do aspies not like being touched? how do i get an autistic guy to like me?
also are aspies likely to have a mommy fetish or are they usually lolicons :(
do aspies not like being touched? how do i get an autistic guy to like me?
also are aspies likely to have a mommy fetish or are they usually lolicons :(
I am autism
>do aspies not like being touched
generally no
>how do i get an autistic guy to like me
openly ask them out
if they're actually autistic chances are they are single
>also are aspies likely to have a mommy fetish or are they usually lolicons
Please stop asking things you know the answer to and stop tormenting me
They don't catagorise it like that anymore. A lot of autists don't mind and the ones that do generally can stand pressure. Can't say on the fetishes though, a lot don't even see themselves as sexual beings.
I'm probably autistic and I don't think I'm an aspie but I want a mommy gf, give me a mommy gf... please.
Do you have a discord? I'm only attracted to autistic guys we can be frens or something else if you want
Im an autist I never really got the affectionate love from my mom when I was younger. Hence why I want a mommy gf
Personally, I hate being touched, but if someone gives me space for long enough, I'm okay with it. I like basically anyone who's nice to me and likes/takes interest in the things I like
I prefer mommies, but it probably varies
>how do i get an autistic guy to like me?
By being autistically forward and literally. You can't expect flirting cues to work. Use your words to tell them you like them and what you want them to do
Do you like hugs ?? Or is it just touch like pats on the back or something
I love showing affection but i dont want to be uncomfortable
forward and literal*
You got to post your tits first
If I'm expecting it, it's usually fine, but unexpected touches make me jump. Certain areas are worse than others. If you really want an autistic guy to like you, just be really nice and patient with him. Be ready to understand and deal with issues you might not expect. Autism usually comes with not understanding social situations whatsoever, so it's coupled with social anxiety in most cases. Make the guy know that you care about him and enjoy his company. It has always meant a lot to me personally when people say they like having me around, since it isn't something people feel the need to say mostly.
>do aspies not like being touched
I fucking hate it. I don't even like shaking hands
>how do I get an autismo to like me?
Just talk to them and pretend to take interest in their lives; most people don't even view us as human so you'll stand out. Also we don't understand "hints" or body language so a sperg will never intuit that you like them. If you really want an autistic bf (you don't, btw) be honest and straightforward.
>mommy fetish or loli
loli is degenerate so I can't say, but I'd say tfwnomommygf is more likely because we'll never be truly functional and will need someone to take care of us for our entire lives
stay away from us you fucking she devil corrupter
I hate hugs from people I'm not comfortable with yet. It's any touch for me
>I hate hugs from people I'm not comfortable with yet
Fuck, this so much
Can't stand it when someone brings somebody new into the group and everyone's expected to give hugs immediately. Shit just does not jive. I don't want to touch anyone until I know them really well
people here with autism/aspergers, please know that this is a bait thread. people here will likely attempt to take advantage of you and blackmail you.
>do aspies not like being touched? how do i get an autistic guy to like me?
autistic guys likely don't even know you like them even if you flirt. They'll probably love you if you take an interest in their autistic interest.
I was diagnosed with autism, and I love cuddling.
I'm actually talking with someone right now, and we're probably going to cuddle and bone in person soon. She likes it when I call her my goth princess
I probably am on the spectrum, and I don't like being touched by people unless I have established trust with them. The best examples of people I trust are my gf and my mother. On the other hand, hugging a coworker or a "friend" that i'm not too close with, or having them emphatically grab my arm, still irks me. I'm still trying to learn to deal with touching and invasions of personal space, knowing that touching is a seemingly natural form of human communication, and usually a positive one too.
Dropping social links and contacts is an NT thing, don't worry my man we're not gonna do that
I'm gonna need to revoke your autism card, pal. Obviously it was given to you falsely
Let them see it coming. A moment to mentally prepare for it makes a world of difference.
>my goth princess
I think it was given correctly
Why? Do you want to be my mommy?
I wasn't sure about people who claim autism is way overdiagnosed, but after hearing a complete and utter normalnigger like you was diagnosed I think they're onto something
Get the fuck out of this thread before I blow your larper face off
Nande :(
I'm not a larp, this isn't bait, I understand that you feel i am because of the shit this board feeds you
I don't believe I'll post anything publicly for privacy reasons but [email protected]
I have ADHD!
Yeah, I really do
I agree
Post tits or gtfo.
I'm not comfortable with my private parts being out to random strangers user
but I'm double D and normal bmi
it makes me sad that the thoughtful posts threads like these get completely ignored, yet simping or straight up insulting people always get replies.