You are locked in a room with a random but very attractive man/woman/trap (your choice) for 6 hours. You can do or say ANYTHING you want to this person without any repercussions after leaving the room. They also cannot hurt you or stop you from doing anything. What do you do?
Remember, this is a real person with real emotions. And I know this is hypothetical but try to be serious with your answers. If you say something edgy like rape or murder, really ask yourself if you have the capacity to do that to another fellow human being.
As long as I am not getting TOPPED I should be fine
Thomas Ross
Have a long discussion about ourselves where I'll try to be truly vulnerable. I have difficulties with this and would like to have the time to talk and maybe explore this with someone.
Opening up to a stranger can be easier than to a good friend for me.
I'd want to know about them as well.
If I could also 'design' the space we'd be in, I think we would be sitting across each other in comfortable clothes in comfortable chairs with a table of snacks and (non-alcoholic) drinks between us. Maybe there would be a boardgame.
At the end of the six hours, I would like us to hug before we leave.
Jayden James
Talk. I haven't been out with anyone that isn't my family in over 2 years. I'm so alone.
Eli Davis
Ones gotta wonder a couple things first. No repercutions doesnt mean that they cant remember anything that happens right? And besides do they know you beforehand?
Juan Green
Have a conversation with her. Rape her and lick her slutty feet, kill her and fuck her brains out (literally).
Daniel Harris
Thats a very thoughtful answer, thank you.
No they will remember everything after, but nothing you do in that room will matter once you leave. Society will basically never know/not judge you for it. And no, you two are complete strangers.
Owen Campbell
So you are a sociopath I take it? Or are you just an internet edgelord?
Jeremiah Parker
I would do sexual things the whole time
Hudson Wright
Get to know her and open up about my true feelings. I have difficulty opening up to my family and 2 friends. Hopefully at the end we can be friends and blossom into a relationship. I would honestly give many things just for real love.
Adam Phillips
I would give her unending orgasms for 6 hours while fucking her and instantly getting my erection back after coming by inhaling her sweat and pheromones the hardest part would probably be dehydration though I hope I get to bring water since I'm confident in my strength and stamina.
Angel Foster
Would unironically do it if I wouldn't have morals. I'm glad that I can contain my degeneracy through my ideologies.
Ayden Gutierrez
Wow, 6 hours of rape huh? Or would you at least try to woo her and get her consent first? And dont worry, you cant feel dehydrated in our little hypothetical scenario.
Jaxon Perez
You say you have morals, but your morals wouldnt apply if you could 100% get away with it? Genuinely interested
Jordan Murphy
Elaborate? originallythough
Luis Flores
I have absolutely no morals, and I'm not even sure if anyone in the world except me is real. So needless to say. I would break her arms and rape the fuck out of her for about 3 hours before slowly killing her, probably by slicing her open and pulling out her organs one by one.
Or play video games if it's a dude
Xavier Wright
You must not know how women work after that much fucking and orgasms and pumping her brain full of endorphins, dopamine, and pleasure she'll be addicted and become attached to me it would not be rape especially since you say I cant get dehydrated I'm pretty much guaranteed to succeed.
Andrew Diaz
Even if I could get away with it, I wouldn't do it. That's why my thoughts stay in my head and don't end up becoming my acts. Self control is very important.
Josiah Morgan
Interesting, do you get pleasure out of another persons suffering? Have you ever killed or tortured animals before?
Asher Ramirez
I'd choose an attractive white woman. I'd try to get to know her and get her number.
Okay, so in this scenario you wouldnt actually rape, kill, and fuck her literal brains out then. Good to know!
Are you a pajeet by any chance?
Jose Butler
That's not how it works, retard. Stop reading hentai and try interacting with actual people. Or does no one want to talk to you because you're absolutely insufferable?
Carter Garcia
I get immense pleasure from making others, particularly women, suffer. I have killed animals, including hitting a lizard on the head with a hammer, burying a crab alive in a box, and dropping dozens of frogs into a high powered fan / throwing them against walls
Gabriel Powell
I'd tell her that we have no future and we can just skip the misery.
Ethan Gutierrez
I just want to hug someone, nothing else.
Grayson Cook
Depends what I have with me. I'll try to talk with her but if i have my switch I'll either try to play vidya with her or if she doesnt want to do either then I'll play alone If no Switch and she doesnt want to talk then I'll try to nap
Matthew Reyes
Yeah it is how it works I've done it plenty I dont just fuck for my own pleasure that would be no different than masturbation. Women are mostly very simple minded you make them feel good and they become attached.
Jose Anderson
No, I'd probably just tell her to wake me up after 6h, lay my head on her lap and go to sleep.
Joseph James
I've raped a girl before and would do it again in this scenario... I'd probably try to do more depraved stuff than the first time.
Cameron Nguyen
This is the most smoothbrain shit I've ever seen. This guy couldn't find a clit if it was in his family size bag of cheetos
Chase Watson
Any stories about how youve made women suffer? Why do you hate women so much?
I'd probably do the same desu (after sniffing her feet for an hour)
Brody Taylor
Can you tell us your rape story? Was it a random person? Was she conscious?
Robert Watson
>I've raped c-care to share user?
Christian Cox
Story? Did you get away with it user?
I don't actually hate women, I just have a pretty extreme fetish for hurting people. Physically or psychologically. I've definitely sexually harassed women at work in a way that they couldn't really prove or report, and I've groped women in tightly crowded spaces just to see their reaction (tears welling up in their eyes and a small whimper is the best reaction imo)
I've done a lot of rapeplay with my fiancee as well, so that's sated my urges lately
Jack Sanders
I would try to convince her through words that I'm the best being in the world. Then I would ask her to pledge loyalty to me in exchange for her life after this event. It's as simple as that. You live unscathed but you're my slave She knows I can be judged if I do anything after this, but I truly want her to know is that whatever the situation I'm her God from now on and as so I may do with her life as I please. However she need not be scared from this, since I'm a benevolent being. Most likely would have her take a nursing degree and be my right hand for the rest of her life. Would pay her accordingly. I'm a Doctor and a trustworthy nurse is very important for us.
William Torres
Could you go into detail about that depraved stuff?
Ethan Russell
Interesting, thanks for your answer! B-but please stop hurting poor defenseless animals :
Elijah Gray
>I'm a Doctor So you're a doctor with a God fitting. Interesting answer nonetheless, thank you for your reply.