I don't act cute despite being female. I think it's incredibly fake and gay. I despise bitches or trannies who act that way. But because I don't act """cute""" or girly enough, I get ignored irl, online everyone assumes I'm a guy based on the way I type. I get treated like a ghost for simply being myself. Life is suffering.
I don't act cute despite being female. I think it's incredibly fake and gay...
Do you want to be my egf? I will decide if you're cute or not on your own way after a few months.
Just say "I am a girl btw" at the end of whatever you're saying and then you can get all the attention you want :)
Your dick is showing, tranny.
Bad. This is a bad thread.
Sry, if we're fored to act like big dumb apes and play the replacement daddy role to impress girls, you have to act cute to impress a guy
Seems about fair to me
No. Fuck you.
No. Fuck you.
Use your brain. Males who are trannies become overly girly and "cute" because they think that's how all females should be. Cutesy "fembot" cunts you see here are the trannies. That's just the way I type. Also, fuck you.
Yes. But fuck you anyway.
I don't have .jpg's or sources but, few years ago I've read on Zig Forums about:
1) A girl with huge boobs that got boob reduction surgery to not be liked by guys just because she had huge boobs. Then she regret it when the guys were ignoring her, because she had a small boobs. She got huge boob implants.
2) One normie girl from twitter or patreon or tubler, whatever, tried as en experiment to "live like a boy" which included not going to parties, no gossiping with her friends and just sitting in the room watching animes and playing video games. After 3 days she started to have severe depression and suicide thoughts. She had to stop the experiment.
tl'dr if you try to fight with the nature, you will always lose. Your a girl act like a girl or you will be sorry
People have to make sure I'm a girl because of how I chat online and offline.
I never fucking related to a thread to hard before. Makes me wanna lynch myself.
My ex broke up with me because I didnt make a good girlfriend but a good friend. He still regularly texts me and such, because I'm that good of a friend. I failed at being a woman.
>No. Fuck you.
Why not? Are you scared?
This entire board is full of people who refuse to act like big dumb apes to impress girls. I refuse to act cute to impress guys. Technically I belong here. But life is still unfair suffering, so fuck you.
Hehe doesn't matter as long as you're cute and judging by your personality you might be smart too so a huge plus.
ill have you know that you will find someone just for you some day. I avoid girls mainly because they act in this dishonest way and i should not be the only one.
Youre going to need another strategy for reeling someone in though. You could also wait for a man to make a move, which is common, but will take longer if you dont use make up and act in a "cute" way.
Robots would rather get TOPPED or fuck a femboi OP
Nice anecdotes. Fuck you.
I made this thread for me and people like me. I'm glad you're here and glad you can relate. This life is suffering.
This fucking thread
>How do I gain female privilege online without acting girly?
Fuck off. If you want to gain female privilege then whore yourself out a bit. Or hold your standards high and get judged like men do - on your qualities, not your fuckability.
Fuck off
Hey OP, you are probably a trans with a penis
Being cute is my only savior when it comes to men. I think because I was never self concious about my looks, I never needed makeup. Making me more masculine and fucking less feminine.
Doesnt help my hobby is tanks though.That does it in for me.
lol you are basically a boy.
Will you lower your standards for r9k simps?
I have the same problem but I am actually a tranny and people always assume I am a man because I act like a cynical asshole 99% of the time
I don't really mind though because all the problems I have I deal with stoicism, I'm too tired by life to care deeply about anything
be my tank gf
>online everyone assumes I'm a guy based on the way I type
>I don't act cute despite being female
I don't try to act cute either and I also have had people say I type like I'm a guy but I've never got treated badly or as you put it "like a ghost." Maybe there's something else about your personality or maybe even your looks that's off putting to others?
Define "tanks". Which ones? What do you know about them?
>everyone assumes I'm a guy
>I get treated like a ghost
welcome to our world, welcome to hell
Why even complain if you're attractive anyways. You literally just have to send a face pic and you'll get whatever it is you want.
Females are worse then trannies who want to get TOPPED
I know the gay version of this feel OP
It seems retarded how much overt and disingenuous signalling guys need
Like you read threads complaining about makeup but then you realize that's exactly what guys want even if to me it looks like a layer of paint
Maybe it's not because you don't "act cute". maybe it's because you're a stiff who takes themselves too seriously, guy or girl everyone hates that shit. You don't have to put on a front and act cutesie and shit, but if you are a bore people are going to steer away.
You get treated like a ghost when coming off as a male online? You mean you admit men are required to have interesting aspects to themselves in order to be valued and can't just rely on their sexual organs? WELL COLOUR ME SHOCKED.
Chances are op is an extremely boring person with nothing interesting going for her, and the thing is that there are lots of girls here who are the same, but since they emphasize the "oh did I mention I'm a girl btw :))) ^w^" they get nasty coomers/orbiters who worship the feet they walk on. OP hasn't and so people just ignore her, same as they would all the other male robots with nothing going for them
>you're going to need another strategy for reeling someone in
That's the thing. Males are really stupid. They fall for that fake attitude so easily. They can fall in love with literally anything as long as it acts the part. It's disgusting and fake and I refuse to play this game.
I'm not talking about female privilege. I'm not talking about attention. I'm talking about me being me and that not being good enough to live a fulfilling life. You think I'd feel better after whoring myself out? Absolutely not. I find it abhorrent. I like being myself, but others do not. I wish I were accepted, but I am a ghost. And life is suffering.
>im not like hte other girls
ok i dont fucking care couldnt give any less of a fuck. Maybe jerk your pussy thinking about all the uwu attention dumb hoe girls get that you are so jealous of you dumb bitch.
>am hairy manly guy
>people assumed i'm girl multiple times, because of the way I type
Life do be like that
wat een kanker site is dit kut idioten
Okay, so you don't deliberately affect cuteness in the conventional sense, I can respect that. But do you bring something to the table? I mean you can't just show up, announce you exist, and expect people to reward you for it.
I mean I don't go out of my way to act saccharine, but if I do say so myself I think my contributions here do bring an understated note of whimsy. A tone shift from the grief and strife, an occasional bright note to ssound in contrast to the dirge. And I'm not without the occasional epiphany, if anyone cares to listen.
I mean you do have something to contribute, to go from mere attendance to participation? Possibly an opinion on whether Irish Breakfast Tea or Darjeeling will be a better high note in a batch of iced tea? Because I can count on about 6 hours of fair to strong sunlight before it rains today and I plan make a batch of sun tea, and I've got, like, fifteen minutes left before I have to make my final decision and set the jar out.
It also makes them untrustworthy OP. If they like the monkey who dances for them most then do you really want one of them?
>I don't act adorable regardless of being female. I believe it's unbelievably phony and gay. I detest bitches or trannies who act that way. But since I don't act """adorable""" or girly enough, I get overlooked irl, online everybody accepts that I'm a person dependent on the manner in which I type. I get rewarded like a phantom for essentially acting naturally. Life is languishing.
i get ignored constantly my whole life and i never noticed itThis post made me realise that some people consider this a bad thingbut i just didnt notice that they were ignorin mw i did my own thing everybody else just focuses on their own life i gues
you di you, dont knoe.much about you user bit well idk
> One normie girl from twitter or patreon or tubler, whatever, tried as en experiment to "live like a boy" which included not going to parties, no gossiping with her friends and just sitting in the room watching animes and playing video games.
Fucking hilarious normie tears. Then there are me, a girl who spent all her prime years voluntarily watching animu while rejecting all invites to go out of my room by my classmates.