only a couple of months and 273 matches and counting
whats your excuse user?
only a couple of months and 273 matches and counting
whats your excuse user?
i guarantee OP is the same creep that stole that chads tinder pics from /soc/ and tried to pass them off as his own
because of lockdown spaztic
are you adding girls like pokemon and never meeting them? haha loser
>1 like
Do you just like everyone? I have had over 300 likes but girls delete their accounts
The top is usually accidental swipes
>tfw never had a gf and am still a khhv but have been on almost 40 dates through tinder
>every girl in the pic is fat
Why do you people come here, do you find pleasure in our pain ?
i just filter a lot
>filter a lot
>still matches with ugly girls
have sex
originally original
I have 290 matches with just one foto of me, no description and I dont give a fuck
most of girls there are just for attention, they will respond you with 'lol' 'yes' 'no' etc. I am olso socially retarded and I dont know how to talk with them
bbw > sticks
Well I am I have been on Zig Forums since I was 11 (almost 21 now)
I mentioned, I am a khhv who never have had a gf but go on dates. So obviously there is something so mentally and socially wrong with me I cannot get anything. I think I know why though. Anyways, op is a faggot trying to humble brag. A lot of likes on tinder means nothing user.
just unmatch on accidentals
>A lot of likes on tinder means nothing user.
yes it does, it means a lot of women find you attractive
I think I used to be quite attractive because I used to get matches all the time to 300. But now I only get two in a row at most maybe three. It feels bad to have peaked
Havent managed to get over my hate for women enough to speak to them
Sure user
Ehh, I still get called ugly. I am pale, lanky, have red hair, etc. I got nicknamed school shooter in high school and even had people calling me one up to last semester pic related
This, post your picture OP. I'm not convinced its genuinely you or they're all bots. Fuck dating apps
two sides of a coin user
the one thing i always notice with threads like these where guys "humble" brag about how many matches they get is that they always have tinder plus. i'm pretty sure tinder hides likes and matches from you until you give them enough money. you obviously need to be at least decent looking in the first place to get 100+ likes and matches, but when was the last time you ever saw a male tinder profile posted on here where it just said 99+ likes? i can't remember. its always some guy who paid for tinder.
>Ehh, I still get called ugly. I am pale, lanky, have red hair, etc. I got nicknamed school shooter in high school and even had people calling me one up to last semester pic related
yea bro you're just like us, you totally belong here. really? lol
Most of those girls I wouldn't have swiped right on desu.
I'm 36. That's my excuse. Too old to interest the 20-somethings, not good enough for the halfway-past-30 Christmas cakes who still harbor delusions that a triple-6 Chad wants to start a family with their blown out roast beef holes.
yea bro you're just like us, you totally belong here. really?
I do not think there is a specific demographic that belongs here and it certainly is not only for virgins and losers. I am still an autist khhv who never had a gf and has no friends. I doubt you have that much lacking from you life normalfag.
yea, there is a specific demographic that belongs here and its not someone who gets 300 matches on tinder and then bitches about being an autistic khhv despite endless opportunities on his fucking phone
you go about in pity for yourself
>Most of those girls I wouldn't have swiped right on desu.
Get some standards OP
>there is a specific demographic that belongs here
No there's not
i guess if i was you i would have to force myself to believe that too
Not looking for pity
Have you had a gf?
Do you have friends?
Can you have a normal conversation with a woman irl?
I have been on here since 2011 and it did not start being winy virgins until a few months before its death then about 3 years ago. If you want to enforce who belongs on a board make your own website or go to wizchan
He was not me you upset troglodyte
oh god here we go with the epic nostalgia. bro im so nostalgic for abatap too wow man that was when Zig Forums was so good broooo
god shut the fuck up
I'm not OP, but I'm somewhat on the same boat. Made a tinder once, got a bunch of matches that didn't go anywhere, still a KHV with no friends. You don't have to be some horribly disfigured Lovecraftian creature to post here
>whats your excuse user?
I just pay for whores instead of having to talk to them like you do
>273 sluts and counting
Have a fun time talking to them I guess..
I find it much easier than doing what youre doing
im not looking for a wife
just to get my dick wet
so if a hot girl came here and she said omg im like such a khhv hehe i totally belong here, would you take her seriously? because thats what you basically are
You never answered my question
I do not get why you are so mad. Who hurt you?
3rd is lindsay lohan's clone. literally perfection as long as she keeps herself awaya from meth
women and men aren't the same. you can be a good looking guy but if you don't have social skills you're still screwed. that doesn't apply to women
you hurt me, because you annoy me, but not you're just being boring. go jerk off to 2015 greentexts some more lmao
untrue, you're just a snowflake
Have fun sperging out user. You can have the last word, I forgot how important that is to underage autists.
im having a great time, whats wrong you aren't having fun?
nah it's true. unless you're a 10/10 uberchad women still expect you to be somewhat socially savvy
she has green hair now
>I'm small and weak so I cant take advantage of properly feminine women instead of have to climb atop my woman and rock her back and forth like a Spanish galleon.
omg noooo i get hundreds of matches on tinder but im like so special and unique and women want something something social skills something