god all i want is a clingy robot friend that will talk to me a lot, is that too much to ask?
God all i want is a clingy robot friend that will talk to me a lot, is that too much to ask?
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>god all i want is a clingy robot friend that will talk to me a lot, is that too much to ask?
what do you like to talk about?
im into programming
Go on Grindr and get TOPPED faggot you can make all kinds of friends there
Yes, talking's a waste of time and makes me annoyed more than anything. Why you gotta be so demanding?
its fun to chat about nothing when you have time well over text i dont like to actually speak
i really like anime, vidya and cute 2d girls! i dont really know anyting about programming, im quite dumb. i like talking about life and stuff
So how is life and stuff going for you then?
not very well friend
Speaking as a clingy robot friend that will talk to someone a lot, you definitely don't want me
I like those things too, what anime do you like, im watching how not to summon a demon lord
why not? i think i would!
im currently rewatching kill la kill, but i generally like relaxing stuff like slice of life and cute romance
>why not? i think i would!
You either are unaware of just how clingy a real clingy person is, or you're one of those people that really likes to neglect others and never talk to them except when the mood strikes you and you want them to be there and excited to talk to you during those rare times, someone that will crave your attention and put up with bullshit from you
I've never met someone that said they like clingy people that was any different from those two things
i pretty much always want to talk with someone a lot except for the times when i actually can't, that is work or sleep. and even at work i wanna talk but i just can't.
Hey there high on XTC and NEEEEEED to talk to someone
I like slice of life too, my favorites are Wagnaria!!/Working!!, Blend-S, Servant x Service, and Mahoutsukai no Yome
oh man thats a wild night friend, why did the guy that came up with you to ask for a ciggie get beaten up? shame you didn't end up getting more xtc. how does meth and xtc feel man?
those are quite comfy, my favourites are k-on, non non biyori and stuff like that. for romance i really like cute shows, like um toradora, with not that much drama.
So friend, I see you like anime and vidya. Which anime would you recommend?
I don't like long, never-ending anime, tho. And the last anime I really enjoyed was Ishuzoku Reviewers.
Also, what's your favorite game? Mine is Dragon's Dogma!
from what you last enjoyed shimoneta might be up your alley.
i don't know if i have a favourite game of all time, but right now its europa universalis 4, im having fun playing it again
oh, that one kinda caught my attention but never did the effort to watch it.
i haven't watched ishuzoku reviewers myself but from the description it sounds like it would be similar in a way to shimoneta so you could give that a watch.
Are you working on a project or learning? or maybe both?
I want a clingy robot bf
Are you girl(biological female)?
ok, I have nothing to do at times and I wanted to watch an anime so I'll give it a try.
So, what else would you like to talk about? Rona? The return of the Black Death? The inevitable end of everything as we know it?
no, boys are for boys and girls are gross
Would you also talk to me a lot user?
i don't know friend, we could talk about our problems, anything really, wherever the conversation takes us.
of course! that's what im looking for, someone i could talk to a lot, that won't ghost me after a few messages and stuff
All I want is a cute, feminine bf :3
Hi user, I am somewhat clingy but sometimes I have bouts of depression. Would this do?
I would like that user! And looking at this thread we seem to share interests. But be honest user how many people do you already have?
What problems do you have?
Personally I have none other than not having enough money to know if I'll be able to eat tomorrow (not like in tomorrow but in the near future).
I guess I fit that physically but I'm just a normal guy. I don't do the whole slutty bottom thing.
>that won't ghost me after a few messages and stuff
i wouldn't ghost you unless you're a man
I think dc user bepis#6969 fits this perfectly.
yes! i do too so you needn't worry
i dont have people to talk to, i tried soc but everyone there is non commital and seems like they dont really wanna talk.
i have many problems friend, loneliness being one
well of course im a man, women cant be lonely
Yeah, I don't want a slutty bf either, just a cute boy to cuddle and have fun with him :)