Is anyone here dealing with crippling OCD or OCPD?
Is anyone here dealing with crippling OCD or OCPD?
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yes me. also you all got it wrong, but im not gonna explain anything anymore because youre all giving me too much anxiety, enjoy your cringe dramas
You were the one obsessed with cringe dramas. Perhaps 10 years is enough.
im in a pretty sweet spot now and i dont want to ruin it. believe what you want
Nope, I do have OCD but is not affecting my real life.
So am I. Good luck.
How does it affect you then?
what hurt the most was how easily all my care was invalidated without anyone even contacting me. i dont see any point in wasting any more time around such people. good luck to you too
You'll just learn not to be too cocky around strangers and then return to do the same again. This won't stop you. Just a bump in the road. The fox is just burrowing to lick its wounds for the time being.
no as i said, you got it all wrong. couldnt be happier, karma is real.
>karma is real
Oh, you don't even know how real it is. Not even close. None of you do.
maybe we all get what we deserve after all. cant complain, but it makes me a little sad.
My OCD trigger mostly when doing somethin on a computer (call it working, gaming or so).
If I'm doing something and make a mistake, I have to start over from the beginning and that ultimately get really boring a frustrating. I also have to do things in a precise order or is back to the beginning...
Treating it as a game, an obsession, invalidated any genuine care that might've been. I can't deny that I loved you. She did too. But when you see a side of the person you didn't suspect existed, you begin to question not just them, but your own naivety. At that point, nothing seems real. The only solution is to step back from it all. Maybe you're a good person. Maybe you deserve a second chance. I don't know. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I don't trust anyone anymore.
I can't stop browsing for men who are willing to let me get TOPPED
I've had it my whole life, but I only just connected the dots a year ago. OCD is shit, it's all mental, and people think its some quirk.
im dismayed you chose to believe this, but is it my duty to convince you otherwise? is it not manipulation if i try to make you think differently? is your lack of faith in me ultimately my fault? do these sides exist only in your mind? was the proof to make you believe convincing enough, or did you want to be convinced? in the end you chose this, not me, i never had any influence at all in this matter. but riding the wave brought me to better shores, so maybe it was all for the best. i didnt lose my faith, instead i found it renewed. we all chose our path.
How does it affect you in particular? What did you think was wrong before you connected the dots?
You're right. Forming people's opinions isn't your duty. It's just a natural byproduct of your actions. It's also no one's duty to reassure you if people's views of you don't match your expectations. You haven't done anything to fix anything and perhaps it's not necessary if you moved on to something else, learned something. So have I. So has everyone.
i put my faith into the right people and my reward was faith in myself. sure i made some mistakes here and there, but thats part of being human. its the intent that counts. learning from what you see, and it opened my eyes. life is looking good again. i wish you could see what i can see, its truly a beautiful sight. all we need is a little faith sometimes. dont try to fix whats not broken. and dont try to fix other peoples faith, everyone has to do that on their own.
I didn't know what was wrong with me, just that I couldn't stop mulling over things that don't matter and/or situations I had fabricated in my head. In particular? My head hurts from over thinking and I look like a crazy person if I'm not actively trying to hide my distress. The worst part is that the obsessive thoughts are pretty much always incorrect.
You do indeed seem distressed. You're slurring. You're vague. I know it weighs on you greatly because I understand how it is to obsess over everything you do incorrectly. Every mistake you've made or are about to make. You can let go of this now. Perhaps not because you've truly grown, but because your mind won't let you forget of your mistakes as long as you're here. In any case, you needn't justify anything to me. You needn't make yourself out to be the victor. I've no interest in patching up your ego. I've moved on.
no youre projecting on me. im relieved. relieved that the mistakes were part of getting onto the right path, thats why i found faith in myself again. mistakes didnt ruin it, they were part of it and i accept this now. you give up on every mistake, because you have no faith. but it requires both parties to have faith. so i wont abandon those with faith but let go those without. i forgive those with faith, they dont need to ask for it. i wish you would find your faith too, but i cant help you with that. its time to take a step back and chose a different path.
