What is your most genuinely unpopular opinion?
I don't mean like reddit normie shit like "niggers are bad" because everyone has that opinion already, it isn't unpopular.
What is your most genuinely unpopular opinion?
I don't mean like reddit normie shit like "niggers are bad" because everyone has that opinion already, it isn't unpopular.
Women are fucking awful and inferior to men in basically every way.
Eugenics are absolutely based.
There's no reason to keep downies and other potatoes alive. They can't even live a proper life.
Not an unpopular opinion.
This is just fact.
All forms of porn should be banned. It degrades women and also turns men into retard coombrains.
Well, it's an extremely unpopular fact.
this needs to be a popular opinion but normies genuinely think watching porn is somehow healthy
I dislike a lot of video games that are regarded by many to be amazing games.
Ocarina Of Time was boring, and I tried really hard to like New Vegas but just wasn't having fun playing.
The China virus could have been lovely for population control. Too bad it was not as deadly as it was originally made out to be.
Having kids is morally wrong
based opinion tbhq
r9k to begone with coombrain content
Probably popular in some places but I think fornication should be strictly illegal and an ideal punishment would be public lashings.
Cheap and effective
no it isn't, like 60% of the male population thinks it. It's NPC as fuck, hand us something spicy
Gatekeeping should be enforced in all hobbies.
You should try other forms of gaming. Fuck playing popular games
>not normie shit like "niggers are bad"
I don't think having kids is wrong necessarily but having kids in this kind of a society I would agree.
Also having kids when you know you have some kind of mental disability or physical disability that can get passed through genes is morally wrong in my opinion
Wanting people to be publicly beaten for premarital sex is normie shit?
I wish
post it on Zig Forums and everyone will agree with you
both american political parties are full of morally bankrupt corporate cronies and you're a fool no matter which "team" you root for
this should be a popular opinion but since too many dipshits still believe RED TEAM GOOD or BLU TEAM GOOD it isn't one
Ok fine. Abortion should be punishable by death if it was done for any other purpose than sparing the child from some horrible genetic condition.
I don't think fucking girls as young as 14 should be illegal until you're in your mide to late 30s. I think at that age women are in many ways, physically in their primes and I don't think they would be fetishized as much if it was more acceptable.
do you really not have any non NPC opinions?
Niggers for the most part are pretty based. I only hate it when they want you to take them seriously
Implicit knowledge is in every case bar the extremes inherently more valuable than explicit knowledge.
You've set the bar so ridiculously high though. The vast majority of people would disagree with both of my ideas, I have no idea what qualifies as a non-NPC idea in your book.
i love agreeing with my fellow board denizens
Abortion is pretty based and fetuses aren't conscious so it's okay to do away with them. This planet had plenty of people already. That being said, abortion shouldn't be considered a replacement to birth control and contraceptives.
I don't believe in haman rights. If somebody gets murdered then so be it. Survival of the fittest and natural selection at work. The only right that nature and the universe has given to any living thing is the right and the guarantee that one day they will all die without exception. Also I don't believe in free will. No matter how evolved we become our minds are still trapped in these sacks of meat and as such are puppets to our own impulses and emotions. There was never a choice to make and everything you do is a product of your own experiences and thoughts in the same fashion that science has cause and effect.
Just something that isn't NPC. Come on user, I believe in you
Reading books is bad for you because it encourages blindly accepting another's ideas instead of thinking for yourself.
>Gatekeeping should be enforced in all hobbies.
I strongly agree.
now was that really so hard?
Its okay for gay/bi men to choose not to have sex with men and keep their sexuality to themselves.
If it's normal on Zig Forums does it still count as normal? I believe racemixing is unethical and immigration is never a net positive. Although, it's plausible they'll benefit us in the long run (by allowing people with a genetic predisposition for out-group bias to weed themselves out of your race by reproducing mixed race children) we actually have to survive through it first.
Otherwise, there's classic literature I think is garbage, like Don Quixote. I also get in a LOT of arguments on Zig Forums for my opinions (there are no good horror games, MMOs shouldn't have end-game, Yooka-Laylee was fine).
I get in almost daily arguments with someone(s) on here because I believe (through examining the data and personal experience) that women find intelligence UNattractive, and they do everything they can to try and prove me wrong, but it's obviously futile. I don't know if this is a popular or unpopular opinion, but other anons usually stay out of it. I think the average robot is probably pretty low IQ, so they might disagree with me, but their only evidence is really their own situation, which they probably realize is full of other confounders, so they stay quiet.
hey, user, rate my opinion?
I believe that pulling your foreskin back when you gotta make pee pee is bad because it robs you of essential pee oils.
Based or no?
Yes, because your definition of "NPC" is incredibly strict.