I'm 30 years old and I've never had a girlfriend, kissed a girl, been on a date, or had sex

I'm 30 years old and I've never had a girlfriend, kissed a girl, been on a date, or had sex.

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Ok and your point is what

hey op, do you eat meat?

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I want a gf to have romantic sex with.


Which magic school did you choose? I've heard necromancy is a good one.

this OP

take necromancey
>talk with the spirit realm
>chat with girls that got killed by their own husbands
>they know they should have settled for a nice guy like you

Mm-mm, meat
keeps me fit
keeps me happy
tryptophan lets me take nappy
protein makes me strong
my life will last long!
for meat gives me good feelings
I am no vegan whose skin is peeling

I was never on a date this year, I had my first two dates at 29.

Still never kissed, held hand, had gf or sex, but I made progress!

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dont you think its hypocritical of you to whine about being a virgin, yet condemn animals to be enslaved, castrated, forcibly impregnated and be killed for your taste pleasure?

literally millions of male pigs a year live and die as virgins. they are killed at a small fraction of their natural lifespan, all for your bacon and ham

dont you think its a bit funny how you fish for pity points in this hypocritical thread, yet pay for animals to be killed for your taste pleasure?


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STFU weakling.

our species didn't climb to the top of the food chain to just eat vegetables.

>STFU weakling.
dont you think its a bit funny and hypocritical of you to fish for pity points in this hypocritical thread?

>waaa waaa girls no give me pussiieee ='(((
>waaaa waaaa life is not faaiirrr =(((
>shut up weakling, humans are stronger than animals, might makes right, deal with it fgt

well, if you were so strong, why couldnt you get a girl to have sex with you? LOL. you meat eaters are real quick to turn into moral nihilists when its convenient for you

go vegan and stop the animal abuse and hypocrisy, dude. seriously

to quote a random user:
"When arguing with vegans, everybody turns into "morality is subjective" nihilistic sociopaths, but you can bet your ass when it comes to pretty much anything else (pedos, circumcision sharia law, abortion, anything in politics that doesn't directly affect them) they turn into the biggest "moralfags" possible.

People seem to be actual moral relativists only when trying to justify randomly massacring animals."

well op, if you believe might makes right, and then theres nothing wrong with girls finding your genes to be repulsive and letting you die alone. you life by the might, you die by the might

complain harder, mr. hypocrite

or just, go vegan

you have to understand, i just hate hypocrisy, so i feel inclined to call you out on it

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Mm-mm, milk!
good for me and all my ilk
lactose gives me energy
with milk I have many good memories!

op, my recommendation would to do mushrooms. magic mushrooms significantly increase brain connectivity and brain communication. it literally makes isolated parts of the brain communicate better with eachother, it has been proven with neuroscience

its also one of the most potent anti-depressants. literally people who take several doses of medium strength mushrooms get their depressed relieved, and

it seems to me like you are incapable of admitting your hypocrisy because you're too proud or something. have a psychedelic experience and make the connection

science showing mushrooms reduce anxiety:


also pic related is increased brain communication after mushies. its before and after in terms of brain synapse communication in different parts of the brain

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Mm-mm, cheese!
gives me a boost with ease
full of all the good stuff
life without cheese must be rough

You can't just take it forever can you?

>You can't just take it forever can you?

what do you meat, forever? the effect it has is pretty long lasting, between 3 to 6 months for treatment resistant depression relief. personally i take it once ever 3 months. last time i took it was maybe 3-4 months ago?

i actually absolutely DESPITE it. its the worst fucking trip of all time. i hate it so much, and put it off as long as possible, until i get regular bouts of depression. the trip is not fun, its the least addictive drug in the world. you wouldnt want to take it again

they've literally done studies on animals and they gave them an unlimited amount of all drugs to see how they liked it. the animal would take mushrooms once, and then refuse to take more of it, despite having it there available. they are not addictive

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>pedos, circumcision sharia law, abortion

I like all of these + eating meat

OP, if you delve deep enough into the occult, you will have sex with transdimensional beings whether you want to or not. Think about it.

Mm-mm, chicken!
makes my muscle growth quicken
fried, baked, any way is good
eat more chicken I surely could!

I'm happy for you, congrats

man i want to take them so badly, not just for therapy/anti depression reasons, but just because of how crazy the trip stories are but i have a case of schizophrenia in my close family.
what do?

>but i have a case of schizophrenia in my close family

well, first of all, dont do acid. acid is not naturally occurring. its man made. dont do it

second of all, if schizophrenia runs in your family, adopt a whole foods vegan diet, which has been shown to reduce the symptoms of such severe mental diseases

also dont smoke weed


to be fair, i dont have any data showing the effects on mushrooms and schizophrenia. its quite possible it might induce it, i dont have any data on it. but eliminating animal foods from your diet will reduce your chances of schizophrenia

in my own anecdotal experience, after i went vegan, my delusional unreasonable paranoia sorta went away. im still a reclusive schizoid, but i dont see any visions or hear sounds or think someone is watching me through the walls and shit. schizoid and schizophrenia are different

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22 and I've lost hope
tomboy threads on Zig Forums keep the dream alive and I like anime women more so fuck it

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fuck I'm such a lonely fag that a masculine woman with sizeable tits and a nice hips and ass is good enough for me
why am I attracted to semi masculine women?

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fugg man I love a woman that can kick ass so much
why must I be this cursed? I am a strong man anyway

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got tips on where to look if i wanna inform myself further to come to a conclusion on whether i should take them or not?

Haha stupid veggie type a lot

idk. i just use google and youtube. i just type in "something something brain studies" and search for different words until i find what i want

surely there must be some study depository out there. the marijuana psychosis rate is very low, like less than 1%, but it does exist, and probably if you have a family history of it, your risk is higher

but mushies are phenomenal for depression

Terrence Mckenna is probably the biggest proponent of mushrooms, check some of his videos out

i've never drank alcohol or took drugs my entire life because i'm scared of hurting my neurons and further lowering my IQ. can you convince me to take magic mushrooms?

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well, it depends

do you have depression? is it severe? if its severe depression, and you tried other things like exercise, adopting a whole foods vegan diet, and you still have it, then its an alternative. its not a very dangerous drug. there are many more common pharmaceuticals that are far and away more dangerous. literally mushrooms are like the safest drug imaginable

it also depends on why you want to take it. originally i took it because the local drug dealer offered me some so i bought it, but later i started taking it because i saw the depression benefits

it sorta gives you an alternate experience of reality that kinda mellows you out in a way. theres been studies that show it reduces the ego, where as cocaine bolsters the ego. just watch videos by the author that i linked. i listen to them while playing videogames

if you have depression, try changing your diet to a whole foods vegan diet, with unprocessed foods and a lot of anti-oxidants and see how it helps

i remember when i was eating meat i was eating stuff like pizza, pop eyes fried chicken, cheap bulk napelon icecream, lasagna, mcdonalds, etc. and id regularly have severe bouts of depression. nowadays i have ZERO depression, and all i eat is soup and green tea. im literally the vegan soup god

but at the end of the day, mushrooms are not a dangerous drug, in my opinion you are over-hyping it. its kinda hard to find in the USA, but in canada and europe its easier


i get nauseated just looking at mushrooms

i took them maybe 10 times, and i had one "out-of-body" experience. it was weird, that was all i remember. mostly i just lay in bed suffering and listening to relaxing music

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