>finally connect with a woman for once in my life
>grow to like her more than anyone else
>start to develop hope for once
>wake up to a suicide note in my messages from her
Nanners I know it's a long shot and I doubt you're even alive but I really hope you're here and you see this shitty post. I'm here, please be alive.
Finally connect with a woman for once in my life
Have a real relationship on Grindr and get TOPPED
e-relationships are not real user-kun
Maybe not but for broken people it's the best you can get.
im here, i just need some time....
nanners if u read this kill yourself again bitch slut
>fall for a girl who calls herself Nanners
>not expecting eventual suicide or at least depression
You can tell a lot from a name
I want to believe. I really do. Anyways, I'm sorry for clogging up the catalog for self indulgent tripe like this, and I deserve it if this is someone is trying to make me suffer.
This is fucking pathetic, she didn't kill herself. It's just for fucking attention dude, stop falling for woman-isms.
you should follow in her footsteps and kys, normalfag
I really hope this isnt real and you're fucking with him. Normalniggers should all die.
No offense but irl relationships end in break ups too.
Hey user, Jesus...I can't imagine how how you feel right now. How are you holding up..? I want apologize on behalf for all these assholes in this thread, this sounds extremely traumatic. Do you think she's actually...gone? I want to say that it's going to be okay but I don't think it will be for you for awhile..if you want to talk I'll be right here, user. I'm not going anywhere
You don't have to apologize, I really expected it. I just hope she doesn't go through with it, and sees this thread. I do appreciate your kindness though. It's obviously a very difficult time, I even had to call out of wageslave hell today because I just couldn't have.
If that were me I'd be having a pretty shit day, I really hope she's ok.
I had an ex that tried to kill herself to spite me a few times and even though we were fighting and she did it explicitly to hurt me I didn't care about any of that and just wanted her to be ok.
Sometimes the most important thing is that the people you care about are ok.
Its possible she just wanted to ghost you and didnt want to hurt your feelings or have you try to find her, so she faked her suicide.
I don't mind helping to bump your thread for awhile so maybe she gets a better chance to see it... tho you might have to come to terms with the possibility that she did it, user. How long were you talking with her? Do you think you can recover from this...?
It's been about a month, and I had already had my breakdown assuming it's already happened. All I can do now is hope she didn't cave to dumb bitch disease. I doubt I'll be able to recover though, although I was already a hollow shell of a man anyways.
That's the most retarded reasoning though, if you don't want to hurt somebody and they care about you, faking your death will hurt them a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT, like to the point where it will always be a hole in their very being.
Would you ever want to hear from her again even if she was still alive? Have you tried contacting her since..? I'm sorry user...you have my empathy. This entire scenario is just awful. You seem like a genuinely nice guy, you didn't deserve for this to happen to you. ..you don't think that you caused her to do it, do you? Sorry, it's alot of questions I know. I'm just worried about you user, it's not good to be alone in your thoughts when you're like this. I don't want you to follow in her footsteps from this
It's ok, user. I appreciate it. I also appreciate bumping the thread, even if it's just clinging to hope. I want to hear from her again more than almost anything, but even more than that I just want to know she's alive. You also sound like a very nice person.
dumb mutt did you just whine for attention on the internet already or did you call the police to her adress
I'm nothing special, user. I just hate seeing people suffer like this, my retard brain makes me want to help you feel better more than anything right now. I just can't help it. I can tell how alone and hopeless you are right now in the way you type, and...I know it's not really worth much consolation but I understand how you feel. It's awful, isn't it? I don't know how you you're even able to talk right now, user...I think I would still be crying from the moment I read that message. I won't let your thread die as long as you keep replying to me, I promise.
Youre bein shit tested by an attention whoring slay queen psycho, mate
Thank you, user. You might think you're nothing special but what you're doing now most certainly is. I've already cried for a couple hours. I've already had my total breakdown. I just want her to be ok, and I want her to be alive.
It's okay to cry, user. Losing the one you loved like that...I can't imagine what's going on in your head right now. The way your heart feels..I wish that I could be there for you, times like this can only really be made less hard by a hug and coffee served warm by a friend. I hope she's okay too user, for her and your sake. I hope that losing out on this day of work isn't going to be too detrimental to you...what have you been doing today so far to keep your mind off of things? I'm sorry for the late replies, I'm only able to text at red lights right now but I'll be home soon
You dont need to apologize fren. It does hurt a lot but mostly it's fear, and dissapointment that I let her down. She reached out to me and asked me to stop her while I was asleep, and by the time I was awake I was too late. If she is dead, it feels like I killed her. Playing video games doesn't help, it just feels hollow and it's just hiking up my anxiety. The only thing that keeps me sane right now is the fact that there is a post in this thread that looks like it might be hers, although I'd be an idiot to cling to it religiously.
Oh my god...user. Even just imagining that scenario made me tear up..I know that I don't know the situation at all, but..I want to tell you that it isn't your fault. Please don't put that much weight on your own shoulders. From what you've told me about your relationship, it sounds like she waited for you to go to sleep because she thought it would cause you less pain...suicidal people are at war with their own survival instincts. It really comes out when their close...I hope she didn't say anything to damaging to you, user.
The only thing damaging is the idea that she's gone. I would never blame her for what happened, I just hope she didn't go through with it so I can tell her what an idiot she was, and how her leaving is more painful than anything she could do to me. Thank you though, as hollow as it is it helps to hear that, but I still wish I was awake.
I'm sorry if I'm imposing myself too far..I don't know much about you but I can tell that you are suffering right now. And suffering alone. Tell me user..how many people do you talk to aside from her? Do you have anyone that will be there for you..? Its okay if you want to be alone, I know it doesn't make any sense but I care about you, even if its just a random user on the internet. I'm just imagining you alone in your room right now with everything hanging on your shoulders like that...its a scary place to be.
You're not imposing at all, user. I appreciate it. I have two or three but I wasn't nearly as close to them as I was to her, as cringey as it sounds. In terms of someone there for me, I have nothing really, so I really appreciate what you're doing for me now. Thankfully I'm no longer crying, although I don't know how long that can last. I keep making an attempt to call her, even if she isnt picking up, every 30 minutes in vain hope. I dont know why I do this to myself. I don't even know if I want to be alone or not, my head is too tumultuous to tell.