Why don't women just lose the weight?

Why don't women just lose the weight?
Most of the ugly girls I see on dating apps aren't that bad looking
It's not about their height or face most of the time
All they have to do is lose some fucking weight and
they go from a 3 to a 6/10, easy

Attached: Before--After-Weight-Loss-.jpg (1456x1456, 141.74K)

they can easily on a vegetarian diet

because they don't actually have to try like we do. maybe you should just date a fat girl and get her to lose weight.

Because there are plenty of men who would date the fat girl. Plus, cooking is nice

Why don't men just make 7 figures?

I'm trying to lose weight because I'm 15 pounds overweight but my boyfriend keeps begging me not to. He says I would be ugly if I was skinny

>just lose the weight?
That's the problem though, a lot of the time they just don't know how to do it correctly.
Also a significant number are too emotionally fragile to consider it a problem.

yeah she was hotter on the left desu.

t. coomer

Those two things aren't comparable. Losing weight is a significantly easier task and it's not like men don't have to lose weight neither. Why can't whores admit that when it comes to at the very least dating you have it much easier?

because even if they are fat as fuck they will still get messages from dozens of guys, as a women you don;t even need to try.

I'm ugly because I have a big nose, too long a face, 5head and thin lips as a girl. 105lbs.

Have you ever lost weight?

Men have to be fit too, retard.

I actually was less attracted to my ex when she lost weight. and she was more confident to find a "better" guy so I guess it worked out

beliveing in trickle down meme
thats a no, you deserve to be alone

At least you are not fat. Keep your head up
It can always be worse

so there are a few legitimate reasons
>birth control can make it super easy to gain and super hard to lose
>higher testosterone levels make it easier to lose weight
>they're one of the unlucky few with specific medical conditions
but by and large it just comes down to laziness unless they have to stay on a specific birth control for whatever reason or they arent lying about their health, they absolutely can lose weight if they put in the effort
fat guys have even less excuse in this regard, they have an advantage over women for losing weight and building muscle

>less attracted to my ex when she lost weight
Why though?

I am 5'1'' 123lbs and waifish and guys have called me unattractive since I'm not "curvy" enough. A friend of mine got weirdly excited hearing I gained a few pounds due to not being able to run and said I should continue getting thiccer. Guys nowadays seem to be into super thicc girls, I see guys fawning over fat chicks all the time and that's probably why those girls think they don't have to lose any weight.

also, womens metabolism is different. lots of overweight men can just stop eating like shit, but women need to actively watch what they eat to lose weight without exercise

Why do you need to tear others down to feel happy?

im not into pencil thin. she was curvy but not fat

Women get unironically hungry due to menstruation taking their calores, and constant pregnancy makes them hungry as well.

Not a lot but yes i work out.

Because their only coping mechanism with being obese is to tell themselves they're pretty girls and not do anything to change.

>simply shoveling less food down your gullet is the same as making 7 figures

It's amazing to me how retarded this board has gotten over the years.

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>just change your genetics lol

Why don't men just stop doing drugs?
Most of the fuckbois I see on dating apps are hot as fuck
It's not about their height or face at all
All they have to do is stop doing drugs and
they go from a broke fuckboi to a boyfriend-material man, easy

I am sorry. I am a fat femanon and know this is bullshit. I am fat because I am lazy and like cooking and eating.

Anyone could lose weight by reducing calories and exercising. It just takes longer for some

just stop eating, it's not rocket science. There are dozens of calories counters apps out there.

because they don't have to. they can still get fucked by somebody.