Does Zig Forums love women?
Women love thread
I do, especially fembots.
Who was this whore again
Who is she? I think I want her to carey my brethren in her womb and pass down my genes
off to dream about some fembots.
only their bodies
aside from that women are horrid
I love Zig Forums girls
I love Sunny, Marky, Kennedi, Kasper, Agatha and Ciara
i like people that have done things to be likable, regardless of their gender
Women give life meaning
>Does Zig Forums love women?
meh some are ok some are fucking god awful.
I don't pedestalize women and give them money for just existing if thats what you fags mean by love.
Most of the time, I feel nothing for them, but coming here makes me actually hate them.
yes i love jerking off my penis to these beautiful angels. i love jerking off the audrey to be specific. pic related.
Be gone simps. Your Discord cults is waiting for you.
It depends, if I see them only as sexual objects is it considered love?
Yeah I love them
No I just want to put my pee pee inside them.
I've been "crushing" on the same girl for 3 years. I tried to suppress it and keep it under control- whenever I've spoken to her, I'm nonthreatening, don't come on too strong, etc. Even when I was with other girls, my thoughts always kept going back to her. She has no interest in me as far as I can tell. I haven't spoken to her since the pandemic hit and I think it's for the best. 3 years is too much and unhealthy as fuck.
Just don't think about her. Simple as.
i love girls in bikinis
Absolutely. I love the way they look, i love the way they smell, i love their voices. I like how much more sensitive they are than men, and they make me feel big and strong even though I'm of fairly normal/slender build. I like looking at them, touching them, fucking them, and just being around them.
I haven't seen my female friends from rock climbing in better part of a year thanks to 'rona and other reasons and it depresses me
Need sweet sensitive fembot gf within 3hrs drive of Buffalo NY now goddammit
kennedy isnt a r9k girl though
Yes but I don't trust them. They're a beautiful lifeform you have to observe from a distance so they don't pull a Mars Attacks on you.
>Has fucked women before
So, uh, why are you here then?
does it matter if you have to go into canada?
I miss having female friends. I miss caressing them and looking at them. I've only had 2 female friends and they all happened to be very good-looking.
>I miss having female friends.
Are you a raging homosexual by chance? Those are the only types of "people" that are able to withstand being friends with a woman.
not him but that isn't true. I'm straight as an arrow but am just very low test.
>Does Zig Forums love women?
bullshit question
the real question is if someone loves you - chances are that's a solid no
Yes. I spend about $200-300 a week donating to femanons.
That's hefty. How much do you earn a month?
I've been talking to girls in Peru and they have a monthly wage of $150 and it's weird to see in comparison.
I thought this OP looked familiar
captionfags are worse than furries
at least furries don't fuck up the shit I look at