Hello anons, before corona my gpa was at a comfortable 3.2 unweighted, but because of this fucking crona virus I graduated high school (I'm 18 now) with a 2.9 GPA.
2.9! This is unacceptable for me, throughout high school I had spent so much money on tutors, all for a 2.9?
Am I stupid? I keep beating myself up over this and I'm considering hanging myself.
user there are bigger problems in the world right now than your gpa
Connor Evans
Your college GPA is all employers care about if at all. Really what employers want is someone they don't have to train that's also desperate for the job and won't likely leave it once they're secure in their position.
Jayden Phillips
Your high school GPA isn't worth much. Go to post secondary and do better next time if that's what you want.
Colton Smith
This isn't about college and what employers care about, this was about my personal intellect and status, everyone I admire did great in high school
Jason Sanders
Then you shouldn't care about getting bad grades in a shitty system designed only to indoctrinate you into social norms. Intelligent people don't need or want to participate in society, dumb people get a degree in STEM and spend 90% of their time worrying about getting grades in what amounts to rote memorization.
Jayden James
Bro your uni GPA doesn't even matter (assuming you go to university)
Josiah Morales
I'm not gonna shit on you because you're a little kid barely getting into the real world. One your high school gpa does not matter at all. You SAT score however does to get into a good college. Since you don't want to talk about your SAT score I assume it was terrible. Since you flunked your SAT I would say take it again or take the ACT where even niggers do well. After doing that apply to any college with okay name recognition and buckle down in college. If you still don't do well then I'd say go to community college and study every fucking day so you can transfer to a top public university after 2 years.
James Nelson
Indoctrinate me into social norms? That's nonsense, high school is literally learning subjects, doing math and passing tests, I wasn't learning propaganda.
Camden Torres
Based and redpillederino
Robert Robinson
Well enjoy going to college and having to relearn literally everything you just spent 12 years learning because they taught you it wrong with heavy political bias. You'll then learn as an adult when your employer pays for you to go to specialized training for your job that college also lied to you. If niggers weren't having the bar lowered for them constantly you would've been a 1.4 GPA student at your best anyway.
go to community college take care of your electives get easy grades transfer to a college with a higher GPA
Jack Reyes
Once again, based and redpillerino
Evan Moore
>Heavy political bias
Math? Science?
Adam Richardson
Fuck university Go to trade school
I don't know how this trend continues. Universities have been exposed for years of being hyperinflated, worthless institutions. Are people really that lazy and unwilling to work to not go to school for a year and a half to learn a trade and make more money than a uni degree?
Ryder Ward
Which math? The one which gets overhauled every ten years to dumb it down for niggers?
Tradeschools aren't available everywhere and in some places certain trades aren't available and you're stuck with low-profit shit like jewelry making and cobbling
James Williams
Those guys are unironically alt-right tards trying to radicalize you. Everything else they said is true though. Except for one thing. You can play the normie game and succeed. It's s a legit path to take. You can try to carve a path on your own. How you go about that is entirely up to you. Or perhaps someone whispering in your ear telling you that you think you know what the real truths are if you catch my drift. inb4 the nazi tards sperge rage on me.
Ryan Watson
>Those guys are unironically alt-right tards trying to radicalize you. I'm not alt-right I'm a fascist which is top right.
>Fuck university >Go to trade school This is pretty shit advice. Generally speaking it's unlikely that you'll be able to sustain yourself and a family with a trade job in today's economy, unless I guess you live in bumfuck nowhere. Never mind the fact that getting a university degree (anything really) opens up a lot of doors for you. Bachelor's have become the new HS Diploma. If you're comfortable making 35k or less a year for the rest of your life, then I guess go to trade school, but if you have the option to get a degree you really shouldn't pass it up.
t. I'm the dumbass who dropped out of college and became an automotive mechanic because I fell for the trade school meme. I don't even have the time or money now to go back to school if I even wanted to.
Michael Campbell
Hahaha HAHAHA laughs in mutant again but this time in background. I had long been in a LARP community of porn rape AIDS fantasy that I struggled in high as well with a 4.9/7, as I contracted AIDS as a baby rape victim and had my name changed to something similar to Covid (it's Covedski) so my educators would be aware of my risk of death to flu. Pretty fucked up if you ask me but this virus bumped my average to 6/7
Cameron Morris
>I wasn't learning propaganda that's where you're wrong kiddo
Camden Lopez
It's more profitable to get a trade in bumfuck nowhere since housing and property tax are extremely low.
Easton Brooks
In the past 30 years since I spent my 12 years in County I've never once had anyone ever request my High School GPA. Nobody fucking cares.
You don't even mention graduating again, ever, once you get a college or trade school degree. You never include your high school again on any resume or job application because it's replaced by higher learning.
Nobody, literally nobody, fucking cares. It isn't your grades that modern leftist employers care about; it's that you're not white.
William Rogers
>Generally speaking it's unlikely that you'll be able to sustain yourself and a family with a trade job in today's economy
If you can't make a money as a mechanic you probably should just stick to sucking dicks behind the truck stop because you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and the marketing skills of a chimp. Literally every fucking shop from bumfuck nowhere up that can so much as do an oil change, let alone any real work, is turning away business because they can't keep up.
Daniel Rogers
>relearn literally everything you just spent 12 years learning Yeah, like all that math you learned in highschool is just useless, right? Try passing discrete math or differential calculus without it derp
>heavy political bias This is the kind of stupid shit people say who have never actually been to college. They're so wrapped up in their conspiracies that they really believe going to college is like entering a brainwashing camp in which "they" inculcate you with PC liberal bullshit. It's baseless and absurd.
>employer pays for you to go to specialized training for your job that college also lied to you. You do realize that this kind of training builds off of the things you learn in college right? It doesn't negate it in any way.
It's obvious you hate education. That's fine. But don't go around spouting this kind of bullshit. You're not doing anyone any favors.
Ethan Edwards
Logan Sullivan
I graduated with a 3.8 GPA with a BA in Criminals Justice, shut the fuck up you stupid shill redditor.
Aiden Perez
Jaxon Ramirez
*breathes in*
Adrian Price
>STEM >rote memorization cope stemlet
Xavier Diaz
graduated with a 1.9 and will never get a job or have money for college and I plan on killing myself soon
Camden Garcia
you're 18 and you won't listen to anyone but for what its worth: yes, you're stupid. you've never been on your own for any meaningful amount of time. you have no life experience. your HS gpa doesn't mean a goddamn thing. go to school and get a real education if thats what you desire.