How do I get a qt young gf with huge saggy breasts? Its my ultimate fetish. Every
How do I get a qt young gf with huge saggy breasts? Its my ultimate fetish...
How huge is huge enough?
Find women with macromastia
This won't happen you are posting here the best bet is you find a guy on Grindr with a big penis and get TOPPED
I am never satisfied, but I know my taste has to fit around reality, so probably F-JJ cup would be good.
What if I have a 2/10 face?
Thats okay, if you dont mind me staring at your boobs a lot while we talk.
Marry one and put a baby in her, they'll swell up in no time.
>looking a woman in the face
holy shit my sides user
what the fuck don't play like that
Haha yes, very funny...
Looks are temporary, tits are eternal.
>there was an user looking for someone with large breasts
>so I asked him if it was okay if my face was ugly
>he asked "face? what face? you have a face?"
>I get no respect I tell ya
Not only that, but if she stops breastfeeding too soon, they sag something fierce
Women expects to be loved unconditionally more breaking stories next like the color of the sky and the temperature of fire
I was just looking for an excuse to rodneypost
>loved unconditionally
But what do you do to deserve being loved unconditionally by a man?
>want unconditional love
>but only offer conditional love in return
I can't tell why, but big boobs seem to have some kinda weird impact on a woman growing up. Anyone with large breasts, especially younger people with large breasts, tend to be kinda 'odd'. The last one liked pegging....
I disagree, flatty patties are always weirder, because they had to learn other ways of getting attention and start doing stupid foolish shit to get men to notice them.
I'd just say they're more desperate to lock someone down while they're young, if they're not ugly or screwed in some way they're still going to get to choose from multiple candidates like most women.
Sadly only homosexuals and tranny chasers give them the time of day.
Unironically a good idea, but then they get the stretched out pregnancy stomach and stuff
Knight cup ones are huge enough
Based and Dangerpilled
Guess I will need to go down that route
prove you are a woman with big tidders
I have huge boobs but they're super saggy, i gained and lost a lot of weight a few times, now I'm super fat and with too saggy boobs, still face 9/10 from what I'm told (i think I'm ugly as fuck )
Sounds awesome, where do I sign up?
>now I'm super fat
doubt it, any time women say this they exaggerate far too much and are overly conscious of their weight
>I have huge boobs but they're super saggy
Huge hulking tits are supposed to sag, that's hot. What cup size?
>now I'm super fat and with too saggy boobs
What's your weight? It's not that hard to go back down in any case and it sounds like you'll retain your tits. And again, saggy tits are only an issue if they're small.
post faces
i guarantee you're both at least 6/10 and cute, femanons worry about their looks too much
live him unconditionally
simple as originally
fat women never say they're fat because they're cope-addicts
they'll never admit something actually wrong with them is wrong
>super saggy,
sup baby
im 18 and wanna get you pregannt
be my cow gf originally.
Listen up user. This is the 100% foolproof method right here
>Find a fat girl with big tits (180-250 lbs)
>Romance her, which shouldn't be hard with her self esteem
>Make her love you, then slowly convince her to lose weight (should be pretty easy if you can emotionally manipulate her)
>She'll get chubby-curvy, which is the hottest body type, and her big hanging tits will stay
>Marry her, and she'll never cheat on you
Tits or get the fuck out larper