If you could wake up tomorrow and your life was absolutely perfect, what would it look like?
If you could wake up tomorrow and your life was absolutely perfect, what would it look like?
I would not wake up.
>Have a decent paying job
>live in a nice play in a major city like NY or LA
>Have an SO
>Have my shit together
I would be rich and have a cute trap that wants to get TOPPED nightly, for now I will browse Grindr and dump cum in twinks mouths
>check phone
>full of TOPS who are ready to TOP me so I can get TOPPED and smoke weed all night
>Log in Grindr
>Filled with BBC wanting me to get TOPPED
i would be happy, have a really nice caring friend group, clear skin, and be skinny
>Would be 75 pounds lighter
>Have cute autistic husbando
>Live in nice house in the midwest
honestly perfection is a series of peaks in the mountain range of reality. it would be hard to tell which peak I would have landed on. the one where the apocalypse happens and I come to own a harem of 400 female slaves who genuinely like and appreciate me despite being property. The one where I have had a cute female childhood friend who has been in romantic love with me since we were kids and we end up having a nice easy emotionally fulfilling life together where we have many children. The one where I was born a female superhero who has need of nothing and unlimited freedom and potential.
>hi honey, how did you sleep?
>a small home out in nature
>away from urban life
>the property includes direct access to or is near a water source, river, lake, beach, anything
>financially supported by a writing and or art career
>or science, research or lab work
>get to spend most of day enjoying nature, reading, writing, or creating, just exploring creativity/intellectual interests
>good food on the table: meats, cheeses, fruit, veggies, etc.
>with the love of my life
>we visit a nature spot
>have a picnic lunch there and make dinner together at night
>eat amazing homemade dessert
>we go on a road trip, camp out in different spots for a week or two
>simple fulfilling life with good people, good food, a good home, a good head on my shoulders, far away from the stress of life now
I did wake up today and my life is perfect because the universe as it is.. is perfect.
Boom OP
>Everybody thinks like me
>qt trad nurturing young swedish waifu which i violate daily and she screams for jesus to have mercy
i just want a nice squishy gooey pussy to fuck
It's fun to dream, but I trust those zeroes
Wake up in a one room apartment. Take a cold shower, put on a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants (no logos or text. plain design) put on plain sneakers
I am at 10% bf and above average muscles. I know mma at an extremely high level and can beat 15 untrained men in melee
I am extremely attractive face wise obviously
I go out to the park and TOP some twink and let him suck me off in the bushes
I then proceed to hunt and kill niggers in the park
you can live in your dreams and sleep when you are dead m8
same but with 3 mil in my account. enough for me to never work again and live comfy.
>Be me
>Wake up
>Be in based rock band
Comfy time
so get a fleshlight, faggot
I'd wake up to my qt3.14 shota, we'd be in our own house that was comfy, the weather would be hot, we'd be financially stable, we'd have a cat maybe, yeah. That's it.
Having a girl friend. Nothing else would matter, yeah it would be shit, but at least I'd be with someone who makes me feel loved at the end of the day.
>inb4 normies hurr durr having a gf doesn't do that
I'm talking about someone that actually loves and doesn't have a 3 month case of cock lust for you.
I'd be taller so I'm 6'2
Have a thicker dick
Have a good job
Have a good gf
Have younger parents so I can stop worrying about them dying
Be 10 years younger if we really can pick anything
>I like my job so no changes there
>I'm a really good artist
>When I wake there's a beautiful, sexy boyfriend next to me with whom I can grope and cuddle with to my heart's content
>rona is over so I can return to working out and going to concerts
may be some day
Same except that I'm not a fatass and I have a loving wife.
Then just fucking kill yourself fag. Stop being a fucking drama queen on the internet and fucking do something with your life. If you're not going to do that, just kill yourself.
I would be a handsome westerner.
>wake up 4 inches taller, somewhat more muscular, etc.
>work in a job doing research as an astronomer/planetary scientist
>attended grad school and eventually went on to get a phd
>proud of the work I do, feel I'm actually contributing to society, bettering mankind rather than occupying a chair for a company to be paid a contract cost
>live in a rural town in the mountains, cold/high latitude north, away from the city
>have a girlfriend or loving wife with a freckled face, cheery/tomboyish personality. she teases me out of my shell
>she does similar work or works in a slightly different field
>have a small cottage/cabin-like home surrounded by a lot of land/woods. house is cozy
>have a couple dogs (border collies)
>small, rural town feel full of similar folks
>not rich, but financially secure and free to do most things (including travel)
>go hiking out in nature with wife and the dogs
>actually able to enjoy myself for once
>no longer feel ashamed of myself and life
>small network of friends that I keep in loose contact with. no longer ashamed of my life circumstances compared to theirs
>garden/small scale farming as a hobby with extra land
>maybe have kids if I am married, spend time trying to teach them things that my father never taught me.
my mental health would be great. that's it, only thing stopping my life from being perfect is my shitty mental health.
>exactly what it is now just without me getting in the way of myself
twinkmaxxed, getting fucked in the ass daily and nightly.
>post scarcity space utopia, but less boring than space
>husband who has lived with me for centuries
>unlimited fun stuff to do and people aren't jerks for no reason
>whimsical aliens who also aren't jerks
>I'm really cute like when I was a late teenager/early 20s
>enhancements to the mind have made us all psychic and nearly omniscient, though we can turn it off at will, so all is peaceful and there aren't any scary uncertainties unless they're wanted
>can bounce from planet to planet in space cars to experience different realms with different laws of physics
>everything is bright neon and sparkly
>the best overdose-free space drugs are widely available