Why do they get worshiped so much?

Why do they get worshiped so much?

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Women like their men tall, black and handsome

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Why does that nigger have such a small penis? OP is a tiny dick Chink.

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rememberr the renaissancess

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The nigger in the OP has a small penis

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They don't, beta white people just like jerking off to it so they make a fuckload of porn of it.

cherry picked pictures. i can finnd like 5 pictures of black girls fucking asian guys make a website be a jew call is asianrice or some shit spread probaganta about asianns having big penile and boom asian big cock meme and now they fetishized woo big penis wow cool stuff

That's a statue of a Middle Eastern Jew

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Can you stop responding to the anti white Chink bait please?

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who doesn't like a good big dick?

im bored and this board is 99% bait

The nigger in the OP doesn't even have a big dick. That's like 6 inches

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sharing any space, even digital, with joggers is miserable. you do it to yourselves, you dont know how to be chill

The nigger in the OP has a small dick though you stupid faggot

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The dick in the OP is 5 inches and fucking tiny. If you think that's bigyou have a micropenis

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hold on folks, we've got a dick expert here

>Why do they get worshiped so much?
Only white women worship niggers. Because they're the lowest whores.

Hold on folks we have a homosexual Asian nigger lover who's too big of a pussy to post his hideous cuck face.

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Stop bumping the thread you retarded fucking faggot cuck. You make me sick

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every day its always a fight on the plantation.

are you retarded mate? stop posting trash

Can you learn to sage you fucking Chink faggot? All you're doing is bumping the thread like a fucking idiot.

keep obsessing over dicks, m'boy

its gonna get bumped anyway retard. you post garbage too, youre just as bad

Why doesn't this race spammer ever get banned?

No it doesn't not if retarded Chinks like you don't bump it. You are scum and you'll never be white you bat eating nigger lover. Go back to your smog hole
You are a shitskin just like a nigger but with a smaller dick you ladyboy microdick. I am white and I am not your friend Mongoloid freak

yea, it does because you bump it. youre a looney toon dude

>Why do they get worshiped so much?

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Keep being a nigger loving faggot bitch you subhuman bitch. Post your address bitch and talk shit in person

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No I don't bump it I sage you dumb piece of shit retarded mongoloid. Go back to your smoggy shithole. You're not human.

idk. its probably some senile boomer too

saging does nothing if anyone else bumps it with pics. you'll always be a retard.

Hurr Durr guess it happens to white guys too, dumbass

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You're a fucking retard and you're wrong. I've been on this site a lot longer than you subhuman Mongoloid

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Oh shit why do white guys get worshipped so much?

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yeah, naw you always post this same trash. i really wonder what you look like IRL, some half jogger boomer i bet.

those are porn actors with only 1 black girl

this jogger hit da crack pipe and posts this stuff every night

because they're hot. why are you not totally jacked like he is?

so hot youre jogging on r9k every night bud