I am 20 years old and I have never kissed a girl.
I am 20 years old and I have never kissed a girl
I'm 26 and have never even been on a date.
You said "never kissed a girl" have you kissed a man though? I think you should explore the options on Grindr and get TOPPED.
Same buddy I've never even touched a girl intimately or held hands, no intimacy with a female ever God I wanna die God I wanna die ahahahhahahahaha
I'm 26 and never even had the courage to talk to a girl let alone touch one.
You're not unique user, lots of guys share your struggle.
You sound like a closet homosexual
I kissed a guy when i was 7
Also i strangled a female teen some years later and she liked it
>Also i strangled a female teen some years later and she liked it
so your on the right board
Its ok OP getting TOPPED counts as losing your virginity
Same here pal my dude
I'm a 30 year old faggot and have (understandably; but still couldn't even if I tried) never kissed a girl.
Dude go get TOPPED and pop your buhymen
What is stopping you from kissing other men and TOPPING boipussy?
Meds for schizoaffective sadly.
I got my first gf at 30. For me it was about forcing myself into the normie world, getting a job and vehicle and expanding my social circle.
Relationships are possible for most people who want them.
get some normie hobby that you can talk about with people. get a friend circle. go from their.
Shit can you pop a viagra and fuck?
Someone was my masseur for awhile and he had some cialis and viagra. I tried both and it had no effect on me.
Stop taking the meds man fuck it worst happens you end up in a ward and hang out for a few days
My experiences are nightmarishly scary. It's not worth the risk. Would I lose the 40 lbs I gained from the meds if over time my psychiatrist weaned me off?
Most likely not unless you change your eating habits
Can't even imagine how nightmarish a date would be. What do people even talk about?
Hm.. last time I kissed one was prolly 3 years ago. It feels nice if you have some attraction to the girl. Ticklish even. If not, its just gross and wet.
>get some normie hobby
like what? I don't think people really make IRL friends anymore, especially not outside of a school context.
>It feels nice if you have some attraction to the girl. Ticklish even.
>20 years old
I didn't even hold hands romantically with a woman until I was 28. I can't tell you how hard I was sweating on my first tinder date
Seriously go get murdered dude.
I am 26 years old and I have never kissed a girl.
Didn't kiss a girl until I was 22 and I've had multiple relationships after that. It's not too late user.