Why aren't you lactating yet fembots? I seriously see no reasonable justification for not lactating...

why aren't you lactating yet fembots? I seriously see no reasonable justification for not lactating. Once you get past the startup costs and establish a buyer/wholesaler it's pure profit. At current market rates you could make at least $50-60 a day even if you don't have ideal lactation genetics. That's like a bonus $14-15k a year just for being female and following a basic milking regimen, and unlike onlyfans you don't have to get naked on camera and shame yourself.

It's not even like milking is hard, just buy a $200 electric pump and let it go to town while you watch tv or lurk, throw the bags in the freezer. You can even use your own milk to make cheese, yogurt or ice cream which could increase your margins, though I don't see any women currently doing this at least at a market level. If I was a woman though I'd definitely do it. Think of all of the money you'll save on dairy products even if you're not selling your milk.

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You need to be lactating before there's any point in milking, right?

You have to start pumping to induce lactation. Some women need hormonal support of some kind, for a lot of women something like birth control actually works because it tricks the body into thinking it's pregnant. Sometimes that alone will start colostrum production, but it depends on your genes and tons of other factors.

The single mandatory thing though is you need to stimulate your nipples physically with suction. Demand is what creates the supply, the more consistent you are with your milking the better your production will be. Women can produce up to a gallon of milk a day at peak production.

Also, another benefit is producing milk burns calories like crazy. A lactating woman is burning 400-500 calories per day just on milk production, that's like doing an hour of cardio. There's a reason that moms who breastfeed lose their babyweight faster.

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Becuse I don't want to. Besides if I get a clogged it will hurt like hell.

>talking with some people from uni
>in one of there bedroom, this girls room
>about 5 of us
>talking bullshit and joking around
>somehow sex is bought up
>mention how I sucked milk of a fit womans tit once
>they all are disgusted and cringe at me
>they bring it up to mock me now
i dont get it

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I have gyno. Do you think I could milk myself and pass it off as woman milk for some extra bux and to lose weight?

>had a gf semi-jokingly mention inducing lactation but also seemed like she was testing the waters
>thought it was weird at the time so didn't really say anything about it
>realize I fucked up later on because the average woman isn't about to offer to do weird shit like that for you

Considering all the freaks around here, you could probably just be honest about it being gyno milk and charge a premium for the rarity of it. Some sick coomer will probably pay a fuck ton for it.

only top quality women want to lactate before having kids.

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a part of my concern was that she was fat and that the milk production would make her hungrier and she'd overcompensate the calorie loss

and also if she quits they are going to become saggers

It's weird, inconvenient, and too much hassle. Apparently boobs get saggy afterwards anyway and I don't want that.

>you will never shoot random targets with a woman's milk while she annoyingly glares at you

>you will never hand milk a woman like she's a cow.

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I was for a while, if you don't have kids or anyone else to drink it, it just makes the tiddies all weird & tender. Inconvenient.

obligatory link to this video

just pump it and sell it, or better yet let me drink it.

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That's not true at all. I'm still somewhat young

the probability of someone on r9k who isn't a normalfag ever having a happy relationship is abysmal. I was young too once and thought like you do.

Hard truth to swallow but with each year it looks more and more like I'll die alone. I've met some cool girls here but sadly they never stick around for long.

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Holy shit. Is that hilari baknew?

think so, cant think of anyone else doing stuff with udders like that these days.

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Because it would ruin my boobs and they're my only good quality.

She doesn't even do lactation videos anymore like what the fuck.

>make them bigger
>make your nipples deliciously dark
>give them some weight and a little sag
thats a funny way to say improve fembot, i'm sure you have a wonderful personality too. they'll get 'ruined' when you have a kid someday anyways so why not get ahead of the curve?

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I have fucking had it you stupid fucking nigger, you absolute subhuman fucking retard, worthless piece of shit get OUT

I mean, I've already been in relationships in which I've sucked her tits enough to bring back her supply of milk. I'm a bit of a normie, despite my autism and alcohol abuse. I say I'm sort of young, that's maybe not even true. I'm 33, but i have lots of hope. But I need to find love soon, before I'm old


I don't want bigger, dark nipples look weird, and sagging is objectively a bad thing and makes you look old. I'm not guaranteed to have kids one day and why would I ruin my body before it's absolutely necessary?

>ywn be a plumb, lactating fembot lazying around at home playing video games

everyone's got their own opinions, i like big dark teats and heavy breasts with some sag.

if you have a penis, yeah, thats true. but if you're a girl its easily possible.

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Does it feel good to squirt milk out of your boobs like that? Does it feel like your nipples are cumming?

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