What the hell happened to Jamal?
This is the black bull Schlomo told us about
Damn Jamal what happened?
having a chocolate femboy would be so nice.
God damn nig bois are fucking sissies
you post the same garbage. keep living on that plantation
You're a retarded chink who knows nothing lmfaoooo chinks are the most socially retarded subhumans on Earth
They are weirdly common in Tulsa and almost better looking than black girls here as well because they dont drown themselves in makeup like normal black girls.
same old shet, by the same old peeps
Asian men have tiny dicks and no women want you
projecting, the post. got any more pasta?
Projecting how? Everyone knows Asian men have the smallest dicks and no women want you
Literally no one want Asian guys
here we go. bamp
Imagine marrying a black trap and making her the happiest woman (male) in the world.
seek help white boi, you spam this stuff almost everyday at every hour...
Damn never knew black bois were fucking sissies
>Damn never knew black bois were fucking sissies
ur coping
Blacks are more likely to be trannies per capita.
Coping with the fact that you're a sissy black transsexual
Blacks are 33% more likely to be trannies than the general population while whites are 20% less likely
whites are still more feminine.
Im not black lol. Stop spamming black trannies though, no one wants to see them
No you're a cuck faggot. I want to see them and you're not a human so your faggot opinion is irrelevant.
Blacks are more feminine. Blacks have more estrogen in their bodies. World Heavyweight Boxing Champion is white. UFC Heavyweight Champion is white. Whites are hairier and taller on average.
>No you're a cuck faggot.
not wanting to see the catalog clogged up with manly black trannies makes me cuck? How so?
>I want to see them
seek help
>and you're not a human so your faggot opinion is irrelevant.
im human and my opinions are very relavant and importan :)
Blacks aren't manly. They are more feminine and have hairless bodies. Whites are hairy and manly. You're a jealous white tranny freak. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself like most of your freakish kind do.
Seek help for being a white tranny faggot scumbag disgrace to our race. Hitler would have euthanized you and that's as it should be.
You're a cuck for saying niggers are more masculine. How is a slave that can't even grow body hair manly? Saying your own race is feminine is fucking cucked.
kek so many (you)s. You get very easily triggered. Anyways if you are so masculine why are you an incel who spends most of his life spamming black trannies on a mongolian cavepainting forum?
Shut your mouth and post your address you faggot fucking nigger lover
Im not an N lover sweetie, that is why I do not wan't to see them on my Zig Forums. Stop spamming the please :)
Don't call me sweetie you faggot fucking tranny. Please become a statistic. Nobody wants a disgrace like you on this Earth.
>Leftiest risk getting tear gas used on them and take over sections of towna for nearly a month
>Right-wingers save gay porn and call others gay
>Leftists get their asses fucked by niggers cause they're sissies
Libertarian Chad fucks nigger sissies and puts them in their place
>hates trannies
>also spams trannies
I hate white trannies for making the white race look bad.