Why are men so naturally mean to other men who are submissive/quiet? Why? Is it a power thing? I never see girls get this sort of treatment from other girls
Why are men so naturally mean to other men who are submissive/quiet? Why? Is it a power thing...
Because these types get off on being mean and dominant and you're an easy target for them, sadly. They're more "primal" so to speak.
i dislike weak men because you're dragging our whole species down by being a timid, withdrawn and uninteresting bitch. i won't go out of my way to haze or bully anyone, ever, but if you're like this i don't respect you or consider you a proper human being. you were born a man, act like it. the absolute state of everything is bad enough as it is, grow a backbone and start making contributions.
>I never see girls get this sort of treatment from other girls
girl-on-girl bullying is relentless and uncompromising, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you said you never "see" it but rest assured it's real and far worse than anything guys do to each other.
In the past, men who were mean to other men reproduced more than men who were nice, until it became the standard. In the end, all the negative traits men have are the result of women choosing to reproduce with men who have those traits.
>I never see girls get this sort of treatment from other girls
You should see how popular girls treat the "lesser ones".
It's far worse than what the jocks do to the shy nerds.
To impress girls. Also girls do the same but way more subtly because their goal is to not impress boys but to simply be evil
user you're just dealing with bullies. Believe it or not, women suffer from the same treatment with other women, the difference is women are a lot more sneaky and it's more likely they'll try to destroy your reputation and hurt you emotionally
Men are much more direct and more likely to threaten physical violence than anything else
Build confidence in yourself user, remember they're more likely to attack you if you let it happen. The hard lesson of life is sometimes you have to show the people around you that it will not go unpunished and they might leave you alone if nothing else
>i dislike weak men because you're dragging our whole species down by being a timid, withdrawn and uninteresting bitch
How so? Lots of timid men actually do make major contributions in fields that require high intelligence. On another note, I think timid people are generally more interesting than your types, judging on my first impression of you alone however.
>you were born a man, act like it
Why do men have to act in a certain way?
>the absolute state of everything is bad enough as it is, grow a backbone and start making contributions.
Really? Things are generally better than ever before though.
>girl-on-girl bullying is relentless and uncompromising, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt since you said you never "see" it but rest assured it's real and far worse than anything guys do to each other.
Not true. Girls mostly resort to psychological bullying, that stuff doesn't matter to someone who is not interested in other people or society, and therefore not interested in their status. Men will physically confront you.
100% agree expept for the bullying part. I would totally bully a bitch ass weak faggot that goes online to cry about how big of a pussy he is and how others don't respect him because of that.
Completely agree, except for what said. We SHOULD shame weaker men who aren't willing to step up.
A weak man who tries his best to be strong is an infinitely stronger man than the man who gives up on everything.
>except for what said
Confusing but I meant I agreed with him. Speed typing is a bitch sometimes.
A lot of fragile masculine egos being massaged in here
I hate you fucking people
>I think I know who you are
>I think I know who you should be
>you have to waste time and energy building up ways to deal with the bullshit that I give you for no reason even though there's no good reason for it
I'd stick you all in an oven if I could. Mind your own business.
People who punch down usually do it because they are assholes who are suffering/powerless in another aspect of their life.
why does it matter so much to you if other people are weak/strong? Do you wanna have gay sex with them or something?
They're also retarded for not realizing that there are different ways of measuring strength outside of acting like an obstructively hostile ape
People like that are quickly becoming obsolete
>Do you wanna have gay sex with them or something?
Probably because they're the exact same traits they look for in women. Someone operating outside their worldview gets their dick all confused.
Its hilarious what great lengths some guys will go to to make SURE they remain superior in some retarded way. Even anonymously on an online site. Pretty easy to see the truth here.
>I never see girls get this sort of treatment from other girls
If I had a dollar for every time some teenage girl had fucked with me for being reserved growing up I would have enough money for therapy.
Girls treat each other worse, there's an image of a bunch of chads calling each other faggots and when one of the guys leave the two remaining chads tell each other what a nice guy he is. On the girl version they all call each other sweetie or whatever the fuck, then when one of the girls leaves they start gossiping and calling her a slut.
In your case they're probably just picking on you because you're weird and you're stunted socially so they can tease you as easily as they could tease a child, you're taking it too personal and acting like a bitch though user. If you had made a good comeback and shit talked the guy who was picking on you and made everyone laugh, then that would've been step one to getting initiated as a chad. But you probably don't have the testosterone, looks, or social skills to be a chad. The very least you can do is forget about this since your bully has probably already forgotten about it, being mad about it forever is like stabbing yourself and expecting your enemy to feel it.
>Lots of timid men actually do make major contributions in fields that require high intelligence
How did you reach this conclusion?
>Why do men have to act in a certain way?
For the same reason why society used to shame women for being whores. Now we don't and look at where that has gotten us.
>Girls mostly resort to psychological bullying
So? Are you implying that psychological bullying can't damage a person? Unlike physical bullying, psychological bullying can be even permament especially if the bullied is young.
On top of that it's less likely to be percieved as worthy of punishment or damaging. Which is exactly what you are doing.
This x1000. I don't bully anyone but weak men disgust me. You don't have to be strong, really just don't be weak. It's why I come here to try and break the "I'm so helpless in the face of my unbeatable challenges" and "I was abused/neglected/poor family, my life being shit is not my fault" mentality that this place is an echo chamber for. Many of you are a bunch of pussy ass bitches that are making all of us look bad. At a certain point you have to take responsibility for the state of your life, your parents job is done once you turn 18. You gonna cry about your childhood and what a hard life you had til you're 70? At what point do other people/circumstances no longer become responsible for your mess of a life?
