25+ /Oldfriends/

25+ / Oldfriend thread, post your stats and stories

>turned 27 last week
>handful of failed relationships between 19-26, dumped every time
>don't even know a single female at this point
>not even interested in sex anymore, want only companionship from someone tolerable
>friends starting to get married, family starting to die off
>live in suburban house alone making $60k a year doing tech work, work from home, have a bachelor's degree
>never go outside besides to check mail, buy food, mow the lawn
>don't work out or have any interesting hobbies or competencies
>neighbors probably think I'm a sociopath

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Same more or less, in mid-late 20s.

I have exactly zero friends. Don't want any. I have nothing to do with anyone. I have minimal contact with family.

Never had a romantic relationship, don't know that I want one.

Still have sex drive, which is irritating.

I'm sort of done with life, so far hasn't been a game worth playing. My career got completely derailed and I went from six figures to unemployed for a year and a half. Now we're in the second great depression.

What's the point even?

You losing any hair? I feel like I lost so much in the last the couple years. Not sure whether I should start Finasteride or buzz it.

I turn 30 in five days. It's funny really - I don't feel any different, yet I'm dreading the idea that I'm no longer in my younger formative years.

>Full time career with dozens of qualifications that has taken me all over the world
>Do many hobbies and projects after work
>My social life is simple but manageable; I hang out with immediate family, sometimes workmates, and then I talk online with my mates there
>Zig Forums, but have put on some weight over the Rona period thanks to drinking a lot more and average dieting
>Lonely, been single for many years now, but I'm too used to living alone. I don't know if I'll be able to adjust to having a gf

So it's not bad, just unfulfilling in a social aspect.

>You losing any hair? I feel like I lost so much in the last the couple years. Not sure whether I should start Finasteride or buzz it.

Father is bald.

Grandfather had a head full of hair when he passed at 86.

I've got very little receding at the temples, but nothing catastrophic yet.

Take some money and go visit a place that loves white men like south america or south asia. Problem solved.

About to turn 26, been coming here off and on for years. Usually when my mental health is already going to shit. I left my girlfriend of 4 years about a year ago, she was perfect and I became convinced I wasn't good enough for her. Now she's married and I have trouble keeping it up for anyone that doesn't remind me of her in some way. Still about 30 credits shy of that fucking degree, working for the local minimum wage, and renting an apartment with my little brother.
The only upside these days is that I met a qt femcel on okc who plays vidya and majored in CS too.
>tfw we played Dank Sauce 3 last night
I don't know how she would feel if she knew she were my main reason for staying alive these days.

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I'm American, I don't think I can travel anywhere at all currently. But maybe in the future I'll consider an extended trip to Japan or Korea.

>start coming to r9k at 18
>see these threads and think that will never be me
>now officially in my mid 20s, not my early 20s anymore so illusion of carefree youth is gone

seems like i'll join you guys soon enough. that said i am slowly but surely getting my shit together and improving as a person. my main hope is settling down in my late 20s with a high quality woman and living a good, respectable life thereafter.

>not even interested in sex anymore, want only companionship from someone tolerable

>27 and change
>born a foid but extreme mannish genetics to the point of having gender problems
>not attracted to men but tried anyway, almost exclusively humiliation/rejection
>only ones interested were repressing gay men and that dried up as everyone got old enough to come out except for me
>only experience with a woman was making out with a straight one at 16 that then outed and generally brought a torrent of shit down upon me, begin eternal repression mode
>self-isolated for six years in online college and random business attempts
>one 3 month period of having a social life since 2011 that ended in disaster as everyone slowly figured out that I had social deficits from isolation and was some kind of self-loathing faggot
>don't really remember what having social skills or friends is like anymore, only go outside for work
>own a nice condo alone making decent tech money
>finally snapped and started transitioning but it's way too late to help anything
>just saving up money to go buy a shack in the woods and build robots or go full kaczynski mode

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That is what I thought too. Now I am 27.

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Turning 26 in a few months, Is it over lads?

>everyone slowly figured out that I had social deficits from isolation
>don't really remember what having social skills or friends is like anymore, only go outside for work

Very relatable.

i'll probably keep coming here on and off for the next few years at least. that said, i wouldn't be surprised if i was a cyborg again in 5 or so years. normie outside, but robot to myself.

Fair. I only come by a few times a year when things are really fucked.

