Am I the only one that has an ungodly hatred towards niggers? I literally cannot stand to even be near one without wanting to beat their head in
Am I the only one that has an ungodly hatred towards niggers...
and even if you win a fight against one of them, they call in their pack or pull a knife
Yes, particularly from having been exposed to them back in Army AIT. I had been the type to give them a chance, but seeing as they have this proclivity to blast their music loud, hit people when they can't defend themselves (particularly this nigger named Javon Howard), and just have a massive disrespect towards everything and everyone in general (didn't help that our 1SG enabled and glossed over their behavior).
I've pretty much gone 14 88 since then, and I'm not even white.
That's why you never give them a fair fight. Either hit them in the back of the head or pull out a gun b4 they can
you faggots are mad but you wont do shit about it but post on a fucking forum every day and do NOTHING
White people are obsessed with us so i'm sure you aren't the only one
Not just white people everybody on this earth fucking hates you including your own nigger kind that's why you cant stop killing each other
Nah that's just copes by white people, the same white people that claim jews, blacks and arabs are trying to destroy their precious civilization and that anti-whiteness is at an all time high. White people are honestly retards just lucky to be born in this era
>cries about muh violent ethnics
>praises Hitler in the next breath
Lol dumb honkey
Your post is cope. Well anyway once white people are gone there will be nobody left to protect your nigger ass and me and my people and the rest of the races will exterminate your parasitical ugly ass people. We have no white guild to exploit.
that kid was fine.. good kid
What race are you then? I guarantee you're doing worse than us while still cucking for whites.
>Everyone hates niggers but all races even asians are marching in the streets of america for niggers
Okay lol
The man should still be executed, along with any niggers he associates with
>azns care about joggers
idk man
you black dudes have a death wish. no troll, yall gonna die if this keeps up
There is no lower race in social or global standing than niggers lmao my own race does't matter everyone agrees you groids gotta go only ones defending you are cuk ass whites.
>you black dudes have a death wish
everyone's got to go at some point
>There is no lower race in social or global standing than niggers
You're welcome
The army is filled with retards.
If the state weren't protecting all of you would have ended dead or enslaved again
uuuuuuuuuuuuh just stop listening to the state? Seems to work well for blacks
K cool, so answer my question please.
I know some of them are still cucks that let their women get railed by ugly white guys so it's split
People who hit children need to be euthanized on the spot.
cucks or not,
>thinking azns will defend joggers
gl man
you niggers arent worth going to jail for
not even a threat just a nuisance
I dont really care desu they're not relevant enough yet for their actions to be of much value anyway im just telling you how it is
Imagine if chimpanzees had the same rights as humans. They're stupid, dangerous, uncivilized wild animals. We import them by the millions. They're everywhere and they're given special protection by the government. You can't shoot them if they attack you. You can't stop them if they try to steal from you. They destroy their environment everywhere they go and the government pays them to do it. That's how everyone feels about niggers. They're a subhuman blight and we'd all be much better off if they didn't exist. But they do, and the rest of us are too fucking kind to genocide them like they deserve.
sounds like you're not too serious about your beliefs then. And the state can't stop you if everyone hates blacks, logically the state would agree. AND even if the state somehow doesn't then you could just fight the state off with your superior, or go off and make your own state somewhere else.
Come on mate, the black guy shouldn't be the one making the ideas.
but why would you even assume azns would give value to joggers, however small, in the first place?
>You can't shoot them if they attack you. You can't stop them if they try to steal from you.
Yeah you can
this may surprise you but people arent a hivemind. it may seem that way because we all agree that theres a jogger danger
I'm saying even if they hate us blacks, it doesn't matter because they don't have much value to give to us in the first place.
>this may surprise you but people arent a hivemind
People are hiveminds though. Everyone unconsciously serves their race. You shouldn't trust anyone who isn't the same race as you.
Whites are historically the most violent not to mention look more like apes and have less human dna than blacks so i always find these rants to be funny
Whites and asians should take a knee around blacks
They suck, OP. But they're scared of me, I don't even care for them much. They know who to fuck with and it sure isn't mexicans that's for sure lol.
for me, its genuine disappointment.
yes and no. i can trust civilized people.
no, do not that to DVa. i would personally propose a mass deportation and a quarantine of Africa if push came to shove, rather than a race war.
Yeah because your people are more violent and have nearly twice as many murders than all of americans including blacks combined
Mutual feeling. I'm disappointed asians don't have enough pride to not be white people's bitch and have to open dry cleaners in black communities while claiming not to like blacks when we're the only ones that even somewhat support them in their slanty eyed ways.
Being the best at violence doesn't mean you're the most violent. It just means you're the best.
>whites... look more like apes
You are unbelievably stupid. If you reply to me again I'm going to say the n-word, melanin enriched pavement ape.
>i can trust civilized people
Can you really when everyone would screw you over just to help their race? People are judged only by their race and for good reason. Because only race is important.
if you dont want to be "white people's bitch", you can always go back to africa and thats the truth. and azns arent exactly safe in black communities.
people are judged for their race but believe it or not, sometimes people of different races stop making it an issue.