Well, did I get the job user?
Rate my resume
Oh and I forgot to mention I haven't ran it through the spell check.
I know I made a few spelling errors but I will fix those before sending this out :D
Missing education which should be ordered first.
Too much work experience, only include what is relevant.
Skills should be before referees. Get rid of the last sentence - it's unprofessional
Only shit you don't need 3 pages.
trim it to one page, you fuck.
Why would I include that I graduated high school as a 25 year old man? Does subway actually care about that?
I figured I would cut some of the jobs back but I like to have it all in one place
That last sentence got me hired at my last job
Im so glad I dont use resumes any more. I just go over for a cup of coffee and meet and greet.
These are all emailed anyways...
What about one page double sided?
Otherwise what? I'm only supposed to put ONE work experience or something?
I guess I can format it better
This was also a fun exercise in learning LaTeX so it wasn't that terrible lol
What industry do you work in where you can just nonchalantly ask for a job over a cup of coffee? Tech??
At the maximum 2 pages.
You don't need to list that many skills and get rid of the jobs from 2016, its not relevant anymore.
Fair, thanks for the feedback
Video/film as a freelancer. So I actually go for jobs and not a position. Usually start out with a small 1 week project. To get to know each other, before that I just go over for a cup of coffee to introduce myself. And the great thing is he needs me for his projects and I need him for the money, its more mutual, sometimes I go for job interviews and the guy has really shitty projects in line and I actually sit in the driving seat of the interview because I dont really wanna work with him.
I havnt used a CV/resume since 2015.
when i do look for potential employees i wonder to myself how soon do i have to fire your ass, how incompetent are you, will you bring basic tools on the first day(industry dependent), will you adapted to my company culture and if you do have experience what money making skills can you add to my company.
i stopped looking for people years ago because i hate firing new employees and thank god i did because i did not see this pandemic coming.
That sounds comfy as fuck...
I had my picture taken once by a photographer guy once as part of a kitchen team.
He drove up in a souped up Suby sat on his macbook all day did some crazy shit with a light then left.
He didn't wear nonslips and he was chad af. Probably made more in that 30 mins than I made all week.
OK and people like you are why I work bottom of the barrel dish washing jobs with mexicans.
at the end of the day IDGAF about making anyone money I want a paycheck so I can go buy pizza and get stoned
No offense to you though, I'm sure you're very successful and I'm happy for that, just not my cup of tea.
And you're right most people are more like me I think, we just want the dinero so we can feed our addictions.
Yea freelancing is the shit. Do a little bullshit edit in premiere pro pretend it took a day, only took 30 mins, charge 500 euros.
But offcourse there is the other side. No secure income, corona has made me unemployed. I dont build up pension. No social security, no free health care that comes with the job. I also pay taxes up the ass. You basically get payed alot of freelancing because its blood money, its extra money so a contractor doesnt have to keep paying you every month while he figures out what to do with you. And its very much a us knows us world, you gotta know people and keep knowing people.
Like everything, pro's and cons
Resume to where?
You need to tailor your resume based on where you're applying so you can cut out the content useless to the particular field.
Very bland structure, likely to be overseen. Although the formatting is consistent, the flow of it is too mundane.
3 pages is way too much, keep it 1 page ideally and 2 pages maximum. I wrote a LinkedIn article on this, but I don't want to doxx myself.
>3 pages
No way an HR is reading all that shit, you are lucky enough when they read 1 full page.
Also, when you interview, you will want to hand them your resume and have a copy of your resume for yourself. It is really awkward when you are trying to handle packets of resume when you do this, instead of a single sheet of paper. Also if your resume is double sided, it is awkward reviewing it and having to flip it over constantly, for you and for the interviewer.
My recommended edits:
Cut the objective
Cut skills to make your work experience fit to one page and remove work experience older than 3-4 years, mainly the huge Burger King listing. People you are applying to will glean your skills based on your work experience, so you can keep the skills part to stuff that an interviewer might not pickup from reading your work experience.
Make the references a different paper/folder, that you hand to them when you interview. This could include written recommendations by your references if you have it. This will also keep your references from getting spammed because you put their information online.
>Otherwise what? I'm only supposed to put ONE work experience or something?
