mascboy edition
/r9gay/ - #1076
first for you are cute and sweet and i hope you're having a nice day!
Based good boy OP.
What are you guys up to today/tonight?
im making corn dogs for dinner!
thanks user, my days going alright. hope yours is nice too!
Drinking again
These threads make me feel like shit
>hammock falls and kills cat :^)
no need to say stuff like that :(
user don't do this I'm already afraid of hammocks
That cat probably has all nine of their lives saved up, so they'll be okay.
>dumb gayboys get tangled in the hammock and can't get out until the cat's been suffocated nine times in a row
What extended suffering it must endure
>always think I'm ugly
>Get a job at Walmart
>See all the fucking troglodytes who exist in this world
>Don't feel so ugly anymore
Thanks uglies!
its the initial molehill and putting yourself out there thats the issue
the only person ive found thats close to me and ive got along talking to is a coomer whose most likely in taking advantage of me. and my naive nature as i get older wont even be worth taking advantage of
>think I'm getting over him
>See his picture on my phone
>Feelings come flooding back
that does get tiring. I've been taken advantage of a few times too, makes it hard to keep putting myself out there for sure.
>you deleted all of his pictures
>he's a foggy memory now
Feels weird man
same, user. pouring one for you.
This week will be pure week! No fapping, no pron and no lapses in diet!
>No fapping, no pron and no lapses in diet!
Good luck with that user.
i feel like its still worth it at the end because the one is the one and then you can stop forever and just enjoy life
and then if he leaves you you can just off youself with drink but hopefully that doesnt happen
>i feel like its still worth it at the end because the one is the one and then you can stop forever and just enjoy life
that is true but now I dont even feel like I'm a desirable person, just too broken
>Ever looking at porn
>Not just reading wholesome relationship manga and feeling nice
>ywn feed user burgers and jerk him off at the end of his week in celebration that he made it
With each passing day it's becoming more clear that love is fake and the correct path is to get swole and fuck twink sluts
i'm still just waking up. trying to decide what to do with my day.
>mfw he doesn't accept my love so I just bully him now
Unironically this, damn it.
but a month and lifting
Porn is actually really easy to quit if you're not doing nofap at the same time. And once you quit porn it's much easier to nofap whenever you want anyway.
50% of the posters in this thread would stop being "gay" if they quit porn for a month.
jokes on you I just want to cuddle with a guy
it's okay user he's only baiting
it was a throwaway shitpost at first but i get more attached to the idea at the second
god i hope i dont have any more wacky fetishes at the back of my mind
I know, it's fun respondinb still
Would stop being gay if my bf left
i wish that's how it worked :(
>tfw no bf to hold close as you congratulate him after he completes his pure week and you keep your arm around him as you jerk him off slowly, giving his cheek light kisses while whispering to him how proud you are of him
what the heck that's so cute ;-;