Do fembots like bear mode guys?

Do fembots like bear mode guys?

Attached: bear mode.jpg (262x193, 11.65K)

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yes if you have the height to carry it

>tfw bear

>tfw genuinely hate faggots

>tfw they have entirely coopted the aesthetic and ruined it through association like they did with the rainbow (a mindful inversion of how it represents gods will to christians)

I know this is a faggot bait thread, and that youre supposed to ignore faggots otherwise you are one, but seriously i hate faggots

just to let you know im gay and would love to be TOPPED by you

welp, gonna stay the skinny kid I am

The one on the right is 300% gay
Left has some hangups but he might top you if you give him total control and he doesn't have to look at your face

Definitely not. At that point you might as well have sex with a gorrila.

How tall? 5'10? 6'? 6'1? so on?

like 5'10 and above probably but it's all proportional, the taller you are the more bear mode you can go without looking dumb
lots of girls like twinks too. you retards need to realise not every girl likes the same person

>HURR DURR woman want really manly man
>reality is woman hate hairy man
And twinks dare to complain.

Attached: 1502317075804.jpg (420x410, 16.8K)

>reality is women hate hairy men
Not true btw

all women prefer bearmode guys.

maaculinity is associated with large size and visible signs of strength and virility. if there was a choice between a fatter guy or a skinny guy, women will always choose the fatter guy because hes visibly more masculine then the skinny guy.

>all women prefer bearmode guys.

you find this sexy?
I bet not, because thats how most hairy man look like.

manlets btfo'd yet again. feel sorry for the guys at this point desu.

Women are notorious for not knowing what they want

What's wrong with it? That's not even a lot of hair.

>Women are notorious for not knowing what they want
believe me they know what and who they want and they are damn vocal and obvious about it.

No. Slight muscles and/or twink mode are best.
Whether muscular or not, less body hair is better

women dont want to fuck faggots mate, they want to fuck real men. have you ever in your life, ever, seen a twink with an attractice woman? of course not. they're usually sucking a cock.

sure, maybe like 0.00000000000000000001% of women in the world might want to fuck a skinnybitch but thats in the megaminority.

that post wasn't me but there isn't much wrong with this... except the hair on his head and the fact this is for gays
yes, even very small girls want very tall men. sorry manlets
you will hear lots of women say that body hair is bad but this is wrong. most don't care for it, but personally i think it contributes to the "manliness" image. no woman is going to say no because someone has or doesnt have body hair

>a twink
>usually sucking cock
well it's obvious what you want m8, nothing wrong with that.

Well I won't say "no", but he will have to shave it all

t. femcel

They really can't catch a break huh

My boyfriend waxes his body, friend. Even better than shaving.

If a guy doesnt have much hair, then he would have to shave pits and trim pubes, same as I do.

whenever women are put infront of a camera, they will say whatever sounds the most benevolent but when not watched, she will say, act and do what she wants.

also, when they say dad bod, they mean some midwest guy who has a gut but also huge with strong big arms.

>also, when they say dad bod, they mean some midwest guy who has a gut but also huge with strong big arms.
So basically bear mode

what? all I'm saying is twinks are faggots and inferior men. if they are straight, then they should learn how to be gay else they're destined to be lonely for the rest of their lives.

I mean if you are measuring a mans value by how much pussy he can attract and get the "twink" fags still got the "buff" guys beat.

Attached: cfedea94-e0e7-4817-8691-c544340ac49f.jpg (470x700, 41.27K)

basically yeah. when a woman thinks positively about a dad body, shes thinking of a powerlifters body. when shes thinking negatively about a dad body, shes thinking of some skinny goblin-looking fuck with a beergut.

Just like how the corona virus co-opted the word "corona" by association. It used to be a word related to the sun.

I know that half the robots here would get TOPPED by them

>twink post pic of a legit faggot to somehow disprove twinks dont get pussy.

I've never in all my life seen a faggot with a hot chick ever. they're most with other men (surprise surprise) or with fat uggos.

sorry but thats life buddyboy. if you wanna get pussy maybe you should put time and effort to get the gains.