"wHy DoN't yOu Go On gRiNdR aNd gEt ToPpEd?"
Seriously though you can't get any more retarded.
"wHy DoN't yOu Go On gRiNdR aNd gEt ToPpEd?"
ngl his posts are pretty convincing. my cock is small and circumcised so it's not like i could ever pleasure a woman...
Its a valid question for robots who dont fuck women.
I mean if its a choice between posting retarded frogs online and getting TOPPED by a stud I know what i am choosing
If you are letting it get to you maybe you are bisexual, honestly no one cares if you get head or get TOPPED on Grindr
Not sure what the better option for you at this point man seems like a lose lose to me
My cock is average and I pleased 2 exes with foreplay alone. But I never fucked a girl. Why don't I TOP you?
It ain't my fault if I was born a literal fuckup. Blame my parents for enjoying 30 seconds of pleasure and fucking up a guy's 21 years.
I guess you do wanna get TOPPED by some guy on Grindr, don't you user?
Not really, I'd take whatever the fuck I get. Got Grindr earlier but lost interest, ngl I wanna fuck a big booty femboy.
It's a coordinated discord tranny operation, which is pretty much failing due to how much robots know trannies are braindead. Ksenia is the only intelligent tranny on the entire board of /tttt/, yet they reject them because they are this kind of tranny - the braindead stupid retard tranny who operates on low iq and impulse.
Never forget Zig Forums is a board that is being openly subjected to barrage and shill campaigns from bunkerchan (lefty retard shit hole after they got btfo on 8ch too many times by /8pol/). They purposely try and hurt the hurting anons on this board. They deserve slow deaths.
Hmmm sounds like you wanna get TOPPED on Grindr and don't wanna admit it.
>tranny retard hands typed this post
Fuck off, retard. 41% yourself.
I might be retard, but I'm no tranny.
Kys faggot
Nice try, tranny. Your manhands and gigantic forehead can't fool me. Haha kill yourself tranny.
Guys dont listen to that psy ops FAG, hes running into every post and trying to shill getting fucked by dudes. GETTING FUCKED BY DUDES IS GAY, atleast find a MTF pre op, but just jumping on grindr to get fucked, you must really be fucking desperate.... i might be a schizo but im not fucking retarded
Off yourself nigger, go be a troll fag somewhere else
So user...
Do you have any REAL reasons for not getting topped?
I'd jump on Grindr to get a cute femboy willing to get TOPPED desu. Boipussy is delicious.
is you. You are a shill tranny retard who is shitting up the board with your shitposts. Don't even bother with the html text edit you braindead retard, you are as obvious as they come and you and your tiny penis and worthless personality can fuck off. :)
Uuuuh I'm not a giga fag? Sure I'd fuck a guy in the ass which is already a fag move, but getting TOPPED is no bueno.
Kek the neckbeard fag is raging on r9k kekekekekekekekek. Why don't you just get TOPPED nigger fag? Lay off mommy's basement for a while won't you?
Who said you can't fuck the guys and be a TOP its better then Jenkins off all day
I agree but its not faggy to TOP its alpha
Imo being a top is always best move. No dicko inside trunko.
TOPPING is alpha, getting TOPPED is terra beta.
Just for this post im gunna make sure make one topped post a day
Ok i agree topping some fag is fine, but getting your holes stretched to the size some someone elses dick is pretty gay
why don't you stop being a FAGGOT and get shit on by a poo poo homosexual
Lowkey I think it's funny cuz it's way too cringe. Just posted it on some threads for the lawls.
This. This needs to be broadcasted to the world.
It is pretty legit advice not even a robot can fail on Grindr and head is head
I second this. My chances on Grindr are significantly higher than on Tinder.
You fucking retard you never give shitposters attention dipshit, now this thread will fuel them for a month straight this is exactly why you should get on grinder and get TOPPED
>people make fun of the "get topped" gayanon
>people make fun of the "small town user"
>people get real quiet and run away in the presence of the veganon
lel. as r9k's premium derailer and shitposter, give me this opportunity to REMIND you that animals are sentient, can suffer, and its immoral and hypocritical of you to pay for them to be tortured and killed so you can eat a double bacon sandwich
its immoral and hypocritical of you to eat animals. debate me
>premium derailer and shitposter
As if, Champ.