The post that broke the brains of Twitter, Reddit, iFunny, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /lit/...

Because I'm asexual, I don't care about relationships or friendships, I enjoy spending my time playing my guitar, reading and writing, either music or just journaling my thoughts. I don't seek validation from external sources like you do.
You don't have to work, I never said you do, but if you're not going to put in the effort to get better then you have no right to complain and act like a little bitch. You're just mildly autistic, boo fucking hoo, you aren't disabled from birth, something which totally prevents you from ever getting better, all your problems are managable

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Everything was decided for you before you were even born, you are a loser because you didn't have to work for anything

>You don't have to work, I never said you do, but if you're not going to put in the effort to get better then you have no right to complain

My point is that you don't have to work an inch if you're attractive. Everything falls on your lap. This is why if you aren't beautiful you should at least have access to painless suicide methods.

>Because I'm asexual
>I don't seek validation from external sources like you do.
an extremely abnormal person trying to give advice. my god this thread is a gold mine for bringing out all the fucking crazies. it happens every time.

Its really not. How do you think chad got those big muscles? He worked hard for it. Chad has experienced rejection many times, and I promise it hurts him just as bad as when you get rejected. But he keeps trying, because if you dont continue to work on yourself nothing will happen for you.

haha yeah, that would be crazy think about it for a second - wild shit, bro

>How do you think chad got those big muscles?

Because he was raised in a normal household that encouraged health and exercise instead of plopping their kids in a McDonalds play place? Because he's genetically predisposed to being tall and having a strong jawline? Because he doesn't have a history of mental illness?

You're beyond delusional, you have no right to call anyone crazy, you are so stuck in your own little bubble its fucking crazy
>This is why if you aren't beautiful you should at least have access to painless suicide methods
You don't deserve shit, no one deserves anything, why should a person take responsiblity over you taking your life and feel guilty for life because he let you kill yourself? You could fix most of your problems, yet instead you sit and wallow in your despair, guess what user, everyone has it rough, yes even attractive people, you aren't special and life isn't fair, the fact that you deluded yourself into thinking you're some special snowflake when it comes to this just shows how truly narcissistic and self centered you are

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this is the type of person who would enthusiastically perform the walmart chant

>You don't deserve shit

But the guy that was born beautiful and tall does?