If relief was all you felt, you wouldn't bother with "us people", just like you promised at the start of the thread. Sure, mistakes are necessary for us to grow, but is that really all you feel here? It's also a good coping mechanism. You've some nerve asking for faith and promising forgiveness. As if you're in any position to do so. Perhaps you're still betting on our naivety. And I'm not projecting. I didn't do anything wrong. Aside from having too much faith.
I don't get a minute's rest from my OCD anymore. If I'm not washing my hands, I'm sitting around dreading the next time I have to wash my hands. It tortures me constantly. It tells me that if I fail the rituals, then at best I'll be considered permanently "gross" and everyone will reject me, and at worst my limbs will be removed and I'll be forced to watch other people have sex. Every time I try to fight a compulsion, my brain tells me I'm a failure and a loser and I don't deserve to declare myself clean. I keep thinking that I have no future and there's no hope for anything.
It's agony beyond description. I'm living in Hell. It's so painful that I'll often start crying at random just from thinking about everything. I have no idea how to fix it. It's making me want to die. I just want the suffering to end.
i bother with anyone who has faith. what point is there to ride together when every bump means the end of the journey. every road has bumps. i have been obsessed too much about the bumps, because i had no faith in people. thats what i realized now. i not sad about what i have lost, but happy about what i gained. but still, its so much more than that. if you would have faith in me, we could travel together. not let every bump end it. but thats for you to decide. i have made my decision, i have regained my faith. the bumps are part of the journey. im not obessing over them anymore, thats where i found my relief. i wish you could too, it makes the mind so much lighter, and interacting with people so much more enjoyable. we all make mistakes, and i can accept that.
yes i am.
If anyone has discord feel free to add me, i have very few people to discuss this with.
Are you a neet, user? Did it become so bad gradually? Have you considered professional help?
Well, it's a good thing you learned not to obsess. That's what you so desperately needed. After getting hurt twice in a row, I've learned so as well. I don't need to travel with you anymore. I'm fine on my own. And considering you never needed me for anything but practical reasons, I don't understand why this would be an issue for you either. You made mistakes, but that doesn't make you the victim here. People you've hurt don't need your help healing. Hiding behind vague flowery language only makes you seem more disingenuous.
Maybe next time, user.
>Are you a neet, user?
>Did it become so bad gradually?
It's gotten gradually worse over time in the past, but the current state of constant agony developed very quickly. I went from somewhat manageable to total collapse in just a few months.
>Have you considered professional help?
Yes, but I really don't have much faith that it would accomplish anything. A lot of my problems have to do with the actual circumstances of my life - circumstances that a therapist can't change.
I've got a moderate case of compulsive checking, but my gf does a good job of keeping it in check. "Yes, sweetie; the door is locked and the burners are off. We both checked, let's go."
oh dear, why do you believe in such things, was so little proof of that i might have used you enough to turn over so much more proof that i didnt? confirmation bias is an evil thing, and it nearly ruined everything, but im in luck, because not everyone is retarded, so i could learn my lesson. im confident that my intentions were honest enough so i could easily clear this up. but o you have faith in me? theres no point if it means so little to you that you give up this easily. im not here to convince you, you must know if its worth it to you. if youre convinced already you need nobody, why are we even talking anymore? my words make sense if you want them to.
How is it related to your circumstances? I'm a neet as well.
That's kind of cute. Is she ever annoyed? I've pretty much given up on relationships because I'd be extremely controlling and anxious.
Well, good luck to you two then. I hope you meet or whatever it is you want to do.
you chose what you truly want in the end.
>Is she ever annoyed?
Nah. I've learned to trust her over the years; so once she tells me once that we're good on something, I let it go. She teases me about it sometimes, but it's all in good fun.
You got everything you wanted, so you don't need me to cope anymore. Good luck.