Had a 50% chance to be born a girl

>had a 50% chance to be born a girl
>I wasn't

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>50% chance to get born as the gender that lives on tutorial mode
>The gender that experiences superior orgasms
>Is aesthetically superior
>Soothing voice
>Gets to wear whatever they want
>Can behave however they want instead of being forced to act masculine
>Get born as a hairy ape with a voice that causes earthquakes instead, forced to act manly because being girly means you're a faggot
>Born too early for actual gender change (if science ever gets that far)
Yeah it's pretty fucking unfair. Thanks for reminding me.

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shut the fuck up please shut the fuck up stop watching porn so much shut the fuck up please shut the fuck up

there's a 5%~ chance of being born male. men just die more.

>born a boy
>grow up to be 6'2
>be fat
>go to gym
>get Zig Forums
>become chad
>peak male form
>no one cares
>dont give a fuck because Zig Forums
>get job
>make 100k+
>live life on easy mode

people are so much friendlier to women its unreal. being a man sucks.

Nothing is keeping you from getting TOPPED though

I also feel like its easier for women to make friends and be included in social outings.

>wish I was a woman not because I'm some mentally ill freak but just because I wish life would be not so depressingly hard

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Life is harder for women. You guys have no idea what its like. When women go anywhere they are constantly worried about getting attacked or raped or harassed.

Just buy a fucking gun.

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Only if you go out at night, in which case men are even likelier to be the victims of assault

Wrong. Guys are much more likely to suffer any form of non-sexual assault. robbery, or homicide. Not to mention worrying about something that has a 0.001% chance if beyond retard. Might as well never leave your house for fear of getting struck by lightning.

>Life is harder for women
>women go anywhere they are constantly worried about getting attacked or raped or harassed.
Men statistically have a higher rate of getting attacked by strangers.

its such an advantage for women to be perceived as cute/attractive for the entirety of their young lives up until middle age. on the other hand, boys stop being perceived as cute at only a few years old, when they start to look more boring and/or threatening.

>doesn't want to be guy solely because dick gets in the of everything, like sitting


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i wonder how it would feel to be considered pretty for once in my entire life

This is why there is a rapidly growing amount of femboys and traps on the internet. They're all over twitter and 99% of them would clearly look like weak incel losers if they didn't go slim and hairless and wear skirts, all so they can feel the adrenaline rush of being told they look attractive for once.

What how? Are you erect 24/7?

>there's a 5%~ chance of being born male
factually untrue. look at the amount of male vs female babies

Women are dumb and weak, they're like children who never grow up, this is why they need men to protect them. Now why would you want to live like this? It's pathetic.

If you are questioning it and you are go on Grindr and get TOPPED

The amount of increasing female babies has been linked to increasing amounts of xenoestrogens in everything. Historically, more males were born but more females lived due to males dying quicker due to poor, dangerous working conditions + war.

jesus fuck stop reminding me i lost the coin toss

gay men have such low standards they'll find anything pretty
i'm a fake used up clearly masculine """femboy""" and people still wanted to simp for me

>men have such low standards they'll find anything pretty

most straight men would not find me attractive

It's actually around 48% chance for a baby to be a girl and 52% to be a boy. On average, that is.

>50% chance to be loved by everyones
>get the worthless gender that no one cares about
>my only value is about how much money i can give to the gender everyone loves
It was so easy, how could i fuck it up? Apparently male hyena's have it even worse in their social hierarchy, male spiders get eaten by female spiders. The male gender in general is natures joke

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I'm also dumb and weak but with none of the advantages they have.

>superior orgasms
Having a much shorter refractory period doesn't necessarily means the orgasms themselves are better. There's no way to compare.
And even the whole multiple orgasms thing is countered by the fact that women require a lot more stimulation to reach an orgasm than men do.

What do you mean about Hyenas?

>male HYENAS have it worse
>the MALES have the short end
>female hyenas give birth through their CLITORIS, then DIE after childbirth
>but the MALES are the oppressed ones

/r9gay/ in a nutshell