Im literally obsessed with humongous tits

im literally obsessed with humongous tits
post more huge tits and your experiences with them

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Breasts. Big nice milk filled breasts. I want to smother my face in them. Motorboat the fuck out of those precious udders. Make memories with her mammaries. l want her lactating all over me.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

big boos are nice

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this is the only ted talk i would go to.

biiiiig booberinos

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I have no experience with them, hence my posting on this board, but tits are cool

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Does tit size affect milk production?

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Do you like big cocks, whats your discord we can jack off if you want.

Stop watching porn and go on Grindr and get TOPPED or get sucked off man

>huehue topped
>i posted it again
This forced shit isnt funny and you should fucking kill yourself niggerfaggot
Amazing how mods never ban fagposting but will call all other off topic porn posts spam and ban...really makes you think

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This is not Zig Forums you underaged faggot go get TOPPED

how big of a tits are we talking here....

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its mostly the shape that matters

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They look like oranges in a red plastic bag.

i wouldnt mind those oranges desu

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Have some fucking taste bro, these look retarded

Alright are these more to your taste?

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I one fucked a canadian redhead with enormous tits (K M)
Nice pinkish white tits with nice round pink nipples
They were so soft, fell delicately to her sides when lying on her back
And moved hypnothically when I fucked her
True masterpieces I fap to almost 10 years later

Do you have any pics of tits similar to hers?

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did we ever find out who this was and if there's more?

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Bumping for some more mammarinos

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My next door neighbor was a titcow and I spent most of my summers as a teen simping for her. But can you blame me? Her tits literally sat in her lap.

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Got any pics of her left?

No I lost them awhile ago, she's burned into my brain though. I can still remember the day she walked by naked in front of her window.

Ya ok larper

Maybe find some comparable tits and her age

You will never hook up with the pic yiu posted or anything close, come iut of the closet and get TOPPED

Ya ok discord sissy

You come out of the closet and stop simping for some mysterymeat manlet Rikardo

Only pic I have on me that'd be comparable would be this. Also fuck off, OP asked for experiences and I gave one.

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>no big tiddy gf
It hurts bros...

careful what ya wish for

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I want to bang a SE Asian girl with massive milkers. Idk why, maybe because they are much rarer over there.

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No age ok shitskin

She was in her late 20's early 30's

Too old to be simpin you know she gobbled dick

Cest la vie bye cucks