Who else wants to die here

I feel miserable 24/7.
I'm always thinking about suicide.

I'm a 22yo KHHV. I have no friends and no job. I hate existing.

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just feel happy

my man, just get a fucking job
focus on getting a job, turn your life around

become a successful and high value man
do it for YOU , not for anyone else, do it for your own life

and believe me, the happiness will come

once working, women and friends will come

also RIP Ciara

What would you like to have in life?

not op but i have been working for more than a year and the only thing that I don't have is a gf. Any tips?

do you regularly talk to girls? what are your hobbies? what do you do for fun?

I know with COVID a lot of things are shut down but what do you enjoy doing?

also what do you look for in a girl and what are you expecting out of it? ie. do you just want companionship, do you want hook ups, do you want a long term relationship etc?

Non-existence or a gf.

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Why are you asking this on r9k. We're either losers or losers who pretend to be not

Ciara being dead gives me the will to live. I can't wait till the next one drops off. I hope it's Kasper.

Imagine you have a gf. You'd still feel miserable after a few months. But if you want a gf first step is to meet girls. Are you willing to do that?

because fuck you.
>also what do you look for in a girl and what are you expecting out of it? ie. do you just want companionship, do you want hook ups, do you want a long term relationship etc?
anything honestly. I want a long relationship and have sex since im a virgin.
>do you regularly talk to girls?
>what are your hobbies?
watching movies.
>what do you do for fun?
play games

why did this have to happen? Could things have been different?

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I'm ugly as sin, hairy, poor, jobless, no social skills

I wouldn't date me. Why would any sane person date me?

>anything honestly. I want a long relationship and have sex since im a virgin.

thats a good outlook on it my man, a loving and caring relationship is a good thing. focus on that and rule out any girls who wouldn't be serious about it and just wants a short term fuck buddy

try and meet girls, whether its through local activities, or church, or even people you know, try talking to people you know you never know who can connect you with other people

watching movies is great, try finding cinema loving chicks (there are a ton, especially film student type chicks), or go to movie meet ups etc , but like i said i know covid has made it hard

and you can also try to find chicks who play the same games you do , whether its online games or board games etc , i know its easier said than done but it requires a lot of effort

because you're a person and you have value, you're a human being and you're you, you have positive traits - don't let low self esteem hurt you and have a negative outlook on life

look around when you go outside, even men that would be considered "ugly" have wives, don't assume that women are only attraced to the six pack, they love PEOPLE
put yourself out there and be a force of good, give off good vibes, do good deeds and people will notice

First tip for getting a girl is to stop actively trying. Girls can smell thirsty guys and it puts them off. Focus on being happy by yourself, pick up a hobby (not vidya) and if you still cant meet em in person make some okcupid or eharmony shit. But dont define your worth by having a gf or not. Take it from someone that turned it around.

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wow thanks for the feedback. Very nice and helpful.
Let me ask you for more advice. If I went to to a woman I have never met, what should I say? Because people usually say. Go up and talk to her. As if it were that easy.
So how should I approach and what should I say to make it successful?

>, pick up a hobby
Yeah like what?

>okcupid or eharmony shit
I dont live in america so i dont think that would work

First off, if you hate yourself no 10/10 gf will make you happy. Not in the long run. Think about what would make you happy instead.

Don't know what will make you happy? Think of what will make you unhappy and stay away from it.

become the joker

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Yo OP, you live in Texas? you look familiar

Same, but i'm 35. I just keep working for...some reason, I'm sporadically working out between manic episodes and my goal is to become very attractive, and a complete psychopath, and I wanna make women who hit on me feel rotten and horribly, helplessy depressed like i've felt these past 20 years. I don't even want her or the sex, just completely devaluing her and discarding her for being a slut would be like a slice of strawberry cheesecake for my soul:)

pic related is not op, it's ciara horan

why the fuck does it fucking say "post sucessful" but my threads aren't showing up? Fuck all of you

itll be alright you can come work for me soon comes with loads of great percs and itll be alright

boo hoo dil8 and kys

This is the most retarded thing I've read all day. I'm successful in my career and I still consider offing myself multiple times a day. A job won't fix shit other than you might be able to afford those upscale hookers you lust over.

>once working, women and friends will come
For a well adjusted human thats true but for most people on here thats shit tier advice. Capitalism is the root of alot of our problems

Whatever you are feeling is valid and it is okay to feel the way you do.

HOWEVER, do know that what you are feeling is TEMPORARY.

Suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem.

1-800-273-TALK (8255)


People love to peddle bullshit like "if you need someone else to be happy then you'll never be happy" or some shit like that. You can have health success and everything else in the world but still he unhappy, it's human to want affection.

Suicide is the logical solution to everything tho. All the reasons for not to suicide like missing out on life and etc simply dont apply because you are dead and wont feel guilt, regret or anything. Humanity should do a collective suicide pact and just stop existing

If someone says you need to love yourself first you know they are retards with zero self awareness and no instropection capabilities. How can someone who was never shown love or affection somehow magically think they are lovable? So you say that everyone Who has a girlfriend/boyfriend is happy with themselves? Everyone is fucking miserable nowadays, stop spewing retarded nonsense and face reality

u saved a life today

thank u for ur service

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Christ, fuck off. Suicidal people aren't fucking retarded and anyone who knows how to post to r9k knows how to use Google. Copy pasting this useless fucking hotline is virtue signaling bullshit. Calling the hotline is 100% useless unless you have a fetish for getting cuffed, strip searched, locked up in a hospital for a week, and paying 100s or 1000s in bills for an involuntary stay. But yea keep copy pasting that shit so you can pretend to actually care about some user, who can call the number and talk to another person who pretends to care