Do you have any pets right now, or have you had any pets in the past?
Do you truely love your animal companions?
Do you have any pets right now, or have you had any pets in the past?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have some cats and turtles. The cats are cool except I'm allergic to them, and Turts are just absolute chads
I live in a one-room apartement and work 100%, I will die without ever even having a cricket as a pet
Inb4 vegan poster
i have one dog that ive had since he was a puppy. he is the only thing in my entire life that i truly love.
I have a dog that I rescued from my neighbor that was starving and beating her. She is my best friend and I love her very much. I would definitely not be here without my dog so in a lot of ways she saved my life too.
OP probably is the vegan faggot
I saw a male dog getting TOPPED by another male dog was gross, even they have sex why not go on Grindr and get TOPPED
I don't have any pets because I live in a tiny apartment and it wouldn't be good for them
I go to my mom's house a lot and spend time with her 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 2 birds and 10 fish though
I have my doubts about that vegan user thinks owing animals is slavery but the sperg will show up soon I guarantee it.
Is it hard to take care of a turtle? I'm interested
None. I have 12 hour job.
dont you think its funny how so many of these faggots who own dogs and cats eat meat? they cry like hypocritical faggots when asians eat dogs and cats, yet eat pigs every dinner. pigs are literally smarter than dogs, fucking morons
>lol fucks cows, pigs and chickens. im superior and animals are stupid, kek
the amount of hypocrisy is hilarious. fucking look at the comment section
oh hello there
Kinda just don't care. Weird for a vegan to have a thing for animal torture ngl.
Had two birds that died. Why even bother with taking care of an animal, is just pain in the end since is going to die before you anyways and then you'll have even more reasons to feel miserable
Kek I knew you would show up. I disagree with you but I do find myself enjoying your dedication to your propaganda.
>I disagree with you
what is it that you disagree with what i say?
do you think animals should have moral status and are deserving of moral consideration? do you think its morally wrong to torture and kill animals for your pleasure?
>Kinda just don't care.
>heh, lel, i just, uhhhh, dont really care lel XD
why are dog owners the biggest fucking hypocrites in existence?
have a 12yr old cat.
my best friend
will be sad when she dies
I don't understand your interest in animal torture. Why do you hate dogs n cats so much?
dogs and cats exist to be companions
pigs exists to be food
simple as
though I don't eat pork because it tastes like shit
>I don't understand your interest in animal torture
i have compassion for animals and i think its wrong to torture, and kill them for your pleasure
i dont pay for animals to be tortured and killed for my pleasure. unlike you
yet turns around and pays for animals to be tortured and killed for your pleasure. i think this is morally wrong, and it bothers me that theres a sea of you faggots out there, so i express my opinion on the subject
you hypocrites would lose your faggot minds if people ate dogs, yet laugh at the suffering of pigs
>Why do you hate dogs n cats so much?
i dont, i just hate hypocrites like you. you cry at asians eating dogs, yet pay for pigs to be killed for your taste pleasure
no, you seem to have a morbid interest in the torture of animals which is weird
did you get bit by a dog when you were a kid
why do you avoid answering the question of your obsession of animal torture?
I don't have any pets. I never did. None of my family has any pets. I've never particularly wanted any.
I don't understand how anyone can say they love something that can't even talk to them.
Animal abuse is always bad, doesn't matter what animal it's done to.
Humans don't see dogs and cats as wild animals anymore, at least modern humans. Society specifically gave animals that are commonly held as pets a certain status in society. We feel a lot of empathy for dogs and cats. It's a western thing I guess, back 30 or 40 years ago Chinese people probably didin't give 2 fucks about abusing dogs or cats just as they just didn't care abusing cows, pigs etc. Only until the heavy western influence on the eastern world, people started to adapt those values.
The main point is: The modern western world only values the animals by how much they can benefit from it. Society taught us that pigs and cows only value to us are the food they give us: the milk, beef and pork. Dogs on the other hand bring us something different and much more valuable. A human like connection, a friend and a loyal companion. All pet holders speak to their pets just as they would talk to a baby. I think that's why a lot of people care so much more about "cute" dogs and cats.
she was the cutest boa. very chill but would get defensive in her enclosure.
she passed last year, hours after surgery to remove a cancerous tumour.
While I find the industry abhorrent I do not think the act of killing and eating animals is torture or immoral. I also do not care for your moral fagging. I would genocide 98% of the human race if I could so in my eyes there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing something to survive.
I am not a vegan or vegetarion but you don't need to be a meat eater anymore to survive... It's not like we are still cavemen
>you hypocrites would lose your faggot minds if people ate dogs, yet laugh at the suffering of pigs
This is ridiculously hyperbolic if I love my dog it does not mean I laugh at the suffering of other animals.
I adopted two guinea pigs from a rescue center. I loved them with all my life and gave them all they needed. I think I loved them as much as i would love a son or daughter.
have you ever been in a rekt thread on /gif/ ?
Thats bullshit humans evolved to need to eat both plants and meat. Simply look at how your teeth are designed you have teeth for cutting meat and teeth for chewing plants. This need for a balanced diet is quite literally biologically ingrained in us
I would say 99% of rekt or gore threads are people getting fucked up. Very rarely do I see animals in them and the majority of people usually give them shit if they see an animal in it t. someone who spends a lot of time in those threads