If you see nothing wrong with eating meat...

If you see nothing wrong with eating meat, you are a subhuman and are clearly lacking the advanced human empathy you claim makes us superior to animals.

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Familial hypercholesterolemia is a disorder that is passed down through families. It causes LDL (bad) cholesterol level to be very high. The condition begins at birth and can cause heart attacks at an early age. Related topics include: Familial combined hyperlipidemia

Sauce on that pic? Slaughterhouses don't butcher cows that way, so I'm thinking it's a peta set

big brain need big energy. meat big energy.
grug out.

Small scale slaughterhouses and larger operations do things differently. For turkeys and chickens, the big ones have lots of automated machinery and conveyors they strap the birds in to by their feet. Smaller slaughterhouses use "kill cones" and cut their throats manually.

Also I think the OP image is kosher slaughter.

I've been in/worked at a small slaughterhouse, and the way they did the cows was completely the opposite of ops pic

wtf is "kosher slaughter?"

this is infallible
even utilitarianism can't bypass it these days, with the abundance of meat-free alternatives

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>wtf is "kosher slaughter?"
It's how Jews kill the animals they eat. Their religion demands they be killed in that specific way, Halal slaughter for muslims is similar.

intellect, not empathy, makes us superior to animals.

In any case, we're the apex predators of this planet. We're accountable to no one and we do what we want.

>In any case, we're the apex predators of this planet. We're accountable to no one and we do what we want.
Your arrogance is why no one likes you.

I love cockfighting, whats the vegan moralfag stance on this??

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That you're a huge cunt and probably non-white too.

>Your arrogance is why no one likes you.

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I guarantee people using onions as a insult have no idea how many edible plants there actually are

>people using onions as a insult have no idea how many edible plants there actually are

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>Me no eat meat
>Me weak
>Me eat meat
hope i dumb it down enough for your little brain

If you don't kill yourself in the wilderness to let nature use your body then you are a terrible human being.

It's funny how eager vegans are to dehumanize thier fellow humans. And at the same time they want to evelate animals to person status.
It make one wonder, are they just trying to deconstruct the pedastool humans have put themselves on or are they secretly all giant furry faggots?

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Religion is so archaic and dumb.

>If you see nothing wrong with eating meat
why? do you think its okay to torture animals for your pleasure?

for example, would it be okay to torture and kill chimpanzees for fun?

>you are a subhuman and are clearly lacking the advanced human empathy you claim makes us superior to animals

bro, you are lacking empathy towards animals if you think its okay to kill them for no good reason. and vegans literally have more of a bran empathetic response when subjected to videos of human and animal suffering, pic related, a fucking brain study on empathy of meat eaters vs vegans


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>And at the same time they want to evelate animals to person status.
thats not true. they just want to give animals negative rights that protect them from abuse. the same rights we give to dogs and cats

positive rights: right to vote, right to own land, right to drive a car, right to own a gun
negative rights: right to be free from enslavement, right to be free from torture, right to be free from unjustified murder, right to be free from rape

>It make one wonder, are they just trying to deconstruct the pedastool humans have put themselves on or are they secretly all giant furry faggots?
they just have compassion and empathy for the suffering of animals and this its wrong. in the same way you'd have compassion and empathy if the victim was a human child or a dog

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>intellect, not empathy, makes us superior to animals
well, its what gives us power over the world, thats for sure

>we're the apex predators of this planet
but does that morally justify it, just because we have the power to do so? does might make right?

if a alien species invaded earth, and enslaved, raped and killed us by the billions, like we are doing to animals, is it moral for them to do so, because they are stronger?

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I'd be on board if this was really the vegan endgoal

Are you seriously going to argue about this on Zig Forums of all places?

It makes the food legal to eat in Mosaic law. Practicing Jews have to eat it that way

but what?

that literally is the vegan end goal. to end the exploitation of animals for food, clothing, cosmetics testing and whatever other things we derive from their bodies.

in the same way that the end goal of anti-slavery campaigners was to end slavery

in the same way that the end goal of anti-child trafficking groups is to end the exploitation of children

animals are sentient, have feelings, and dont want to be tortured and killed for your double bacon cheeseburger. its immoral to kill them without a justification. how can you morally justify eating meat?

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Anesthesia or anaesthesia is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness that is induced for medical purposes. It may include analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, or unconsciousness. A patient under the effects of anesthetic drugs is referred to as being anesthetized. Wikipedia

On April 21, 1933, almost immediately after the Nazis came to power, the parliament began to pass laws for the regulation of animal slaughter.[8]
On April 21, a law was passed concerning the slaughter of animals; no animals were to be slaughtered without anesthetic.

As recently as 1999, it was commonly stated that babies could not feel pain until they were a year old, but today it is believed newborns and likely even fetuses beyond a certain age can experience pain.

For years, even as life-saving surgeries became more invasive, longer, and more intense, the majority of newborns still underwent them without anesthetic. Often, they were given nothing more than a muscle relaxant to keep them from thrashing around during the operation. It was the best practice at the time, following the best available science. And it was horrifyingly wrong.

>Practicing Jews have to eat it that way
technically thats not true. theres no religion that MANDATES eating animals, they just allow you if you want to. you can practice whatever religion you want and not eat meat

i dont think any religious god is going to say to you "WHY DID YOU EAT SO MUCH BEANS AND TOFU!? YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!"

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This but unironically. Coffins and embalming are wasteful.

If they want to eat meat, that's how they have to farm it.

There are basically no vegetarian Jews because their cult requires the suffering of animals and people for energy.

Based vegan poster. You've been busy today