The biggest black pill is that girls will always flirt...

The biggest black pill is that girls will always flirt. Now if it's a romantic flirt or just a HaHa friend flirt is a grey area, I have been normie for the past couple of months and what I notice is girls that have a bf when he is not around are flirty especially if you have a gf. I don't know if it's some sort of test to see if I cheat, but it's really weird.

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ive noticed this too. women will flirt even if they have a bf, but not quite enough where they can be accused of cheating. then if they get accused of flirting they will get mad and say others are overreacting

its like women are always willing to be flirty with other men they deem superior, like the option is always there

If women know you're taken, subconsciously it shows that you have high market value. Maybe not like MEGA high market value to where you have X amount of women yearning for you, but it shows that you're not some lonely person. It makes you more attractive. Every time I ever had a girlfriend, women would come out the fucking wood work trying to be flirty with me. I'm not a person that broadcasts my relationships either except when I'm in public with that person, never on soc. med. For some reason it happens. It makes me nervous to think how you could have a girlfriend, and she could be somewhere without you and just being flirty with some other guy who could easily beat her guts in and you would never know. Trusting people is hard nowadays.

i cant tell between flirting or being nice because they both just seem the same to me

Women just enjoy the exchange of flirting, and it's 'safe' to do it when you're both in relationships because it's not likely to be misunderstood as anything serious.

It is, and thats how alot of guys get trapped into thinking girls like them just because they happen to be a nice person. Its all about body language. I've been one of them. But, when women look you directly in your eyes, be touchy with you, play with their hair while they look at you speak, thats obvious signs of attraction right there. If she laughs at everything you say, its guaranteed she wants to fuck you.

that is why I said it's a grey area. For example, compliments, might just be friendly but depending on the girl if she does it a lot or not might/ or might not mean anything same thing with touching you.

Dude, the difference is huge.
>walk into an establishment
>hot green eyes milf keeps making eye contact for a good amount of time while I talk to her
>flips her hair gets up and kind of sits down in a squat position to grab something
>everytime she talked to me she would take her corona mask off and have a smile on her face
>walk over to the next girl that handed me the product, I noticed she calls me babe
and on the other hand
> 9.5/10 Stacy at Starbucks barley acknowledges my existence
>just does not even loo lay me and hands me my coffee
>turns around immediately and goes back to talking to the other femoids
I am just above average attractiveness, nothing special but it helps a bit. Am still a virgin because aspie. Make sure to look out for key words, just watch a video on female flirting.

ok this would make more sense to me. Since I know this girl has a bf he is not my friend but I have seen him, and she knows I have a gf. I think the makes it 'safe' to flirt makes more sense now actually.

you're not a "normie", you're still the same faggy sperg you've always been.

I have a gf, friends and get invited to parties and gatherings if that is not normie I'm a cyborg then

>girl does all this with me while we're out with friends
>put my arm around her as we walk back
>offer to walk her home
>she says no but then hugs me
>text her a few days later, sends me long replies but doesn't text me again after that evening
>sperged things up a bit more the next couple times I ran into her
I don't know what to think now but I spent last lying in bed with the lights off drinking, searching up suicide methods and thinking about what I'd put in my note.

you need to stop giving a fuck, it's hard if you have onetis but, the power of not giving a fuck is really strong and the more alof you are the better.
She likes you? ok cool
She doesn't like you? ok cool
you move on talk with more girls and realize there is no perfect girl out there. Everyone has different pros and cons.
Don't hit her up.

>talk with more girls
I'm 31, my 'friends' are actually my brothers and their gfs, she's the only person not related to me by blood or relationship I talk to on a semi regular basis. So no, it's not 'ok cool' if she doesn't like me. Obviously she's not perfect but I like her a lot.

You niggas get basic knowledge of female behavior and call it the "biggest black pill". Women meme about this shit all the time.

>just play numbergames, bro
People thinking like you are the original reason dating is trash. Your existence is worse than dating apps.

