> ywn fuck with a cute asian boi I would otherwise be very willing to settle down (i am early twenties with only one previous partner) and having wholesome family with a man with kids and stuff and all this, but... This just bothers me a lot, that this idea of having sex with a hot asian man will never fucking leave my mind and once I marry I will be forever stuck inable to do that. Well its not like I have options even as a free woman, I am too ugly, but at least I can hope and fantasize. But thinking about other men while being married sounds wrong. I dont know what to do. How do I stop being such a yellow fever coomer? This is just dumb.
inb4: i dont watch k-pop. I had yellow fever as a small girl before I even knew what animu is.
Thats just the position of his pelvis being on front. Pretty sure thats just skinny. Or maybe not. Hot anyways.
Isaac Sanders
Asian femanon here, I fully and highly recommend that you marry the Asian man. Marry who you love. If the kid's race is an issue, you could always use a sperm donor.
Anthony Perez
hes a skinnyfat, meat eating weak boi
Alexander Cox
I dont think I can marry an asian man, I am not a good housewife and I am not very submissive and thus his parents would disapprove. I would also need to move since there arent many where I live.
Besides I can love regardless of race, that s just a fetish.
Xavier Carter
Well, I dont care. Would lick him shiny anyway.
Cameron Morgan
>disapprove what up Tanisha hes gross
Isaac Allen
Ok, he s gross in your opinion, why should I give a shit? I am not Tanisha. This is one hell of a weird name by the way.
Matthew Perez
"Fetish" = LOVE Not seeing race = SETTLING in exchange for good income
Trust me, I and lots of Asian women do not want these Asian men. HE might end up being a family oriented guy to YOU. Be careful though, lots of fuckbois too.
Lincoln Walker
S/he is assuming that you are black, because Asians are extremely racust against dark skinned people. But if you are a white woman, you are the goddess incarnate.
Daniel Long
Shaniqua? what up. yea he gross
Jonathan Morgan
Also, if any other femanon wants their perfect Channing Tatum, take Channing Tatum too. I am also not attracted to Channing Tatum.
Camden Morales
he. and yeah. its not the dark skin per se, but the face
Chase Richardson
How would you know it's -just- the face, are YOU asian or even azn? As if they don't bleach their skin with cancer causing creams and fat shame as a regular sport.
Josiah Lopez
Anonette, thats... Ok I actually just want to point out that its "settling" for me anyways because I have an insanely high standart inside. So I ll just love somebody who is nice enough to me with whom I feel safe.
But fetish is not love. Love is not just about sex. There are much more aspects to living together in which you must match. I feel like with asians the cultural gap is going to be too big for this to work out. You are also unfair to your own race, but whatever, its your choice.
Brody Cook
ya im azn, breh. its the face, there are good looking people with dark skin.
but there's a lot more people with dark skin that look like homo erectus and have 2 digit iq's.
Jacob Perez
Asian guys have really high standards. Thats why you never see them with a white woman who isnt at least a 7/10.
Anthony Moore
I am white, but I am not your typical blonde goddess, my looks are below average.
Thomas Green
wait wait wait. Honey, are you White? Now hang on! to heck with cultural differences, i won't make stinky azn food and wont let my parents bother ya.
Oliver Nguyen
Yeah I know. That cause I pointed out that I am probably not getting one even as a free woman. So it would be more rational to abandon the thought, but this wish is like so deep it keeps me awake at nights.
so White women think the cultural differences wont work out, and azn guys like me think White women are too pretty (or not pretty enough) for us.
a paradox
Owen Barnes
You got trips, but come on bby girl. I actually got accused of trying to exterminate the Asian race by a fat AND ugly Chinese guy who had delusional dreams of becoming the new Hugh Hefner. All because I didn't like that he made my post about cute, innocent memes into sonething about his love of sex and his dick. Traditional Asian parents would rather you marry the light Asian 4 over the dark skinned 8. Unless the 8 has money AND the 4 is a degenerate poor peasant. They treat the Asian women just the same. Hence why I am glad I am not attracted to them at all.
Ethan Wood
My ex was Asian. He bought me a designer purse the first week we were dating, always paid for everything, treated me like a princess. I have been spoilt by Asian men.
Wyatt Collins
Still try anyway, OP. Because for you, it won't be like "taking one for womanity".
Owen Green
I feel you OP, Asian guys are the cutest
Justin Ward
traditional azn parents arent dumb. nobody would approve a 4 over a legit 8.
Sebastian Howard
>designer purse S T A C E Y detected
Eli Lewis
You must be talking about Filipinos and Vietnamese then, b/c I know Japanese are xenophobic and Koreans ONLY want Korean offspring, to the point where I suspect that there is so much plastic surgery in Korea, because they are as inbred as Icelanders.
Bentley Perry
>keeps me awake at nights I'll give you another reason to stay awake at night: checked, roll another dubs or better and I'll post 1 side of my asian eyes for you to coom to.
im talking about people. and im having this "who is the azn expert" debate with your ass.
Michael Barnes
You are probably beautiful. Men never ever really spoiled me at all, so I tend to fall for just nice words. Even them are rare.
Sure I can try, even though the opportunities here are rare, but then again...I kinda dont really want to have the baggage of too many dicks if you get what I mean.
I am not really getting what fid you want to say by that. That you are...what?
Joshua Ward
my my, he is a fine specimen.
Kayden Hughes
You have most likely never grown up around traditional Asians. My mom was so traditional, she didn't want me to wear pearl jewelry, until I was married.
Joseph Morgan
You actually just made me wanna cry instead...
Landon Williams
Not OP but rolling
Lucas Watson
you know, azn bois dont look like this 4eva - he'll age lol
Asian guys will bone literally any white girl. I think even if you are a 4, to him you will be a 7, so long as you are not obese or acne ridden or deformed.
Liam Sullivan
you are talking shit because you wanna be the "azn expert", nobody can have an opinion on azns but you.
shit falls from mouth like ass
Andrew Gutierrez
>tfw brian from day6 will never look at me like this irl Where is the rope...