Do Latinas like white guys at all?
Non-meme answers only, please
Do Latinas like white guys at all?
Any Texas or Californiafags here who can answer this?
I want to eat a nice Latina pussy so badly
The existence of Latinas is proof that they are into white guys, since "Latino" as a race only exists due to Natives and Whites having sex with each other.
>implying rapes from 500 years ago count
Whites are the most sought after race if you look at interracial relationships.
Only by Asians
You can not make an entirely new race solely through rape, plenty of it was consensual.
Only by Asian women
Who cares, that was 500 years ago.
I'm talking about now
This is a pretty stupid question. All women like attractive men, regardless of race. Some races just have men that are more attractive to certain women than others. Pretty much all women would fuck any guy as long as he's attractive though, even if he isn't part of the preferred race. When women say "I love white/black" or whatever guys, they mean they love the Chads of that race, not the average skinnyfat manlet chinlet incel.
It's not a dumb question
Socializing in the US (and probably elsewhere) is heavily based on race.
Latinas are the bastard race of white men and native women. So yeah they like their white daddies very much.
That doesn't mean anything. Most of them identify with black culture and hate white people.
Over 50% Asian men prefer white women. Same with Asian women and white men.
It's based on looks and behaviour. If you seriously believe that a woman who says she generally prefers white guys would rather spend her time with a white incel than some non-white Chad, you're delusional. All women prefer Chads over betas, race doesn't matter here.
latinos/hispanics are for the most part white, so of course they do.
It doesn't matter, Latina and black girls don't even go for white chads.
And the idea of "chads" is a homosexual Zig Forums myth
That is bullshit, most are mestizo and explictly identify as being nonwhite
>Latina and black girls don't even go for white chads.
You have never spent time with girls and it shows.
You mistakenly apply white girl's preferences to all girls
Black people have an interracial couple movement called swirling. If they don't go for white Chads, who the fuck do they go for? White losers?
All girls generally have the same preferences. Tall, strong jaw, hunter eyes etc. It doesn't matter which skin color is tacked onto that person, if they have those features they're attractice to pretty much all women.
You clearly don't know black people, they look down on black people who date interracial (with white) and call them sellouts and coons. Black men only openly admit to liking Latinas.
And what does that have to do with women being attracted to men of all races as long as they're attractive?
I've had 3 gfs and 2 were latina so I guess some do.
Probably the most accurate answer in months on r9k
You are so wrong. Latinas would date a short fat Mexican guy over a tall, muscular white guy.
Because women aren't men, most have explicit racial preferences. Especially women that aren't white or Asian.
>Black men only openly admit to liking Latinas.
That black NFL player toasting to light-skinned babies is just an exception. All those black dudes chasing after snowbunnies and PAWG are just an exception. Alright.
>thinking that football players represent the norm
And besides, this thread is about women. Most black chicks wouldn't be caught dead with a white guy, ditto Latinas.
It seriously baffles me how people can be this delusional. Don't expect another reply from me, you live in a fantasy world and there's no saving.
Yes and I already described those preferences. If a woman for example prefers white guys and dislikes Indian guys, what she means is that she likes white Chads and dislikes short smelly beta Indians, not that she would prefer some white repulsive incel over an Indian Chad. Face it, women are attracted to Chads. It doesn't matter what race you are, if you're a Chad women will flock to you regardless of their preferences, if you're a manlet with a receding chin and generally ugly face they will avoid you at all cost and prefer any Chad over you, even if they generally prefer your race.
Oh my sweet summer child