It's in the eyes and the face, user. Flirting is a lot of strong, intense eye contact and more subtle emotion on the face. Being friendly still has strong eye contact but theres something different about it, i can't put it into words. But the more emotive a girl's face is, the less she's into you, I'd say. She's performing at that point.

if I was in your position I would get on activities. You like cars? join a car club. You 're in murica and like guns? join a gun club.
I think it's the best way to get to know new people and maybe a future gf, but don't force it.
I'm sure you can do it user

>People thinking like you are the original reason dating is trash. Your existence is worse than dating apps.
dating is not trash, dating apps are trash. Just because you gave up and prefer to stay in your room fucking your hand doesn't mean everyone is like you

I genuinely do not understand how people can pick shit like that up

I think eye contact is a good indicator too since that is how I knew my current gf was interested in me, but the thing is girls do different shit. I still don't know if they are looking for being bored or looking looking

right back at you
Just because you gave up on seeing persons and only see replaceable joyholes does not mean everyone wants to become like you.
But being exposed to your spiel sure drags more girls into the same behavior and lowers everyone elses chances at finding one that is more than a slut for a weekend.

True. These brainlets here will never understand this.

> lowers everyone elses chances at finding one that is more than a slut for a weekend.
this sticks of incel. You can keep coping, but I still prefer to get to know new people, I never used dating apps because those are not girls I'm looking to date/get to know. I prefer to date people that have the same interests or life objectives. You should maybe get out more and delete all those dating apps you have install since those dating apps you keep seething about girls from there are sluts

Why do cringelords think cheating is bad lol. Black guys have like three side hoes all the time

I have realized this long time ago. If i got into online relationships, girls who i knew used to get flirty suddenly. Otherwise they won't.

Seem you are the one 'seething' and know on some level that I am correct when all you can reply with are buzzwords.

You are normalizing a shitty 'hurr bitch is replaceable to me anyway' behavior that those girls you were with will only be too happy to copy. And I bet if you meet one of your toys again after a few months you will notice a change.
The only thing that comes close to an excuse for you is that you are hardly the only shortsighted fool doing it.

you have higher chances of finding a girl that connects with you and you with her the more people you get to know. It's a higher pool of samples, a higher chance of finding someone that suits you. Your argument saying that dating new girls is wrong is dumb. Because like any ai, needs iterations and we learn with mistakes. You need to iterate to improve.

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An American car club is a really quick way to get yourself involved in a nonconsensual swinger's community as well as semi-organized crime

t. hung up with car clubs

>higher chances by iteration
congrats you just devalued relationships in a spreadsheet game. And to maximize your 'profit' ended up turning both yourself and the girls even you probably once tried to actually get to know and learn more about of into impersonal numbers who are just all the same to you.
Guess what, that is exactly the attitude that abominations like SMV and dating apps could develope from.

>Strong, intense eye contact
Flirting sounds scary

Yeah, it's really hard, which is why I can't even put it into words that robots would understand. I had to refrain from using the term "smiling eyes" because no one here would even know what that means. I barely do. It's just something I recognize when I see it.

If you have autism and can't read subtle social cues, I think your best option is to start off with really subtle flirtation and build your way up and gauge her reaction. If she's feeling you, she'll feel like she can be open with you and her attraction to you will become pretty clear. If it stays ambiguous and questionable, there's a chance she's not into you. This is just my theory on how to get it done as an autist though.

My older sister even got flirty with my younger brother (6 years younger than her), while she had a bf.
Also took me out for partying once, where she started dancing and flirting with other guys.
Women need to be kept on a tight leash.
Alcohol was involve both times, so always keep in vino veritas in mind.

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It is when you first start, and even when you're kinda used to it. I know that in Latin America, strong eye contact is considered rude, because it can only be taken one of two ways. People assume you want to fight them or fuck them.

What you are overlooking here is that you assume a certain 'honesty' from both sides and that nobody fakes anything.
A girl that only wants you to think she is interested to get some amusement out of you or rebuff you in front of her peers will throw you a curveball.
And in case of the autist (who are really the easiest prey for that sort of games) totally throw his future perceptions into errors.
After all she smiled and acted interested but totally wasn't into him so he must have misread her as often happens to him. He thinks it best to not react to that 'signal' ever again.

This is such a bizarre way to look at sex and relationships and I'm so glad that I made it out of this autism. Guys take this shit way too seriously and don't realize that the fact that they're trying to turn fucking, something that's completely based on emotion, into something so formulaic and logical, is what is holding them back in the first place.

I have an antisocial personality, which has a lot of disadvantages but some advantages. This is just what works for me, might not work for you.
I stand with my point that you should stay away from dating apps, and meet people irl. If you prefer to stay in your town all your life and only know 5 girls, you do you. But if you post blah blah girls don't notice me is just you being dumb for not going out there.

How old was sister at the time that she was flirting with your brother? You knew this would be important to the post but you deliberately left it out.