Taking gf (female) applications

Taking gf (female) applications
What do you bring to the table fembot?

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Holy shit user you are drowning in pussy

>Bring anything to the table
Oh user :(

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Proof r9k is all traps

Rich but fat and lazy, so the male equivalent of me would be drowning in pussy.

This post is also a dude post. The most you can hope for is a tranny.

I'm 5'2", 115 pounds, blonde, and conventionally pretty. I'm a passionate bibliophile, mostly fantasy and horror but with some scifi, a big fan of folk music, and I personally play two chordophones. I'm a fantastic cook.

In terms of politics I'm kind of Zig Forums lite. I'm not really hateful about it, I just know there are certain neighborhoods I belong in and certain neighborhoods I do not. The former have bookstores and kitchen supply stores, the latter have bodegas, and rent to own rim places. I think we'd all be happier if everybody just stayed where they belong, and if not everybody, then I'd be happier, and that's what really matters.

I am happily engaged, and would never ever ever, never ever everrr, have a relationship with any man who used this board. Not even in the face of Ragnarok; if the Fenris wolf was unbound and the Jotuns were rampaging and the prophecy says the only one who save humanity, a hero mighty enough to remove the curse from Tyrfing and dual-wield it alongside Siegfried's sword Gram, would be sired from a union of myself and a robot. If that came to pass I would sooner blow my fucking head off than ever give any of you the chance to find me and touch me.

You feeling the need to come here and lord your genetics and upbringing over everyone else is somehow more pathetic than anyone else here. Begone thot.

>be here to steal femanons from OP
>there aren't femanons to steal
Come on OP, you can do better than this
What a pathetic holier than thou attention whore

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Written in a male writing style. The intelligence is too high.

that's kinda fat for 5'2

>skipped the word salad and went straight to the end to see the snarky comment


You re compulsion to make this post signals that you are easily nastier than the average robot.

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>the need to come here and lord your genetics and upbringing over everyone else
It's not about genetics or upbringing. True, mine are enviable, and I can't really downplay their impact on me. But I could overlook a lack of similar advantages in a partner. What really disgusts me about you, as a group, is your fucking attitude. Your sick, toxic, abusive and narcissistic attitudes.
'Pathetic', because you feel I'm out of your league, but also 'kinda fat'. 'Too intelligent to be a male', but also a 'word salad'. 'Attention whore', as though I'm doing anything for attention but answering OPs prompt. Any feeble thing you can think of to say negative, any angle you can try to hurt me. And when I first came here, wide-eyed and naive and tried to be nice to you? You did exactly the same. No matter how kind I tried to be, no matter how patiently I explained that the things you were saying were cruel and that we could both be happier if you just stopped, you just kept on being horrible to me.

Nothing was ever enough. And nothing would ever be enough, you'd always just lash out at me harder and demand more and more. Because you evil bastards are so far gone you're barely even people, you're twisted little singularities, sordid little gravity wells who will just take and take and spit out misery the way black holes spit out X-rays. And that is why I hate you, and let you know it. You're sincerely terrible people, and you deserve every single thing about what your lives are.

I feel so sorry for the sad fuck you're marrying.
Just don't feel to bad when you find him fucking your co worker.

kill yourself, didn't read your stupid baitpost. write less predictable bait.

You need them for contrast, like a chunk of hollow rock caught in their orbit.

You'll be the first to kill yourself when you inevitably cheat on your other half, when TikTok gets banned and you "can't even dance for my faggot friends", and you realise everyone hates you.

I feel sorry for the guy who is only putting up with your shit to get laid.

You literally didnt answer OPs prompt you were just being toxic. Did you even read the OP? He wasnt being nastly like you were, you brought the toxicity jnto this thread.

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you are not a female. female's don't exist here, and the one's who do are awfully ugly, so are basically male. kill yourself retard

>female's don't exist here, and the one's who do are awfully ugly
not true btw
femanons are just average girls with some form of mental illness

>What really disgusts me about you, as a group, is your fucking attitude. Your sick, toxic, abusive and narcissistic attitudes.
Viva la projeccion madame thot

in the off-chance that this isn't bait, if you were a male you'd be 5'7.5". you have latent manlet genes in you. even if you wanted to date me i wouldn't since a decent women either has good genes or a good personality, you lack both.

Take it or leave it

Here is my resume.

Almost a minor(can possibly be one if you want ;) )
Makes sandwiches
Do the dishes
Buys tendies
Basically your mom that you can fuck you creepy ass fuck :)
hates ethnicities and strangers
Absolute Goddess of sex despite never having seen my own genital organs
Have 50 hymens for maximum virginity protection
Have the hots for insecure manlets with small penises who's part of their personality revolve around virginity complex
Blonde with dotted blue dress just like in the EPICK MAYMAYS!
Too fucking stupid to stand up for myself even to some turbonerd who can't stand up to a cashier


Accurate. Also fat though which is the same as ugly really.

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Wow this toxicity is really eye opening. I just made a normal thread with a wholesome picture of a dog and got all this vitriol. Do better fembots

>Immediately expose his manipulative behavior.
You are the bad one here bro.

these posts were all type by the same, sweaty fingers.

don't sweat it op.

You're right about two of these posts, lmao. I wrote
Learn not to take everything so seriously. Insecure little baby fucktard.

you will never see me at your table, no thanks