So when did you robots become an athiest?

So when did you robots become an athiest?

I was around 17. I'm 25 now/

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Since the beginning. Neither of my parents were religious so religion has always just existed as a distant concept, one that I could barely take seriously, in my mind.

8 when I applied the santa logic to it.

Around 10,
Im a 32 years old born again christian now

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lucky u, I grew up in a christfag family.

Mom is unorthodox christfag and she still drinks and stuff like that, but dad is a hardcore christfag and reads his bible everyday despite cheating on my mom and they're divorced now.

I think because of my dad my paternal grandparents was the only reason I was christian for so long, the with the use of the internet around 16-17 I watched zeitgeist
and started looking up history, science etc... and it just didn't make sense to me. Also I prayed that my aunt didn't get die from cancer and she still died so it was like WTF God not cool.

> 8 when I applied the santa logic to it

Atheism is a positive claim, just like fanatical religiosity, that can't be proven.
>But muh science
Empirical methods don't deal with the metaphysical. Even if they did, humans are intellectaully fallible and their assertions can never be accepted with 100% certainty.

When I was around 5, my parents had my dad's new car blessed and they told me they had all their previous cars blssed as well. I asked my parents what the point of blessing the car was and they said so that God stops us from getting into accidents, which spelled bullshit to me because my mom's car was blessed and she got into accidents all the time cause she was a terrible driver.

You're being deliberately obtuse. When someone claims to be an "atheist" what they tend to really mean is "agnostic atheist", as in,
>I don't know if God exists, but personally I don't believe he does

The day I was born ... Kekismo
Good ol central Europe

Grew up in an anti-religious household but now I'm not so sure
You ain't ever had some wildly unbelievable shit happen to you before?
Just in the last year alone there have been some otherworldly 'coincidences' in my life but I'm also not absolutely convinced that's evidence of a higher power, it could just be coincidence

roughly third grade. I credit going to a Catholic school for making me atheist. Now 33.

I don't know about OP but I haven't. I stayed interested in other supernatural and paranormal stuff after I quit believing in religion, but I eventually started realizing that it was all pretty much the same kind of smoke and mirrors. I think its just that people desperately want there to be some mystery in life and are distressed at the thought of how little of it there is in the modern world. Which is understandable, actually, I wish there was more mystery too.

Haha are you a hindu?

>being a Virgin Ath*ist
>Not being a Chad Agnostic

What's with the constant reference to 'science' ,then, in your end of the woods. Though I suppose its like any movement, you have your edgy teenagers who've watched any number of youtube videos and immediately think they have a complete grasp on the subject and what they've watched if effectively gospel.

8. It seemed weird that the earth would be 6000 years when the dinosaurs I were playing with were millions of years old.

Then just say you're agnostic. Atheism is not "God(s) may exist, but I don't think so", it's an anthitesis to theism, therefore "God(s) definitely doesn't/don't exist." Are you also one of those people who confuses nihilism with absurdism?

Never I think I've always had some sort of supernatural belief of something.

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fuck off dawkins fan

When I got m fedora

10 ? 12 ? around that

same here bro. i first encountered a religious person when i was around 14. i was pretty surprised to learn people actually listened to the pope and all that

I've always been, never really bought the whole Jesus thing. I didn't become an "atheist" until I was around 13 since I didn't know atheism was a thing until than.

About 12. Came back to the faith recently.

Dawkins and rest of the 'riders of the apocalypse' are so retarded that I find it baffling I ever found them convincing.

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to see christ a nice dude outside 7/11 you need to get on GRINDR to get topped

How are they retarded? Be specific as to why their reasoning is wrong.

They strawman the arguments of the philosophers. Dawkins is notoriously bad at disproving Aquinas 5 ways. The idea that religion is the 'source of evil' is also absolutely stupid, as if 20th century was not a proof for it already (they try to weasel their way out by saying that atheism is a lack of belief, but it's a positive statement which says something about the world)

Check out this or the last superstition by feser

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At 23. It was hard to leave behind my latin american roman catholic upbringing, even when I was practically keeping it or tradition and as a crutch.

Atheists are cucks desu. Why not believe in a god?

Why not believe in UFOs, or bigfoot, or pyramid energy, or all sorts of other crap?

I grew up atheist but in my mid-twenties I began to become more agnostic. I'm just too much of a brainlet to be able to claim to understand how the universe works. I'd rather just ignore the issue altogether because it's spooky.

Because believe in UFOs doesnt make you a better person. Believing in a god generally does though. Inb4 but user religion kills people. Nah those people are just assholes would have killed people either way.

>he has never heard of Montano's "steelmanned" case for God

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Better by what standards? If its the standards of a religion then you just have a tautology.

Well with Christianity the whole point is to avoid being an evil person so you dont burn in hell. And the idea of heaven where you get to see your loved ones in the afterlife. If you've ever had someone close to you heaven is a comforting thought. If they are just gone forever and life means nothing, that mentality breeds sad and mean people

I was forced to go to catholic church twice a week and stopped believing when I was 14 because my life sucked and God never answered. I made sure all my friends and my parents knew.
I've since found God again and I'm a lot happier. 23 y/o

Philosophical arguments are irrelevant.
Evidence is what matters.
I admit that Dawkins is no philosopher though.

when i was about 15
if you make it to your twenties and still believe in sky daddy i lose respect for you

A pure agnostic is someone who doesn't know whether a God exists, without making any judgements either way.

I'm the opposite i remember being an edgy 15 year old and being atheist. Then changed my mind around 19. Give me one good reason to be an atheist you faggot