
recommending zazen to me sexy britfeel lads and wishing them all the best edition.. x

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I raped the rapists rapee

bit of a dead thread this isn't it laddies

Far too early for the majority of the neets to be up + It's Saturday.

good point my main man

What are you up to on this fine morning lad?

about to get in the shower laddy, then will probably have something to eat while watching some king of the hill. yourself?

Sounds good, I'm just laying in bed for a bit until I can be arsed to get up

There's actually a second thread right now but the spacker OP called it /brapfeel/

How can we stop obesity in Britain?

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The spacker population is getting extremely high, bet it was yasin that did it

oh, should i delete the thread?

it uses the pro-HHL op image so it will be either him or one of his arselickers

No, this one is better because at least you got the name of the fucking thread right

Mods wont tolerate 2 threads all day, perhaps this is the final day of /britfeel/

How many unarmed men do you reckon it'd take to kill 1 bear?

I reckon about 4, although 2 with a bit of luck, the bear can only focus on 1 man at a time

I've been sick for over 3 weeks now, sneezing and stomach ache

if numerous thread splitting has shown me anything, it's that those beta mods and jannies WILL tolerate two /brapfeel/ threads

People say that every time this happens and yet we're still here

Thoughts on a late w211 e320?

I was stuck in /brapfeel/

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are you the same lad that was thinking of buying a 2nd hand Mercedes about a month back? Don't do it lad, it's a bottomless money pit

I'd rather have that W123 in the background t b h

Looks nice but the endless repairs will be expensive

this is a bit of a meme, any car can be but some more than others. The engines on these things are bulletproof for moon miles if serviced. The early ones 2003-2007 were very expensive and had much more problems which is why I specify "late"

I'd buy a classic but I don't want to deal with rust and lack of safety

ooh help me Dr. Staja!

W123s are built like tiger tanks, you could slam into the side of the bus and come out with a sprained wrist

it's Apu Apustaja not Apu Staja lad

Dr. Staja! Dr. Staja!
Dr. Staja! Dr. Staja!
Dr. Staja! Dr. Staja!
O, Dr. Staja!

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Morning lids. Having some rice crispies in bed.

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Dr. Staja! Dr. Staja!

"What's wrong with me?!"
>You aren't very comfy.
"I want a second opinion!"
>You're also unwomfy.

Dr. Staja! Dr. Staja!

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"Can I claim unemployment anymore?"
>Of course you can!
"Well I couldn't before!"

Dr. Staja! Dr Staja!
Dr. Staja! Dr Staja!
Dr. Staja! Dr Staja!

O, Dr. Staja!

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is it pronounced
apustarger like larger
apustaryer or

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I don't like it when google shows me news I'm interested in instead of generic news


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Right lads just had a shit night at work. Sick of these two fucking assholes at work. They just skive and make everyone else's job harder while acting all high and mighty about their shit. Had a spliff and bucket and watching crystal maze now. I swear to god I'm going to go postal one of these days.
How are my brother's doing today? You guys always cheer me up

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Sorry to hear you had a shit time of it lad. Currenty on day 91 of me furlough. WIll probably have a spliff and play some more Yakuza 5