have sex lee goldson
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July 12, 2020 - 06:56
You have it first
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July 12, 2020 - 06:58
I mean, you are the one persecuting someone who doesn't like a show made for 3-year-olds
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July 12, 2020 - 06:59
So I believe you are the one who should be dead
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July 12, 2020 - 07:02
Please, consider what you're doing and realize there are a lot of better hings you could be doing than shitposting about a children's show character.
Attached: Lee.png (704x422, 46.97K)
July 12, 2020 - 07:07
>durr plz let me spam my garbage sitewide Die out
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July 12, 2020 - 07:13
Arent you spamming too? Because this thread is advanced autism vs. advanced autism
July 12, 2020 - 07:16
Thank you, now I can tell people that Barneyfag told me to kill myself. Truly a prestigious achievement that I've acquired.
July 12, 2020 - 07:17
For some reason, you thought that posting this would be an epic BTFOing of who you're attacking.
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July 12, 2020 - 07:31
I love Lee, he's kinda based
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July 12, 2020 - 08:45
I still dont know how the fuck he appears everywhere anytime a pastel horse is colored. Anons, whats his secret? Surely he cant be around all day right? My guess is either its all automated or he makes use of the same engine/mechanism Zig Forums scrappers/archives use and compares image md5's.
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July 12, 2020 - 09:01
This is the definition of letting someone live rent free in ones brain. How much of a faggot do you have to be to keep track of this?
July 12, 2020 - 09:04
>How much of a faggot do you have to be to keep track of this? Ask him, not me. Just interested in how he does it.
July 12, 2020 - 09:07
He works at Google and uses one of their quantum computers to know when threads are going to appear.
July 12, 2020 - 09:10
Which it probably never will be
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July 12, 2020 - 10:54
Especially since you thought this was the right decision
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July 12, 2020 - 11:58
And people say I'm the one that should be gone after
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July 12, 2020 - 11:59
But you thought this was the right course of action
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July 12, 2020 - 11:59
Soon you'll reevaluate if it was worth it
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July 12, 2020 - 12:00
But it likely won't be
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July 12, 2020 - 12:01
Certainly not when you take the time to look at the grander scale
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July 12, 2020 - 12:01
Which doesn't pan out
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July 12, 2020 - 12:02
You just haven't realized it yet
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July 12, 2020 - 12:03
You thought the fleeting moment of superiority was more of a priority than the long-term gain
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July 12, 2020 - 12:04
And so you will pay for it
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July 12, 2020 - 12:04
And you pay with your life
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July 12, 2020 - 12:05
You could've avoided your own death
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July 12, 2020 - 12:11
But it looks like it will be set upon you
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July 12, 2020 - 12:11
Why did you choose this path
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July 12, 2020 - 12:12
he thinks he works at google, but really they are secretly building their computers based off him, his autism has become so strong he can propheci people posting ponies years in advance to a 98% accuracy
July 12, 2020 - 12:16
Time will come for your death
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July 12, 2020 - 12:57
And when it does, you'll regret it
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July 12, 2020 - 12:57
You focused not on if you should
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July 12, 2020 - 12:58
Morality was not your goal
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July 12, 2020 - 12:59
Which shows why this was so ill-thought
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July 12, 2020 - 12:59
I hope you end up going on Grindr and getting TOPPED sex is healthy and you need it
July 12, 2020 - 12:59
You took nothing into consideration
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July 12, 2020 - 13:00
Only focusing on your target
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July 12, 2020 - 13:01
And it killed you in the end
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July 12, 2020 - 13:01
This you could not foresee
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July 12, 2020 - 13:02
You wanted to be epic and stand tall
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July 12, 2020 - 13:03
But you could not live up to moral standards
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July 12, 2020 - 13:03
And you suffer for it
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July 12, 2020 - 13:04
These lives you waste for your own supposed superiority
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July 12, 2020 - 13:05
Like other people are supposed to think that way
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July 12, 2020 - 13:05
But it seems as though they don't
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July 12, 2020 - 13:06
This is the pain you want in this life
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July 12, 2020 - 13:06
But do you want it reflected back on you
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July 12, 2020 - 13:07
If you didn't, then you commited to the wrong actions
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July 12, 2020 - 13:08
Because you were too blind to the grand scheme of things
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July 12, 2020 - 13:09