Before you milquetoast pussy faggots try telling me that I don't have a clue cuz my life has been easy (like you always do, you fucking whiners) I was kicked out of the home I grew up in, was disowned, I know hardship. It was really rough for a while, I was so angry at everything. Now I own a business and I'm very close to owning another. I make money in my sleep. Don't let the bullshit break you bc if you do then they have won, they have truly won.
You bear it up and you slowly beat the universe into submission because you're a fucking man. The women in your life will cherish, love and adore you just for being a man. Other men will look up to you. Why? Because actually being a man is so uncommon these days.
You don't have to be strong, just don't be weak. It's disgusting.
post BUSSY now please
Submissive men are bottoms and they should get TOPPED
Male hands typed these words.
I ve known plenty of girls who were bullied,but guess what all the bullying came from retarded male teenagers. The maximum that girl on girl bullying consists of is ignoring and gossiping.
>strong = assertive
I think I'm a pretty strong person in some ways but the way I get nervous around people is something I've worked on but isn't gone. Most people are nice but some people are relentlessly mean and I can't really understand it. I'm trying my best I'm just shy. It's being crippled the same way having a limp is being crippled. I can't do what other people can even when I put all of my effort in. I'm really sorry but I do try. It's just a pervasive weakness in my character. Some people get angry I get shy and cry when I'm yelled at.
Look at these tough guys!
Dude, watch Mean Girls and you'll see how girl on girl bullying is. Gay men do the exact same thing, even the sissiest ones.
I think is a human thing, not a men thing. I'm gay buyt I found a group of straight makle guys that aren't that and taught me how to detect, avoid and counterattack thos behaviours from toxic men. Keep looking, good men, just like good people in general, are very few, but they exist and are worth having as friends.
They are beta males. Alphas dont pick on the weak. And sometimes they are just joking they arent trying to be mean on purpose
Sorry, but you'll have to fix that. You can't be a "special snowflake" and pray the world will turn in your favor. It sucks to have to change that asopect of your personality, but is important to do it for survival reasons.
I've got detect and avoid down but not counterattack. Mind shedding some light?
I'm also gay and one of the little obvious ones so that doesn't help.
How do I fix my shyness?
You can be quiet. Just don't be submissive though.
Actually, I don't think you are/were quiet OP. Most people don't bother anyone who is quiet and just ignore them. You probably did something cringey that turned you into a laughing stock, or you were subconciously an obnoxious attention-seeker.
Cady was a bitch though. She ditched the friends who cared about her cause she wanted to be popular. I would have bullied her too
One day I'll go insane and people are gonna die, people like you
we'll see if you're tough enough to stop the bullets from piercing your lungs
its not submissiveness thats considered wrong its weakness
You being on this messageboard implies the fact that you forgot that the 'k' stands for kike, you faggot.
I don't think she did it only to become popular. I think she got obssessed with Regina and beating her in her own game that lost track of what's important.
instead of being a weak little bitch the whole time and then being a murderous monster, how about you find a middle ground where you can properly express your inner shadow and use it to your advantage in the situations where you are bullied to maintain the maximum position in the social hierarchy. that's what being a man is all about, and statements like that is why no one respects you. right now you don't respect yourself, not enough to stand up for yourself and the resentment that this stews inside of you proves this is a weak and immoral way to act.
So she wanted to be a become a worse bully then regina was? Hows that any better.
lol, I'm really a nice guy, I come here now and then to try and help snap people out of the trap of their own minds. I used to be trapped myself. It's miserable, absolutely miserable. You just gotta snap out of it, somehow. Realize that no one is coming to save you. Only you can save yourself.
I used to be so miserable, I suspected that maybe god/the universe/whatever created me simply to be like a library of suffering. I used to be a bit dramatic, lol. These days though I wouldn't trade places with anyone. I'm just that happy now.
You just have to laugh at yourself and move on. If you can't learn to let go you'll have nothing left to hold onto.
>threatening too shoot up a board filled with mentally ill loners on a yugioh trading card site because they called you a hyper emotional little bitch for being a hyper emotional little bitch
>why don't you just stand up for yourself and stop being a weak little bitch
Why don't you stand up after being hit by a three round burst from my M16A4? Is it because there is pneumothorax wound in your chest and you can't breathe anymore?
Ignore them or beat their ass that's the counter attack
you obviously stopped reading after the first insult. watch some Jordan Peterson or carl jung talking about your inner shadow if you want things to change. you are sinning by not expressing your true power
why don't you take the anger used to write these comments and apply them in a productive sense to your personality so you can properly defend yourself in the harsh world in which you exist
why can't you resist the urge of walking up to a person that is exclusively minding their own business and try to make their life a living hell?
>I never see girls get this sort of treatment from other girls
You've literally never seen 2 girls in the same room?
>beat their ass
Can't and even if I could I'd rather not risk getting physically hurt or physically hurting someone over some stupid thing that doesn't matter
>ignore them
Usually what I do unless I'm really offended, but that only means that they have a point. Sometimes ignoring isn't an option. I thought you'd have some mind tricks or something. I've seen women half my size talk big talks guys into blubbering messes of self-loathing, so I know there's a way outside of the physical. Can't figure it out though.
See >For the same reason why society used to shame women for being whores. Now we don't and look at where that has gotten us.