>tfw all I've ever wanted in life is a strong mommy gf to hug and hold me, to share all my feelings with, and to tell me everything's going to be ok
>tfw realizing too late that all women actually want a strong, dependable, unshakable father figure who shows no weak emotions and takes care of them
I had it all wrong bros. My ideal fantasy relationship has been a lie. All the brainwashing femanazis have done to this generation go against every aspect of basic human biology. This is literally the worst time to be born for anyone
Tfw all I've ever wanted in life is a strong mommy gf to hug and hold me, to share all my feelings with...
Find a switch. Everyone needs love and hugs. It is nice switching off.
Omfg grow up I don't get how people get to the point where they are this pathetic. All women don't want the same thing but no one wants to have to behave like a literal social worker/ therapist to their partner. This has nothing to do with feminists or """modern society""".
Sounds like gou want to get TOPPED take it
Yes they do, you virgin. They want a hyper masculine, 6'2", gigachad. Ones with low self-esteem might settle for a beta, until Chad comes along to impregnate them
How could you watch that webm and not long with all your heart to be a lesbian. That looks like the purest form of love.
I don't think you have ever talked with a girl in your life. Femboys are in. Though I am assuming you are shit posting
It is adorable. Damn that 2% of men I like
>no one wants to have to behave like a literal social worker/ therapist to their partner
I'd be happy too, an it would mean the world to me to help a person I cared about.
Then again, I am a man so I actually have a soul.
You say that, but it is exhausting dealing with a needy person 24/7. There is no break.
Helping a person you care about isn't what I'm talking about. If someone needs someone to behave as their literal parent they aren't emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship.
you don't think that because you're 'a man with a soul uwu' you think that because you have no concept of reality and have never even been in a relationship and just find the idea of having someone be reliant on you appealing because you think they would be easier to control and manipulate
I've talked to more than you faggot. That's how I realized the exact moment my last relationship ended. Even though she dragged it along for several months later. I knew something was wrong from that point but I just deluded myself into thinking every thing was going to be ok. She probably ended it the moment she found another potential guy
>has never even been in the near vicinity of a woman
>and just find the idea of having someone be reliant on you appealing because you think they would be easier to control and manipulate
Is this how women actually think?
I am a femanon. I am assuming she left do to that charming personality of yours. She probably knew she could not compete with someone so based
I am a woman
no that's how men think. That's what mens obsession with passive, submissive, virginal, isolated, etc etc women boils down to.
You and me both, but that's cause my shitshow of a childhood left me emotionally crippled, not because of feminism or anything.
So your opinions are completely worthless because children have no idea what they want and need responsible adults to think for them
>they aren't emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship
That's not her fault and it doesn't mean she deserves to be alone. How can a person become emotionally mature without support?
Either way they've clearly decided they don't want you
It is her fault, and you are responsible for yourself maturing emotionally. Support is helpful but support doesn't mean entering a codependent unhealthy mommy/daddy relationship.
Enjoy dilating alone forever
>no one wants to have to behave like a literal social worker/ therapist to their partner
Men do it all the time.
Yes. Most women are massive projectors. When they ascribe all these sinister motives to men, they're really talking about themselves.
>a codependent unhealthy mommy/daddy relationship
You only see it that way because you think the only person who should ever comfort you or put your needs before their convenience in your life are your parents.
Are you American? You people are always like this.
>be born a boy
>mother is fine to me early in life
>treats me like shit as a toddler because parents fight all the time over money
>neglects me as a young boy
>takes out all her problems on me
>scolds me and tells me i'm just like my father and i deserve to be treated like shit
>she becomes a drug addict all through my teens
>father absent on work trips all the time to support family
>have been abandoned
>have nobody and nothing and society doesn't care
>am just told to "man up" and lol ur responsible for urself and ur not emotionally worthy of a relationship lol why aren't u just doing it urself r u incompetent?? who hurt u why would u ever want anyone to help u are u just weak?
females are the worst species. you're all incredibly cold and cut-throat and unforgiving. you're all so selfish and unintelligent. shame. you could be so much more, but you're all incredibly selfish. the worst part is growing up with all the lies about how you're nice disney princesses and care so much about others and are these selfless, helping nurturers. that makes it all so much worse when you get false hope like that. kind of a cruel joke, really. ruthless cunts.
Most relationship and love movies are about as real as starwars and avengers. If they were actually anything like reality people wouldn't eat them up like they do.
>be born a boy
>father dies when I'm 3
>psycho mother spends next nine years emotionally and physically abusing me until my 12th birthday when she snaps and tries to kill me
>have issues to this day but made decision early on not to be a whiny faggot about it
>have wonderful girlfriend who is accepting of my issues and supportive because I'm not a total emotional burden on her.
Moral of the story is, don't be a humongous burden and you can find someone to meet you half way.
Good night, user.
Yeah, all the rest of us here have wonderful gfs too haha
wow it's all on me. i really have to look at the man in the mirror and make a change like that michael jackson song. and then i will be stable and i will find love and i will have a big happy family because i suppressed all my emotions and dove into the belly of the beast and slayed my symbolic dead father because of my newfound responsibility and i can finally go back in time and be the parents i never had to myself and undo trauma. thanks jordan peterson. "just shut up and literally do everything yourself, pussy".
such hollow words. this is the advice of a female.
"oh, you got shot and wounded? just crawl to safety yourself you weak faggot. why should anybody ever help you? only pussies need a helping hand."
you work for and serve the vaginal jew with this sentiment. this is how females think until it's them. you betray your own male nature and sell yourself for a wet hole and drop all ethics or morals for it. fucking simp. simp society.
god i'm going to love the day when your country gets invaded and there's no supply of young men to work for, defend, and fight for your ass because simps like you turned your backs on them all and told them they were whiny faggots. fucking lmao.
I want a mommy gf with bigger jugs than me.
I'm a chestlet and I wanna suck on her breasts during sex.