Be sitting at my desk

>be sitting at my desk
>hear something hit my window
>ignore it
>hear something hit my window again
>mexican dude I've been seeing with my neighbor the past few weeks starts gesturing to me to open the front door leading to the apartments
>ignore him
>rock hits window again
>get fucking pissed and engage with him
>knock HARD on my neighbors door so she can let him in
>no response
>he says she's "sleeping"
>he's pretty much begging me to let him in
>pity meter overloads and I decide to unlock the front door
>he's really grateful and I go back to my apt
>now for the past 20 minutes he's been knocking/pounding on the door and saying "please let me in"

So what are the odds she died of a drug overdose thanks to this dude and he's freaking the fuck out?
Nobody sleeps that fucking hard
Honestly just waiting for him to kick the door down at this point

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Guess you should have called 911 for domestic abuse after all. Now you're probably going to get murdered by a crazy beaner.

He's not knocking on my door, just hers
Honestly it's a pretty interesting scenario happening right next to me
I may tell him to fuck off if he's still in the common area in the morning and then call the cops

Now he's just sitting with his head against her door looking defeated
kek, poor lil guy just wants to be let in by a dead woman

The ballad of a beaner

Now he's laying down and gonna fall asleep
I mean, what's his gameplan here? Just gonna wait and see if she wakes up from her drug induced slumber in hopes that he didn't give her enough to overdose her last night?
Fucker gonna live in the lobby until we can smell decaying flesh from her place?

Lol keep us updated OP, the ballad of the beaner is quite the interesting story

Sounds more like he got rejected and the roast is ignoring fuck all

Post an original time stamp

call the police on that bean - hes unhinged and dangerous

Couldn't fit in a timestamp but here he is

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lol. 911 call it

I mean he's not really doing anything besides being creepy as fuck and I'm the idiot who let him in
I got my trusty machete and all my door bolted shut for good measure
I'm rooting for him! Unless he's still here in the morning and then I'm gonna need him to fuck off so I can lock him out and feel like he's not gonna break into my apt while I'm gone

Is he going for the hinges?

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I dunno man, I personally witnessed them coming home together all smiles and holding hands last night
She's either totally zonked out on drugs or simply OD'd and dead
I'm just playing music now so I can cover up the sounds of me creeping up to the door to spy on him and take photos looool

Aaaaand now he's trying to push the door in

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call the police u humongous fagget

I mean, if she's alive in there she can call

call the police, say theres a dangerous male trying to break in. they'll waste him

Where the fuck do you live? What's with the pile of chairs and garbage? Looks like poverty ridden ghetto apartments

Seems kinda mean spirited there bro
I'm considering it though, even got some sick footy to show the police if needed

That's my fucking neighbor's trash, she's basically a hoarder

get this beaner off the street - call

op, just call the cops

dude hes bashing doors and almost broke your window - hes feral

>been there for more than an hour
>now trying to force his way in
Do you know if your neighbor is actually home? If she is, it might be time to call the cops

life of an NYC ce;l

I mean, her car is here.
He's chilling in the stairwell now

If he tries to force his way in again you'd better step in. If something happens to that woman the blood will be on your hands for letting him in the building.

>The ballad of a beaner

The tragic tale of a beaner defeated

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I mean he seems more sad than bloodthirsty
If he wanted to kick the door in he'd do it already
I'm sticking with my drug overdose theory

Thank you for delivering, user

lol no prob
You can just feel the depression here

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