Young black men and women can have an awful start to life. They can be born with a mother who's 20, a grandmother who is 40, and a father who is either gone, or in prison.
There's a 77% rate of illegitimacy among these families, and these people go through a lot of instability.
Some, want to escape that life. These type of girls go to anime conventions, or cosplay, or fighting games. These things are distinctly not black culture, and they are signalling they are willing to leave that lifestyle behind. When conventions re-start, this is how you can get a girlfriend. Even a normal boring life with you, could be far better than her living arrangements
Take the real black pill
ya. i'll omitt my usual quip too
they only like series that blacks think they claimed though like dbz, naruto, street fighter.
The real black bill is that nothing you wrote matters. Nothing really matters.
You are not my target audience.
I think that there are people on Zig Forums who still care about having a girlfriend
They have not degenerated to your level
You can introduce them to better shows
I have a black classmate who is drinking lean and snorting molly after class who says that Mirai Nikki was bad ass
What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing in the op is about anime.
Shitty people with shitty lives create more shitty people in shitty situations. Shocking and eugenicspilled.
My post about going to anime conventions to find girlfriends has nothing to do with anime?
I'm already the kind of faggot who goes to conventions, does cosplay etc but none of this can help me because I can't have a black gf, It would be too weird and I couldn't tell my friends/family so the mythical 'le nerdy black weeb' truly doesn't exist to me, assuming she barely exists at all which i never seem to see
>These things are distinctly not black culture, and they are signalling they are willing to leave that lifestyle behind
That's fucking retarded. Anime and Asian culture in general has been a huge part of black culture since the 70s.
In the 70s, movie theaters in black neighborhoods could only afford to play Kung fu movies, which got black people interested in martial arts and Asian culture. See The Last Dragon and Wu Tang Clan.
The natural progression of this was anime. When Kung fu movies fell in popularity and anime started being aired in the 90s, black people picked it up back when it was still considered nerdy in mainstream American culture. Even Adult Swim acknowledged that a big chunk of the Toonami viewers were always black and latino. There are famous rappers right now doing fucking interviews with CrunchyRoll like wtf are you saying lmao
This is Japan's Demographics, if there was such an interchange within the culture, where are all the black people?
As a matter of fact, some of the biggest rappers of the mid 00s were fucking weebs. So much of 00s hip hop fashion was Japanese. BAPE was one of the biggest streetwear brands and it was made in Japan.
I'm talking about African American culture you dipshit, not the country of Japan itself lol. You're not black so you clearly don't know. Asian culture has a huge influence on black youth culture lol. My dad still fucking watches Bruce Lee movies. Hip hop and anime have always gone hand-in-hand in America. What do you think The Boondocks was?
>where are all the black people?
You don't know about all the nigerians in Tokyo?
Bro you have very serious autism if your evidence here is "uhhh blacks/latinos don't fucking love DBZ/street fighter because they don't often learn japanese and move across the world!!!"
This is like turbo-brainlet logic
Zig Forums so clearly knows absolutely nothing about black people yet always tries to act like they're an authority on it. Just because the imaginary black guy you've built up in your head doesn't like anime doesn't mean that any person who DOES like it is trying to leave black culture behind. Black people were weebs and comic book nerds before it was considered cool.
but all those girls are fat and ugly
also your stupid every nigga watches anime
have you even met a black person?
t. mutt
then stop posting loser
your post doesn't matter
bro i dont think that r9k cares abou "black culture" at all. i just gotta support it so they will date each other instead of trying to mix into other groups
I agree, and understand.
But I am saying that the Japanese perception of African American Culture, and African American perception of Japanese culture go through the game of telephone that is culture, rather then flesh and blood reality of living in a majority African Americans or majority Japanese city.
It's not real contact
And how many of those rappers live in Japan?
How many of them live in a culture where a majority of the text you read is Kanji?
Yes. But not every black person gets really into anime.
This guy has probably can read Japanese
so like, these dudes are desperate to escape their culture right. and other dudes are desperate to prevent that culture from seeping into theirs.
nothin' personnel
I mean, who cares? We're talking about black American culture, not Japan itself. I literally don't see what your point is
yea probably but hes ugly and can stay out of Japan cot deyam, ugly black ass
What the fuck are you talking about? Many of them have gone to Japan, have learned a bit of Japanese and collaborate with Japanese fashion designers, musicians and visual artists, but what does that matter? Again, we're not talking about Japan here.
