do you think tahlia would enjoy servicing greg's cock?
Tahlia greg thread
just imagine the smell of tahlia slurping on greg's testicales tahlia no stop!
OK first of all why the fuck did she upload a three minute video of just her eating popcorn
Second of all she eats popcorn weird
Third of all why the fuck is she eating popcorn out of a bag? That shit is more expensive and tastes worse than the pop it yourself stuff
Fourthly how the fuck does she think she's ugly/incel she literally just looks like a normal girl
she probably thought the smell was like greg's penis
I'm guessing Greg is the OP. Leave this girl alone you creep. She has never even heard of you and your obsessive stalking probably makes him uncomfortable
am i the only person who doesn't know or care about this retard, when will r9k stop talking about girls who don't give a shit about them?
>Doesn't know who the QUEEN of Zig Forums is
Imagine being this new
lol put your tinfoil hat back on. we are just here to woreship the new king and queen of Zig Forums
tahlia is beautiful. i dreamt of her yesterday
no, you fucking discordfags are new. there is no "queen of Zig Forums" you fucking bozo
tahlia is the queen. her bangs are so cute
I know bro. I can't seem to stop thinking about her either... She's so precious.
We are lucky to have an angel like Tahlia as our Queen
LOL sorry greyhair looks like times have changed. Zig Forums is a monarchy under the benevolent rule of
Queen Tahlia the Great First of Her Name, By the Grace of God Empress of the Robots, Ruler of the Incels, Head of the Orbiters, Defender of the Simps, and Dread Sovereign of Zig Forums
Also I have never used discord in my life so... yeah
Greg would enjoy tahlias tiny tits
thats the gayest thing ive seen in a while. thanks user.
Tahlia in her garage
Neeting hard as she can
All she wants is to be told what to do
By a fat mexican
Tahlia a dream lay
Now a weird field for the Mexicans
Getting plowed
Proof of evil
I don't usually post in these threads because they're gross and I know she doesn't like the attention here, but since the it's already here and she'll probably see it anyway I'll take the chance to tell Tahlia something since I can't make a twitter account without verification.
Somebody posted your old youtube channel here near the start of the year and I saw your video about your journey back to God. Seeing somebody who had gone through family tragedy and managed to reconnect with their faith in even that difficult time inspired me and I saw it was a mistake for me to reject God under similar circumstances years ago. It had been a nagging feeling in the back of my mind for a long time but you gave me the push to get started. I started reading the Bible again in February and three weeks ago I went back to church for the first time in about 4 years. Degenerate people who obviously hate you for your beliefs keep writing a lot of horrible things here but I just want you to know you did something really good for somebody and I can't thank you enough.
nice blog post, you pathetic soi simp
I hope things improve for you too user.
It worries me that a severely delusional and mentally ill person could convince you to join in on her ideas of the world, but perhaps, unlike her, you can get a grip on reality through interacting with real people and not sink to the depths of insanity she has.
She always looks like she smells really bad, she looks like her hair smells like wet dog and her clothes smell like cheesy old socks
>normal girl
Normal girls dont have abo noses like that.
Tahlia loves 60+ year old men, they remind of her daddy issues and father who she ghosted but claims ghosted her.
Greg almost looks like Tahlia, are they related or something
Tahlia we know you're lurking
WTF is wrong with her nose?
It looks fine in every picture I've seen of her
imagine the popcorn braps
Tahlia bates and bates and bates
The fat mexican seethes and seethes and seethes
Sunny smokes meth
For these losers no one waits
i refuse to believe sunny does meth
What video games were her father addicted to? I really liked when my Dad played vidya with me when he did. She seems like a really ungrateful child.
Sunny does heroin, akshually
after reconsidering i find it more likely that she does meth not heroin
well the lore goes that she did heroin
dunno about meth but probably too