Turned 25 last month
>pretty much mentally ill
>did group therapy, pissed myself first day there no one noticed
>flirted with all the patients
>eventually got laid
>,put on meds which help me, without them I go mad
>get sex from a 38 year old milf
>dont feel right because she is saying she had sex with 100 men
>leave during the beginning of sex, feel like a laughing stock
>tfw I still have to do a religious course my parents wanted me to do
>friends are awkward towards me because ex said she was on cheated on by me in a blog and implied she was abused
>she cheated on me as well
>the worst thing I do is passively waste my time in limbo going on here or watching self help videos
>never going to have the support of friends or a functioning normie life

>just got married a few days ago
>had to ghost fembot orbiters
Getting old sucks, bro's.

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>tfw this user will never be your bf

the amount of failed normalfags in this thread, dios mio. is there any fucking robots left on this board?

I'm a cyborg user, been here since before r9k even existed, and if you don't recognize that term in this context you have no buisness gatekeeping anyone on this board.
Now do you have anything to contribute to the discussion or do you just come here to Zig Forumse an edgy little contrarian in the only sense of community a lot of us have left?

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>>had to ghost fembot orbiters
Does your wife monitor your online activity or something? Or are you just trying to be honorabru?

>I'm a cyborg user
no you're a failed normalfag, that term is used by failed normalfags who fail to accept that they are such.
when will you faggots learn that there's nothing wrong with gatekeeping?

>>Lonely, been single for many years now, but I'm too used to living alone. I don't know if I'll be able to adjust to having a gf
This is exactly how I feel. It's amazing how the desperation of finding a mate when you're younger slowly fades into the comfort of routine. We learn to be emotionally self-sufficient because we have to be, but there's still that nagging feeling that we're living life wrong.

>been coming here off and on for years. Usually when my mental health is already going to shit.
Literally me. Visit Zig Forums for a few quick hits of catharsis when I'm feeling down and a month later I'm too depressed to leave.

>failed normalfags who fail to accept that they are such.
Genuinely curious to hear your personal definition of what it means to be a robot then. When I say cyborg I mean my looks aren't what have kept me from living a normal life. But the abusive upbringing, hopeless environment, social anxieties, and sever mental illness were all there from the start. Like many here I felt like I never really >stood a chance

>gatekeeping is fine
I agree that it can be, but you've got the wrong user. Why not get in the spirit of the thread and tell us about yourself? Why even click if you were just gonna get mad? Why give me the (you)'s?

just turned 25.
i'm supposed to be happy because i have a good job and that's all that matters in life, right?
i'm probably going to lose my job soon, honestly. i just hate how my entire life is summed up by what corporation i make money for

>Genuinely curious to hear your personal definition of what it means to be a robot then
a robot is a hopeless male virgin, first and foremost.
>Why even click if you were just gonna get mad?
because these threads used to be comfy and full of robots and not failed normans like yourself
>but you've got the wrong user.
no, if you define yourself as a cyborg youre a failed normalfag. that term was made up by those kinds of people who for some ungodly reason wanted to relate to robots and be able to say "wow im just like you man"

as for myself, there's not much to say
>never had a shot, never even came close
>working an ok job, earn enough to support myself and have some money leftover for "pleasure"
>don't know what being happy feels like
>no friends, family probably hates me, haven't spoken to them in a long time
>probably gonna kill myself before becoming a wizard

>and that's all that matters in life, right?
Fuck that user, but at least you can survive on your own now. What makes you think you're gonna lose it?

It never ceases to amaze to see myself 15 years ago.
It gets better, bros.

>What makes you think you're gonna lose it?
i have not done any work in a month. i clock in and go on Zig Forums for 8 hours then go to sleep. normally my boss is super chill and understanding but i'm so behind schedule he's starting to get audibly concerned in our meetings
it's strange to me how little of a shit i give

>i have not done any work in a month. i clock in and go on Zig Forums for 8 hours then go to sleep. normally my boss is super chill and understanding but i'm so behind schedule he's starting to get audibly concerned in our meetings
>it's strange to me how little of a shit i give

If you're in the USA...

I really really really really suggest rethinking that one. I'm currently unemployed and the job market is imploding worse than 1929 and is NOT going to recover for years.

You might be making a terrible mistake.

Went to do an apptitude test for the CHANCE at an interview, well over 200 people for maybe one or two positions, for a $60K/yr meh job.

quitting isn't really an option, since then i can't apply for unemployment. i really just hate feeling like nothing but my job
i barely give a shit and yet it takes it out of me.
i unironically have one of the easiest fucking jobs ever and i can't handle it