Currently on the come down of an LSD trip

Currently on the come down of an LSD trip
I need guidance bros

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just relax, dont overthink anything and wait until the next day to fully take everything in. watch a movie, drink water and try to sleep, if you have a benzo lying around take that

What's on your mind? I will offer the best advice I can

don't do drugs dummy

Relax and do something immersive, play some kind of game or listen to some nice music. You have all the time in the world to think about what you experienced while in a sober state rather than spinning your wheels while high.

I am just lay in my bed now thinking about my future as that has been on my mind the most recently

Picking uni courses and what not
Where to go in the next step of life

Yeah like that isnt gonna happen

I can understand, Covid may have blindsided you, it blindsided me. I was 2 weeks away from finishing my classes, and they got cancelled until last week because of Covid.
What direction do you want to go in life? What classes are you interested in?
What's making you hesitate?

What's that thing behind you?

Oh come on, you don't need to mess with him like that
It's not right to mess with people when they're in a vulnerable state.

Die you evil bastard

I really thought I could be something in life
I am struggling with college work and need a certain amount of ucas points to go to pretty much any uni course

I am thinking about becoming a a paramedic but then I think about how I was meant to be doing jobs that wouldnt exist in ten years time like something in cloud computing or cyber security

This trip I hope will give me the clear path I need to find the answer

Thanks for having my back I appreciate it

Being a paramedic will be a job that is around in 10 years.
The median age is getting higher and higher. As people get older and older, they have to deal with more medical problems.
Don't feel like you need to destroy the path you were on previously, instead enhance it, and add onto it. You've tapped into another way of thinking, that's focused more on interconnectedness. What you need to do is add it into your life. You're interested in cloud computing, a literal network of computers, while you usually focused on a network of people, and how you can help them as a paramedic. It's not an either or, both ways of thinking are correct and you need to merge them together

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I think you have hit it straight on the head here
How are some ways I can think about this some more

Focus on Telecare, and being able to reach people in new ways.
With covid being around, people are scared. A consequence of social distancing has become social isolation.

If you're a lapsed christian, I would ask you to look back on the words of Jesus, and ignore the institution of the church, and whatever perceived flaws it may have, and instead focus on if it can have a positive effect on your life. I'm a catholic, and I believe it faithfully.
I found this guys videos to be fascinating
You may not believe what he says, I just want you to try listening with an open mind

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Just look at cute pictures and enjoy the ride, my friend.

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Now this I love

Why do you need guidance on the come down

Because I now have a lot of time to think

how about this?

oregano is my favorite spice

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I am coming down on ketamine and my brain is really melancholic but in a nostalgic and cozy way.

Okay, to better explain myself. I am not trying to push you on religion, where I am telling you don't do this, don't do that. I am suggesting getting a relationship with god, and to understand the circumstances of our world aren't a coincidence.
George Lemaitre was key to discovering the Big Bang.
The process of evolution, the genes that get expressed, and the ones that don't, and whether or not they are helpful or harmful is random. The concept of "Evolution" if you take a step back, isn't random.

Or to use another example, our world is determined by the laws of physics.
Who or what wrote the laws of physics? I would say God.
If electrons resisted other electrons slightly less, we would be able to talk through walls, or more likely, fall through the floor. Slightly more, and anything larger than an molecule wouldn't form. Our universe is in the perfect goldilocks zone when it comes to a lot of the processes. That's where I see God. Not as an entity like a man in the clouds, but as the divine law of the universe.

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Stop doing drugs you fucking idiot

That just isnt gonna happen sunshine

Comedown is the easy part just relax and reflect on what your mind tried telling you

Have you seen double king acid user?

acid is cool
computer died while typing this so hope you appreciate it
this is a question only you can answer. imagine if I had a gun to your head and told you that you had 24 hours to fix your life, by strategically directing your attention you could at least make a lot of headway on it, right?

for uni, read How to become a Straight-A student by Cal Newport
for relationships, read Models by Mark Manson
upmost importance that you read (I wrote this one, you'll just have to believe me)
find that I can't read on acid (keep losing track), but you're welcome to give it a try but no stress.

god is a spook, you can have spirituality without religion. one you hijack someone's hope through an arbitrary belief mechanism you pretty much control them. don't do that user.
everyone should meditate. it's like push ups for your brain.

acid thought: have you considered that your entire consciousness is just thought and perception? if stressed about what to do, consider a different perspective. what if you had the opportunity to optimise your experience?

listen to this meditation: love me some sam harris and his waking up app is really good.

anyway acid man, good luck with your journey. just know that some australian guy is rooting for ya.

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What is double king
This is Double King. Enjoy, it's weird

How pathetic you sound, like a cowering schizophrenic loser, this is what drugs turn you into

He's doing fine.
You're being a jerk.
There's no reason for you to be deliberately antagonistic to this guy. Begone

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