Is there a qt Chinese femanon like pic related on here?

Is there a qt Chinese femanon like pic related on here?

Attached: azwXAOJg.jpg (728x902, 60.94K)

I met one, shes pretty nice

Not OP but I would like to extend a offer for any qt fembots of Japanese decent.

I'm Japanese and I'm fugly. :c

haha yeah I wonder where she is haha :P

I'm op and I wish you good luck.
I'm Chinese and I look... Okay-ish?

man, faggots don't even try to conceal their bait anymore. kill yourself

How did you meet her? Is she socially awkward like us?

Omae wa mo shinderu, fugly.

gib superior japanese genes to make children with

Yeah shes pretty awkward given that she is a hikki. We might start e-dating at some point but she wants to take it slow. Met her here. Shes quite fond of pale white dudes apparently.

So cringe. Imagine catching feelings over pixels. Go meet real women you faggot

You're really lucky, man. Honestly I'm not sure if Asian femanons will want another Asian though. Good luck!

I'm Chinese but my boobs are nowhere as big as hers

>I'm Chinese but my boobs are nowhere as big as hers

Asians often have good fat distribution.
Just get on the average American diet and your tits will explode.

>tfw met a woman who sort of looks like this on okcupid, but she's 38
God damn if the age difference wasn't so big, I'd date her in a heart beat

This is an anonymous image board and I wont ever see you again so even bothering with you outside of this response would be a waste of time. Oh and go fuck yourself.
Much appreciated friend, and trust me there are plenty of asian girls out there thatll go for asians. Also talked to one from Taiwan and she doesnt believe in race mixing or whatever, so keep looking!

Boob size doesnt really matter desu

Any Asian girl that posts here is usually hapa (wmaf parents) or a western Asian with white fever. They are the same as dating any American white girl.

I dont care about boob size
Do you want to be friends on discord?

Are you American? I'm Chinese too. Somehow I just want to talk to some Chinese because I feel I no longer know what one is really like.

They look a hell of a lot better.
To gaze into the eyes of an Asian woman is to stare into the very image of heaven itself.

No. I'm Chinese-Singaporean.
You live in a predominately white area?

i think it's more like peering into the dark soulless beads of a bug

Try /soc/. Tons of white fever chinese girls there first you to talk to.

OP asked if there are Chinese girls who look like pic related. I was just answering his question.

I'm Chinese and I have boobs too if that's what you're looking for

That guy is Chinese not white lol

I've met lots of Chinese girls on tantan but they're all normalfags

Do hikki asian girls exist? Where would i find one?

Nah, I live in Asia too. I'm a full Chinese but I've lived in Europe before, and will study in the UK again. I hope you're alright in Singapore. It was fine where I am but in the past couple of days suddenly there's been a few dozen cases.

>I'm a full Chinese but I've lived in Europe before, and will study in the UK again
Hong Kong? You sound like one of those Hongkongers who want to move to the UK with a BNO

Or maybe they are normies lurking here for schadenfreude

Yeah but I don't have a BNO. With how things have been developing, it's no surprise why people are leaving. How's Singapore?

You sound like you want to marry a foreign girl to leave Hong Kong. I have friends from Hong Kong talking about wanting to do the same thing as you.

No, I already have an offer from a UK university, so I'm definitely going there. I don't mind talking to a Chinese girl from anywhere at all, even from Hong Kong. I just want to talk and I'm not gonna stoop that low.

If you don't have a BNO, how can you stay in the UK after graduation?