/drugfeel/ -- illegal highs edition

Previous thread erowid.org/

To start this off, I would like to apologize to my mom for...

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Just smoked 2cigs and popped a bar. One of the idol groups is about to play a live. We chilling tonight.

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I'm almost done with a bottle of jim beam I'm blurry af

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I should have taken the sick leave fhe doc offered after I OD'd.
Too obsessed with seeming fine. FML.
Will probably still call in wo I can get my bloodwork done.
I can't even slack properly.

Update from yesterday, I found the junkie girl and she had dropped her weed on the library toilets, me and an acquaintance that suddenly appeared went full on socialism and smoked that weed. Today me, him and another friend are at the library, the guy from yesterday gave me some pregabalin, goes well with beer and told me he has a good Huawei smartphone for me if I want and I ofc agreed, it's an update over my old piece of shit. As for the other friend he's trying to get an apartment but he needs to gather the money for the first deposit before the rent begins.
It's raining here, but it's cool.

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Also after that junkie girl I had to clean the park and I delivered 3 needles to the pharmacy. Kids and families hang around there, you should clean up after yourself. Fucking idiots.


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I was drinking a few beers, and I randomly decided to do nutmeg, on a whim or out of curiosity and boredom. Then I smoked and weed, and now am waiting.

Life is too short to not do drugs, even if it's mostly a struggle...

>Taking organic chem 2 summer term
>have exam
>ask street pharmacist roommate to make me something like adderall
>research chemicals
>took modafinil with coffee in the morning
>didnt realize n-methyl-cyclazadone is in gel cap
>35 mg
>ingest pill at 2:30 pm
>try and study
>anxiety ramps up
>8 pm full blown panic and 140 bpm
>take 5 L-Theanine pills to counteract
>definitely helped reduce the initial onset

my heart was thumping in my chest from 9 pm to about 4 am, and now my heart rate is just being able to idle at around 80-90 bpm.
Duration is 12-15 hours maybe longer.
Still feel the focus/alert/mild anxiety

Can say I don't think I want to try NMC again.

Is it better to do PO Box or home address for online stuff? Like can your PO box be checked and get you arrested if stuff looks suspicious?

My roommate does that, and he said that certain vendors DONT mail to a PO Box. I believe his last shipment, he got it sent to the dorms at Uni, and the other one to his moms house. No issues for him.

Just took 250ug of good, clean LSD. Going to go for a long walk and listen to music, I love leaving the house just before the peak and getting lost in everything. When I get home the sudden change in environment makes the trip feel completely different and visuals start going wild, love falling onto my bed pouring with sweat looking like a madman staring at the ceiling with a dumb grin on my face. Ever since the pubs were opened back up the public have been avoiding my favourite spots for tripping thankfully. I can't stand those retards shitting up nature with their noise, smoking weed and rubbish.

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Just do it to your house batty boy no one cares unless you're ordering large quantities of shit, stealth is pretty good and even if the postie realises that it's a drug package they are specifically told by the mail to NOT REPORT IT because it is such a ball ache for them to sort it out. I have only had one order not show and it was almost certainly a scam not a seizure.

Whoa. I haven't checked, but I don't know if the bars are opened back up where I am because my state went back to phase 2. I went to a restaurant that had a bar in it the other night, and people were in there getting trashed.

For someone who has never taken LSD, (taken MDMA, shrooms) whats a good 1st time dose? 100 ug?

They opened the pubs almost a month before the date gyms are to be opened again. This whole pandemic stinks. The public are to be appeased not looked after it seems.
>For someone who has never taken LSD, (taken MDMA, shrooms) whats a good 1st time dose? 100 ug?
Are you an anxious person?
Are you calm under pressure?
Are you able to separate thought from feeling and ground yourself in reality if necessary?
If no, yes, yes, then just take 200ug and go walk in the woods on a nice sunny summers day with a big bottle of water some fruit and snacks and just have the best day of your life honestly. I took 220ug for my first time and it was the best day of my life to date, as pathetic as that is. Bring a journal and DO NOT USE YOUR DAMN PHONE. Take out the SIM card if you use a phone for music, you will end up spending hours on it otherwise.

