Saw some teenager the other day (must've been 15 or 16) wearing these type of tight shorts while waiting at the cashier...

Saw some teenager the other day (must've been 15 or 16) wearing these type of tight shorts while waiting at the cashier. She had better thighs than a good chunk of women in their 20s I see around here. Wanted to grope them so badly. Why do they even wear this shit in the first place? It's legit asking to get raped. Might as well consider them underwear at that point by how short they are.

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Women should be able to wear whatever they want and men should control themselves.

>be me
>at supermarket
>wearing shorts and shirt, just buying some snacks
>some creepy dude taking photos of me
>secretly take photos of dude and send them to my friends
>we find his info and kill him

nah, woman should be grateful the dude didn't find HER first in order to rape her

>m-me and my friends will find you
sleep with your eyes open, femoid.

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OP you should have the willpower to not rape women

Do white people really think that this is what a woman's ass and thighs were meant to look like?

Theyre asking to attract black males to have a fun time with. Dummy thicc white girls love to hop in bed with a nigga

> ON R9K

They wear that to make Chad pp get hard.
And to manipulate simps, of course.

Bro shut the fuck up and stop being creepy, control yourself.

Fuck off roastie cunt get raped. Its like waving a piece of meat in front of a bunch of hungry dogs in a cage and then get mad at them when they try to eat

We need to all put our heads together and think of a totally safe way to rape women.

This absolutely this yes

Congrats on being a literal nigger

Trained dogs will not eat even if you wave a piece of meat in front of them. Are you seriously worse than a dog?

One time I def groped a fat ass teen and she hit me in the lip
Just sayin
But now she is at least mentally scarred while I only had minor swelling

>One time I def groped a fat ass teen and she hit me in the lip

Kek, no she wasn't user. The type of person who hits someone probably quadruple their size powered up on doritos, rage and mountain dew is not the type of person to sit around crying about it. Fuck, even the weaklings aren't mentally scarred by a little grope. She probably laughs at you with her chad bf

The ass op posted won't attract anyone darker than a Manila folder

Oh no sweetie I'm pretty sure she is. She really put on a scene. All men are soo evil and she was just a flabby piece of leggings meat, not very firm at all

They wear it to attraction, but not from you. They simultaneously want to look attractive and only attract Chad.

You're a piece of shit, fuck you.
Ppl like u should die.

>Women should be able to wear whatever they want

>raping is a need
literally just don't kek

>hot day (it's usually cold here)
>walking home
>white woman walking pets with her son and daughter
>daughter looks 12-13
>short shorts and flops
>wearing some stupid pajama looking shirt with no bra and tied at the waist
>doing a hopscotch thing down the road as innocent stupid kids do
>tits flopping everywhere
There are a lot of kathie newman types in my town, they call this sort of stuff empowering, I rue the day she gets enriched by a pack of feral immigrants and their cunt moms learn what modesty is.

Ah yes the niggers of gender

Girls are at their prime between 14 and 20 but society says it's wrong to be attracted to them, but they know how they make men feel.

Of course she did lul. Still doesn't mean she's mentally scarred user. Sort of implies the opposite

Prime teens have sex with each other all the time though. Its only wrong if creepy post wall boomers try abusing girls

This exactly, women can wear whatever they want but why can't men? The answer is usually something like "thats gross" or "because women are beautiful and guys arent" but there's a hipocracy present in our culture where equality exists but more so for others.

It's still not wrong. Unless the guy is fat. Fat men have forfeited their right to sex.

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Society is starting to wake up to the crime of transphobia and homophobia. Men will feel more and more comfortable wearing dresses and panties

Its morally wrong but morality is based af.