Your logic is fucking retarded. It's like saying Mexican culture has had no impact on American culture because there aren't a lot of American immigrants in Mexico. Like literally what the hell are you on about?
Most black people get fairly into anime. Rappers were making Lupin the Third references and sampling fucking anime themes in their songs back when white anime fans were getting shoved in lockers.
Some do, but not many.
3% of Japan's immigration is from North America, meaning not many americans in general move to Japan.
But again, not many
They are outliers, not the norm.
There's a desires to move there, but a lack of ability to do so, because of the financial costs associated with starting a new life somewhere else.
I do!
There's 2797 of them in Japan. Japan's population is 120,000,000 people
They are under the protection of the Yakuza, and so their status in the nation is highly monitored.
Who fucking cares if they move there? What I'm saying is that blacks love anime. You're not gonna meet a black guy born after 1980 who doesn't watch it or didn't watch it growing up.
Dude it's clear that you've met like 4 black people and think that since our personalities and culture doesn't match up with your image of 'anime nerd', that means anyone who is a fan of it is rejecting black culture. Your entire fucking premise is off, especially when one of the most famous female rappers in 2020 fucking does anime cosplay.
Despite all the women hate thread and bullshit robots will settle for the first women that give them the chance.
The biggest rapper in the world right now has a song called fucking Final Fantasy.
Okay, sure they do.
But only 3% love it enough to the point they move to Japan.
Only 7% love it enough to the point that they cosplay for conventions regularly.
These are the 7% that I am proposing are the best to date, because even if you do not have a personality, you can share this interest with them.
Moving to Japan isn't easy, especially when they speak a language unlike any language most Americans have come into contact with. But what's your point? Just because they don't move there, it means that black people don't like anime? Just because a low percentage of them are regularly cosplaying, that means blacks don't like it? What percentage of whites move to Japan and cosplay regularly? I'm sure it's about the same. Does that mean that any white person who is interested in anime is rejecting their whiteness?
>because even if you do not have a personality, you can share this interest with them.
And this part is stupid as hell. Imagine trying to make up for your lack of personality with fucking cartoons. No woman is going to fuck you because you two watch the same TV show.
where are you getting those numbers and what is the point of gatekeeping this?
hes trying to gatekeep dudes like from coming to Japan.
good work
See the post literally above yours.
Moving to Japan isn't easy. Even if you're a "nice guy", and that's all your personality is, you can find someone to date. Just having someone you can trust implicitly,. and work towards that common goal, and being faitfhul, so she knows you won't leave her, or hang her out to dry means a lot.
>Moving to Japan isn't easy
Actually it's pretty easy. You just need to have a college degree and speak English as a first language
Obviously Americans need not apply right now because they're diseased lol
Look at the pie chart on the right
He thinks that if a black woman likes anime, it automatically means she's rejecting black culture and craves white dick.
Yeah I see the pie chart and it has nothing to do with the number you posted.
I think that in fact both of these are true.
There is a perception that Japan is difficult to move to, but if you have a college degree it's not.
There's many black women who don't have a college degree, if they thought they had a chance.
If you meet a girl at an anime covention, and tell her about your plan to move to Japan at some anime convention party, and you give her your number, your passion might be enough to bait her into giving you a call.
Or ask her for her number if you're confident enough at the end of the night
If a shared interest in anime is enough to date someone, why did you make a thread about black women specifically? Wouldn't this apply to all women?
You haven't explained why black immigration to Japan matters. Most westerners in general who leave their home countries don't move to Japan. That doesn't mean that anime isn't popular in the west.
Just to be clear moving to Japan isn't the same as being a Japanese citizen. There are only a few ways to move to japan and all involve work in some way. You also will not ever be considered a japanese citizen.
Because of this article.
If you come from an unstable houeshold, you would desire stability.
It's a reality that 77% of black births are to unmarried mothers, who's fathers have lower rates of sticking around if they're unmarried.
You are more likely to come across someone with an unstable household, and so what others would perceive as "boring", the right audience could consider "Stable"
I live in a primarily black neighbourhood and work at a call centre. My coworkers saw my stability and were trying to hook me up with their friends but I wasn't interested.
I wrote both posts. You're not explaining anything, you're just backtracking because you feel stupid.