If you are anxious, start on 75ug. I've seen bad trips and you do NOT want one. I thought they were bs that happens to hysterical idiots, but they are very serious.

I have only taken truffles, not shrooms, and they didn't agree with me at all. Puking, no visuals, felt like death. Meanwhile LSD makes me feel like a GOD and I almost never puke.

I did meth again after about a year without it. Pretty disappointed in myself desu

My friend microdoses meth for his autism with positive results. Ever tried just doing that?

I have PTSD and general anxiety disorder. When I did shrooms it was before the incident that gave me PTSD and had a real fun time. I did get myself stuck in a loop because we all played the "schizophrenia simulation" video on youtube and I seriously thought I had schiz for the rest of my trip. And yeah, I have a weak stomach. No one else did but me, and I was the only one sitting there wanting to go throw up but I didn't and it eventually went away.

I've always wanted to give LSD a try, I like the good time feeling of everything being so beautiful, not really for the ego death side of things.

Don't do LSD then mate, that simple. My ex had panic disorder/general anxiety, she had a bad trip near the end of it and she thought I was a imposter. Have never seen anything like it in my life, going for knives, trying to kill herself etc. Leave psychs well alone when you have anxiety it really isn't worth the risk. Although to be fair it was mostly because we mixed it with weed, but I could tell at times she was getting a bit shakey before that.
If you do try, start low, work your way up. An explosive first time is the most fun and if it goes well you won't regret it, but better safe than sorry.
The reason why I have never had a bad trip in my life is because I am very good at making myself think "This is temporary, this is a drug, this is all chemicals in my brain that will be filtered out before too long" and then I feel fine. Because it's always temporary, it only becomes forever if you believe it will be (imo).

Guys help. I randomly have this rash on my leg, am I having kidney failure or something? Felt really itchy a day or so back and felt some minor pains around my lower left stomach and stuff but maybe it's just anxiety.
Haven't really taken anything except stims and Kratom lately.

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Wait maybe it's just the scratches from my cat lmao I can't tell. Does it look like anything serious?

That's just a graze faggot, get a hold of yourself. Clearly the drugs are having more of an effect on your brain than your body if you are getting upset about a graze. You can see where it has started to heal and scab over. Give your brain a break retard.

Damn user you on withdrawal or something? Calm down.

When I take psychs I am filled with rage and aggression

Not autistic but that's how I started doing it in the first place lol, eating a little bit before work to keep focused and energised

How did that work for you? I have debated it for weight loss / focus & energy like you say. I suppose if you are disappointed in yourself returning to it then it can't have gone well?

Tbh I mainly tried it because I wanted to, it sounded fun. I wouldn't recommend actually using it for weight loss, smoke cigarettes for that if anything. Meth creeps up on ya, its really cliche but I started using it more and more, then started smoking it, then it became a full blown addiction. I've used a lot of different drugs but nothing has ever come close to the physical cravings of meth addiction. If you want something for focus use adderall or speed, both are addictive in their own way but the habit of smoking meth and the length of the high make it wickedly hard to stop doing. I was offered it a few nights ago and I initially turned it down, but seeing it smoked in front of me pushed me over the edge and I eventually caved. I know that's my own fault and that I should have been stronger but as I said I've never had that problem with any other drug.

Update: after some beer and pregabalin I actually found a phone, some girl had left it at the bus stop and it was full of whatsapp messages. We did a factory reset and I gave the old SIM card to my friend (he's probably gonna order some pizza with it) but I put my own SIM card in and now I have a kickass phone,.
I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes, those Lyricas combined with alcohol really fuck you up.

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Is the empire down?

Why didn't you return it? That's a dick move user, I lost my respect for you.