed gratification, not just doing things that feel good in the moment. Care about her interests and give her the trust she deserves, and she won't feel the need to rebel and hide things from you.
She cant be a whore if she is your own personal little slut. Turn her into your daughter/wife, as it should be
OP thinks he can stop women from being whores kek
make her physically deformed?
If being a whore is based on sexual appeal than remove the appeal.
That way she can meet and love someone who is willing to accept who she is, including the deformities.
this. you need to massage her early contacts a little, but the best thing to do is not be a hardass father, but not be a pushover either.
Hardass fathers who wear those cringey shirts ALWAYS create reactionary daughters
>she'll base her standards for men on you
also this. If you make weird comments about other women its all over.