What is your opinion on round Latina booty?
Would you bury your face in one?
What is your opinion on round Latina booty?
hmmm idk, you get another example?
degenerate in many ways
i would bury my face in any +3/10 booty if only i could
I'm quite the fan. Latinas usually have nice bodies in general.
How is that degenerate? That's manly, heterosexual behavior
ass eating is hedonistic
have some respect for yourself
The OP post did not mention eating ass, it simply asked if you would bury your face into her ass. Very different things.
I, for one, prefer Latina milkies.
it's no better. you men are so disgusting
>troon thinks resting your face in nice soft ass cheeks is gross
I like both
It's like the yin and yang
Right. Like why would you not want to use a cute Latina's butt as a pillow?
hey datsu
t. submissives
A true Chad enjoys both ass and titties
Exactly. It was literally made for that purpose.
>liking part of the female body and wishing to touch it is submissive
Latina butts looks so nice both in and out of undies
Even looks nice under clothes, truly God's gift to man.
stop worshiping some beaner's exhaust hole
We ain't even talking about the asshole my guy, we're talking about dem cheeks.
Even when they're not big they look nice
stop worshiping women in general
I'd say you're a simp but at least simps worship pussy and not fat brown asses
>white zoomer fag misusing the word simp again
>worshiping women
We're talking about liking ass, calm down user
Stop using Twitter zoomerspeak
Simp is actually old school black slang but it is misused by lame zoomers. It had a more subtle definition more like unpimp as opposed to being synonymous with beta male.
>misusing words
you are misusing the gift of life
i want to suck my friends dick while he looks at nakef latinas
I really doubt user is an old school black dude though, so my point still stands
Why do you willingly choose to use Twitterfag speech? Makes you stand out.
I know, I'm just saying that the word was not started by Zooms
What does his dick look like? Is he handsome
It's a useful word. I don't care who you associate with it, that's your meme not mine.
You're a simp, cuck, bitch, loser, lizard brain, coomer, manchild. Maybe try putting your penis in one of these fat ladies like a man would