Yes, list accomplishments only not the job duties. They don't need a life story. Avoid any redundancies.
A resume should be like something you hang on a wall.
t. underemployed retard that has never made more than $22/hr so take my advice with a grain of salt
More than one page is cringe. Too much work experience description and way too many fucking skills.
Here's the big trick to getting interviews. Tailor your CV to each job. You got a lot of shit there that maybe useful for different jobs depending what you apply for.
HR won't even read the resume half the time. They'll put your resume through a robot and search for resumes that have keywords. They have no idea what half of these keywords mean but they will require them.
Tbh, retarded HR has completely distorted the hiring of many industries and in particular tech. Skills that can be learned in a few weeks like Vue.js now require 7 years of experience on your resume (It came out 6 years ago). However skills that take years to learn such as modelling risk using stochastic calculus usually ask for 2-3 years maximum (which is pretty reasonable).
>Recruiter: We want someone that's skilled at vue.js, do you know Vue.js?
>Me: Yes I used it at my last job when doing X and Y
>Recruiter: You only have 2 years, we're looking for a senior Vue.js developer that has at least 5 years
Part of the reason I left the tech field for the Insurance field is because of shit like this. I'm making more now as an intermediate actuary with only 4 exams passed than I ever did as a developer.
make it one page
if you are going to put bullets, keep them in columns - not sporadically spaced. looks messy and unprofessional
don't list references unless asked. resume is not where you typically include references
put education if applying to positions that require it (most require at least hs)
fucking spell check. fourth word is a misspelling and many are littered throughout it
Look up when and how to capitalize words. Keep consistency in your grammar when listing bullets.
remove your objective if it is going to be bland and uninformative. It is useless fluff that adds nothing.
when listing responsibilities use action verbs - start each bullet with them. make them things that you did that are significant.
remove the fluff in your skills and keep that section restricted to skills, not your experience or opinions on said tasks
Don't list every position per job if you have 4 different titles there. List your highest one. No hiring person is going to check specifically if you were x job title at y time. You can list experience pertaining to the others if you wish
I have little to no work experience. I've had an internship and some of the work I did in college is probably about equivalent to the work I'd do in the field I'm trying to enter, but even that is still just college. What do?
I kind of would like for you to go on Grindr and get TOPPED
There seem to be differing opinions about this.
Too many pages and you're not already buddies with someone at the company. Rejected.
There really isnt, unless you are some mega accomplished chad you should never have over 1 page on a resume. Take out all the things that arent relevant to the job you are applying for.
I, too, would like some answers on this.
Bloated garbage. No education. Just some shit work experience as a wage slave. No real skills on there. Just bullshit spread out on 3 pages. Kill yourself.
>trim it down to one page
>don't put references directly on the resume. Only give references if they ask for them
>remove the availability and objective cringe, that's what a cover letter is for
What are you applying to? I recently did a huge overhaul on my resume and talked to some career services people. Keep it down to one page, I'd cut out some of your older work experience from 4-5 years ago. You've got plenty of similar/better experience more recently, I think it's irrelevant to include Burger King/Grocery Store/etc. Take out the references also, generally when someone contacts you for a job they'll ask for the references then.
Condense your skills, too. It takes up too much of the first page. Cut out erroneous shit in the bullet points, and maybe organize your skills into two columns.
Good luck dude, I've been looking for work lately too and it's been really hard.
frame your internships, classes and projects as work experience
for example, say you took a statistic course in uni and you're applying to a bank job or something. You'd type out something like this
Economic Statistics II (or whatever the hell the class is called)
>Analyzed data using statistical techniques such as Linear Regression and Time Series
>[class project name goes here]
>>[whatever bullshit you did in class and why] (e.g. Surveyed anonymous students to determine factors that influence the average GPA for a class, such as Time that the class meets, Class Level, study habits of the students, etc.)
>>[how you did that bullshit (e.g. Used Microsoft Excel functions for Regression Analysis)
and so on for your various classes. If you can't remember what the hell you were supposed to learn, go to your uni's course listing site and just reword the description for that class
That said, it won't help at all because the economy has been absolutely FUCKED since 2017. If you graduated in 2019, chances are that you've been a fucking NEET for the past year if you haven't been able to get a job at McDicks