going out on a date tonight with a cutie, any tips for not spilling spaghetti and have sex?
Going out on a date tonight with a cutie, any tips for not spilling spaghetti and have sex?
going out on a date during a fucking pandemic??
i don't live in a third world country like usa
Is this your first date? Do people have sex after their first date? Sounds gross.
be yourself. any girl that you feel you have to act a certain way around isn't worth being with.
first date with her, yes. she's like 8/10 cute and looks pure, but i met her on tinder so i'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind fucking after the first date if she drinks enoguh
i know that, i was asking for something more prectical, like venue changes, what to drink, how to smoothly pass from kiss to rape in the backsit of my car, etc...
i went out with a lot of girls that looked pure. most of the times i don't have sex, but i do get a blowjob on first date, easily even as an introvert.
how do i smoothly ask for blowjob? i don't even like them but it's better than just kissing
Play it cool but don't be afraid to escalate when the time is right
man, it depends a lot on how smooth you are with making out. hands on neck, back of her head pulling her hair, these type of things help a lot to get the girl on the mood of sexual interactions.
when is it better to escalate? during drink, while walking, in the car, etc..?
Don't go after sex so early and just win her trust. If you make yourself attractive to her you should be fucking by the second or third time you have a date. And just foreplay is very important, if you have a chance, start teasing her like doing thing when kissing, etc.
i don't even want to go on the first date, no fucking way i'm bothering with 2 more.
i've been on nofap since march, that's the only reason i'm going out instead of playing videogames all night long
also, do you guys also make the girl come before having sex, or did i get memed on by my ex?
Initiate by eating her pussy, user.
I've heard some people do that. Chances are if she asked for it, it means you can't get her to coom through sex itself.
how do you start having sex? i can escalate physically up to kiss/ass touching, but for anything more than that we need to get both inside the car
drink together
the spaghetti will vanish and any retarded thing either of you say will seem profound
Wait user if all you want is sex I don't think you're ready for a relationship, or sex for that matter. Stay at home and masturbate. It'll be cheaper
>I don't think you're ready for a relationship
i'm not, that's why i'm using tinder. i just wanna coom
Then you'll never be ready for a relationship. Casual sex is degenerate, and you're going to be used goods if you're not already
>you're going to be used goods if you're not already
uhm, i'm a guy tho??? that's not how it works roastie
based chad visiting Zig Forums
Oh no, it is retarded. I do not care about your gender, nor did I ever mention it. It's too late for you user. Enjoy your degeneracy.
The whole time you are talking to her, just imagine her sitting on the toilet naked taking a giant smelly dump. It will humanize her.
Please be honest here, how old are you?
Old enough to not be a slave to lust, user.
> I do not care about your gender
well you should, since this thread is about intersexual dynamics
It's almost like people are not fortresses and soldiers, and both gain and lose the same amount from sleeping around, since there is no longer the primal need to pump out as many babies as possible.
do not spill spaghetti and (dont) have sex
cancel the date and join GRINDR to get topped OP, don't waste time making shit threads