Download a bunch of realism mods for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim

>download a bunch of realism mods for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim
>heavily roleplay my playthroughs
>no fast travel, require food water and sleep and shelter because of mods
>always end up recruiting a small squad of 4 followers
>feel actual connections to them and the world
>develop personalities in my head even for basic vendor NPCs
>have become a heavy lorebeard
>have even installed mods that adds a bunch of fan-made books into the game
>have read through them all, multiple times
>into the obscure parts of ES lore that are on the internet

Ask a clinically lonely Elder Scrolls lorebeard about any Elder Scrolls lore questions

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Ever thought of getting into DnD?

What are your thoughts on Todd Howard, and do you have much hope for the new Elder Scrolls game?

Yeah, I have. I don't have any friends to do it with, though. I suppose I could find a local group online, but I'm too nervous and autistic.

Losing a lot of respect for him, honestly. Bethesda has been absolutely declining in quality over the years and Fallout 76 exemplified such.

I'm hoping that ES VI will stick with the traditional RPG aspects that have been in the previous games, but I have a feeling that hope will be tarnished.

I mean, Hell. Skyrim is fun, but they absolutely devastated many of the RPG aspects that were present in its predecessors to appeal to normies. Attributes were removed, enigmatic magicks like Mysticism spells were removed, spell-making was removed, etc.

That what I love about Morrowind. The game also doesn't hold your hand like Skyrim does. No waypoints, no fast travel(you have to take a boat, silt strider, have a Mage Guild member teleport you or use Mark/Recall). The NPCs would give you directions on how to find your objective and it was your responsibility to learn the geography of Vvardenfell to get around.

This is exactly how I play vidya, Fallout NV in my head is almost a 180 degrees different story from what is told in the game.

How do you feel about Queen Alessia?

I do the same thing. Most ES players I've met on here do this.

Skyrim is just a boring cookie-cutter fantasy setting stylized after middle to northern Europe, in 90% just Scandinavia with dragons. Vvardenfell actually FEELS otherworldly, with its amazig and creative settings and rich cultures. Morrowind is one of my fav games, no doubt.

Based as Hell, to some degree. What the Ayleids did to the Nedes was absolutely fucked. Current theory suggests the Ayleids worshiped some of the more "evil" daedra such as Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon.

However, I don't think a genocidal campaign(even in retribution) is ever moral. It's also interesting how Marukh(an Imga) was basically the founder of the Alessian Doctrine, as the Alessians seemed to be pretty fucking human-biased.

You're not wrong. I still enjoy Skyrim because of the combat and the plethora of mods, but Morrowind truly captures the alien aspect of Nirn.

I can see most of us on here playing these games this way, honestly. Normies will speedrun the entire game and not take in any of the lore or the atmosphere around them.

I agree with you man, Morrowind on the xbox was one of the first games I played as a kid and Skyrim just felt lacking in gameplay in comparison

>plethora of mods
I myself enjoy some oblivion body mods/lore friendly mods but every time I look at the nexus mod store I cringe hard at all the coomer mods I see

This is exactly why I never play competetively. Where's joy in it? I'm sure Morrowind has *some* story but I'm stuck with traveling between towns and slowly building my merchant-adventurer persona.

My brother introduced me to Morrowind when I was 8. I was gaming since 3, but Morrowind was the first game that truly captured my interest and I would spend hours even as a kid simply just exploring the world and running into various side quests.

Skyrim's combat is fun, don't get me wrong. But it does lack. As I've said, the game holds your hand. Also, the level-matching enemies have is stupid. I loved in Morrowind, you could go into some crypt or tomb and get absolutely decimated because you're far too low of a level compared to the enemies.

Do you think Kirkbride's works after he left Bethesda are still canon?

I know exactly how you feel lmfao. I physically groan when I go onto Nexus, because 80% of the top mods are coomer mods filled with "armor" that is basically a gilded bikini.

Morrowind has more than just "some" story, my dude. Read the books, look up some of the information online. Lawrence Krauss had to have had a multiple week acid trip with the crazy shit he came up with. Read up on Vivec, for example. His story is insane and has a lot of allegories to real life philosophy and religion.

Holy shit, Lawrence Krauss HAHAHAHA I am shitfaced. I meant Michael Kirkbride.

"canon" is relative. The concept of the "Godhead" is something you should look up. Basically, what you consider canon is true. There are various timelines in the Elder Scrolls Universe, as well. Look up "Dragon Breaks".

>Look up "Dragon Breaks"

Pal, I'm a lorebeard like you, but in all my studying of dreamsleeves and CHIM, I don't recall anything saying that what is canon is up to the player

It's a really obscure part of the lore. I'm talking bottom of the iceberg meme lore. It basically mentions that the Godhead is the player.

>irl normie friends only play TES for gameplay and have only played Skyrim and mostly for the gameplay
>just recently got into the lore, reading through UESP and the Imperial library
>ask them if they've read anything about Barenziah and they said "who's that"

Its been awhile since i played, but the snow elves in the vampire dlc were coded as jews or am i misremembering

Heres a tidbit, the dwemer lore in skyrim is entirely based off the like 12 sentences of lore that the dwarves in final fantasy 5 have, todd loved ff5

Ask them about Barenziah and barbed penises. Bet they wouldn't get it lol.

Hmm, I actually never knew that. Interesting.

Be honest bro, did you at least get a half chub when reading the lusty Argonian maid?

Somewhat, yeah. I'm not into Argonians, but I've developed a pretty big fetish for the Wood Elves over the years. Who wouldn't want a small elf gf, right? I replace the Argonian in the story with a wood elf and it gets pretty hot.

nice, I imagine orcs are like dikes no matter the orientation and will always insist on pegging you even if you are more masculine than him(her)

Who do you think got shafted harder by bethesda, fallout fans or elder scrolls fans? Also what do you think of the mod Fallout: New California?

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Holy crap i re-installed skyrim some time ago, i like to add a lot of realism mods aswell, mostly porn mods, i like to pretend to have an adventurous life and all that crap, but not at that point

Hats off to you lads idk why but for some reason i just canont bring myself to finish Beth games only ones i finished were Fallout3,Fallout4 and TesOblivion but it feels like my sould was sucked i just canont bring myself to play them idk why i started playing Skyrim with mods but it felt bland for some reason i guess i should just stay with linear ish games like Dishonored but idk i played Witcher3 and had fucn with it but i canont bring myself to get the other endings etc.

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Tbh most normies do the OP post but don't talk about it unless you know them. Even without deepest lore most norms headcanon their character

Let's talk about the Dwemer. What do you think that happened to them after their king used the artifacts? Do they really died or did they just disappear? I remember that guy Yagrun Bagarn, I think, was in another dimension by the time Dumac used the artifacts, that's why he's in Morrowind.

>muh lore
Your "lore" are scizo rantings from a degenerate junkie who completely retconned the only two games in the series that were ever actual RPG's and that mattered.

I played the bejeezus out of oblivion, skyrim and fallout 4. even got all the achievements for all three. but I cannot for the life of me bring myself to finish morrowind, fallout 3 or new vegas. I am the ultimate pleb in the eyes of Zig Forums lol